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Everything posted by Persis

  1. Hi PsycD, Does it say on their website that they look at the last two years? or did someone mention it to you?
  2. Yes, i did follow up with them, but they don't have a ranking for the wait list. They mentioned that they go back to review applications again if spots becomes available. I did see on the result search though that someone contacted them and they said the program is full.
  3. I was not accepted anywhere. I am beginning to wonder if i will ever get an acceptance.
  4. Thank you all for your kind suggestions. I guess i have a lot of work to do.
  5. What about this question: "Tell me about you most valuable learning experience". Can you use your GPA and how you struggled to become a better student as the answer? any suggestions?
  6. I decided to study for the GRE for the first time. I am really worried because i don't know any of the vocabulary words. My biggest concern was the Quantitative section because i have never been good at math, and now i am am realizing that i need to study all these vocabulary words that i don't know. If the GRE is supposed to test your accumulated knowledge then why do they have specialized vocabulary words that we don't encounter everyday? I thought the vocabulary words will be more like the Academic word list which we are familiar with. I am so fraustrated now. Any insights?
  7. Oh really? For what i no most schools don't accept the prerequisites if they were taken more than ten years ago. It is interesting how each school is different.
  8. If you don't mind which schools were these? They didn't care about your 10-year-old GPA?
  9. The funny thing is i was going to apply to this school, but i decided not too at the last minute. Perhaps we should make a Thread on here that states: DO NOT APPLY TO CLARION lol for everyone to see. Wouldn't it be great if they don't receive any outside applications ever if we pass on the message lol.
  10. Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia. It is a 3 year program. You do not need any prerequisites to apply. Other schools mentioned that you need a four-year undergraduate degree but not necessarily an honours degree. Degree requirements Applicants must possess a minimum of a four-year baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of higher education. An honours degree is a strong asset. See the link below http://www.dal.ca/faculty/healthprofessions/human-communication-disorders/programs/SHCD-admissions-info/SHCD-Admission-Requirements.html
  11. I did an honours degree. Yes, and it is tough to get a good GPA. I have such a low GPA. But i know some programs in Canada it says on their website that an honours degree will be an asset.
  12. If the GRE only test how well you can take the GRE and not your knowledge then i am not sure why we need to study to get the right answers? any thoughts?
  13. Congrats twinguy7, you deserve it. Now i know which schools to apply to next year lol.
  14. Does anyone know about SUNY Cortland program? They have a deadline of July 1st for fall which seems weird because most people by now know where they are going. Is this a new program?
  15. Interesting and did you get into any schools?
  16. CDAtoSLP, how did you go about taking the courses. Did you have to apply to the school? A friend of mine who graduated from the SLP program advised me not to take the prerequisites at U of T as she found it difficult. Did you find the profs and the courses difficult?
  17. Thanks SALY, i have downloaded this already.
  18. Sounds good. Thanks CaraL, i actually like to study at my own pace, so perhaps i will try the study book.
  19. Did anyone ever paid to take GRE classes and was it helpful? I am thinking about taking classes at U of T. Any input would be great. Thanks.
  20. Oh ok i see it now. That is weird. Do they not send out everything at once? hmm
  21. slp16, Yes, i read it on their website somewhere. Also, CDAtoSLP mentioned the same thing way back at the begining of this thread that she had to re-take classes because her courses were more than 10 years old which they do not consider. It is a general rule for most schools as well. I don't think it is a discrimination against mature students. I think it is because things keep changing. I have been taking courses myself, and i have come to realize that all those courses i took several years ago have changed.
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