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Status Replies posted by gk210

  1. First rejection… It sucks, even more when it comes from your dream school. I guess is a "dream school" for a reason.

    1. gk210


      you're going to be fine! you're going to be better than fine! have faith!!!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Finally I can relax knowing that I got accepted somewhere, that was as close one! :)

  3. I won't miss him. I won't think about him. Dammit! :(

    1. gk210


      if anything, HE be the one missin out. keep ya head up

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Results may still be coming in, but like CNN in an election cycle, I'm calling it. Shut out of Ph.D. programs this year, but I'm truly thrilled to be pursuing my M.A. at UMD this fall!

  5. 25 today. :)

    1. gk210


      happy birthday! haha wow i'm literally a week older than you

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. is there ever a nice or easy way to tell someone they're stupid

    1. gk210


      Right? this is an actual real question i'm currently pondering. perhaps there is no way to do it. but it's not fair when you have to take your time out of the day to re-explain or re-hash something to them multiple times because they don't understand an assignment and you have no choice but to walk them through it because you're stuck as their partner.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. first rejection. kill me now.

  8. Got an acceptance! My first one! Amazing how much easier it is to breathe now.

  9. campus closed tomorrow...I have yet to meet in-person for one of my classes since semester began (and next Monday is a holiday)

    1. gk210


      one of my makeups are going from 5-8 on tuesday...as if i already don't have two classes plus office hours that day lol.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. campus closed tomorrow...I have yet to meet in-person for one of my classes since semester began (and next Monday is a holiday)

  11. After three weeks of continuous silence, an interview invite! My programs are late bloomers.

  12. First acceptance letter! Was not expecting to hear this early :)

  13. First acceptance! After one official rejection and another presumed, this certainly lifts a huge weight of pressure off. 7 more left!

  14. First unofficial acceptance! POI communicated me the decision! Yikes! Not such big pressure for next week's interview.

  15. First acceptance came last night! Super excited. :D

  16. So, I was accepted today. I'm going to graduate school!!!

  17. There's always money in the banana stand

  18. Epiphany: The graduate school admissions process can be summarized in Linkin Park songs.

  19. skyping into class today since the campus shutdown.

  20. supposed to snow all day tomorrow...wonder if campus will shut down, again!

    1. gk210


      dude if classes are canceled AGAIN i'm going to be so annoyed.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  21. Going through a breakup and feeling so hurt. Please send me positive vibes. :)

    1. gk210


      time is the answer to everything. best healer yet. you'll get through this, don't worry.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. Unbelievable. I have my full choice of the three schools I applied to. Just got my last acceptance.

  23. Started classes this week after 5 weeks off and now a family member is dying. The universe's timing sucks. :(

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