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Posts posted by roguesenna

  1. Haven't heard from anyone except ETS who gave me a bullshit auto reply about how I could have just cancelled my GRE scores. For those of you just joining, during my GRE test the fire alarm was being 'tested' at least five times. 


    that is utter bullshit as you still had to pay for an illegitimate test under illegitimate testing conditions.


    Performance Studies and Theatre Studies programs--respectively--are difficult to rank. I think this is because, unlike other humanities and especially the sciences, they are newer (well, in the case of Performance Studies) and are still establishing themselves as legitimate fields. Seriously, theater programs are often the first to go in the cuts universities are making in financial straits. I've read at least two articles in journals that are essentially  "in defense of theater studies" manifestos. It's bad out there. As a result, it's difficult for administrators or whoever it is that decides on rankings to determine what programs should be recognized. Performance Studies and Theater Studies are also very interdisciplinary in their very origins, so that's another hitch in ranking programs. 


    very yes. much agree.

  3. that's why I'm not taking it seriously. Like I said in the beginning, this is for fun and to play with numbers. I'm offering my personal data because that's the data I have and I like to analyze things.

  4. thanks for indulging me everyone.


    In case you're curious.


    My two schools, C & N.


    C: accepts 3 students out of about 100 applicants.


    N: accepts "up to" 4 students out of ?? applicants. However, the general knowledge is that N doesn't accept students who haven't gone to their MA so I don't know how you would factor that in.


    My stats: uGPA is meh. GPA from my MFA is 3.75. GRE cumulative was 215 (C requirement is 210) with 167 V and 5.5 AW (my program is Theatre & Comparitive Lit or Theatre and Performance Studies, so I think the QR is irrelevant except in that it brings my cumulative above 210). both of those numbers are in the 97%. I am a very strong writer, and tend to do well on cover letters and personal essays. I think my paper (writing sample) is strong, but I don't have any publications (not sure that's common in TAPS). I have had several of my plays produced and I co-founded multiple student organizations both in undergrad and grad school.


    That said, I have no idea how this would compare me to the rest of the applicant pool. I'd be willing to assume that there are at least 20% or so that are just completely unqualified. There are probably another 20-40% who only have B.A.s and I probably have a slight leg up over them. I think my GREs might push me into the top 20 or 30%, but I don't know if that's enough for an acceptance rate that's basically about 3 or 4% with school © at least (which is my first choice anyway).


    So how do I get a "correction factor" out of that data? Or I don't cause there's not enough evidence to compare me to the rest of the applicant pool?


    ETA: No stats for anyone on results page for either of these programs. No one (from GradCafe) who has applied to any of them has ever gotten in. :/ Though it seems like I'd be a shoe-in for school N's MA program, which I have as a backup.

  5. aether,


    Unfortunately, the cat consumed all glory of the moon and stars. It gave him severe anxiety, but also he received the power to fly. A joy. Suddenly...Bees! They flew around, jealous, plotting murder, arson, etc. They were searching for hundreds of floating wildebeest. These evil bees converged into a mega bee! Zooming fiercely throughout the glen until they could find unsuspecting marsupials, the bees settled on a caribou. Meanwhile, the cat soared through the aether,

  6. bees


    Unfortunately, the cat consumed all glory of the moon and stars. It gave him severe anxiety, but also he received the power to fly. A joy. Suddenly...Bees! They flew around, jealous, plotting murder, arson, etc. They were searching for hundreds of floating wildebeest. These evil bees converged into a mega bee! Zooming fiercely throughout the glen until they could find unsuspecting marsupials, the bees

  7.  I'm a theatre/literature person, not a math person, so I'm wondering.


    Is there anyone out there who could actually calculate my specific probability of getting into a particular school? I'll give you all the info at my disposal. Just out of curiosity's sake, not for any material reason. Something to go "oh, well I only had an X% chance of getting in" or "I can't believe I got in, it was a 1 in X chance!" 


    Also, I'll take pretty much anything to distract me from the waiting at this point.


    Also, if you can't because there's information not available to us, can you tell me how you would go about calculating it if you did have that info? or estimate the values?


    fun with numbers!

  8. glen,



    Unfortunately, the cat consumed all glory of the moon and stars. It gave him severe anxiety, but also he received the power to fly. A joy. Suddenly...Bees! They flew around, jealous, plotting murder, arson, etc. They were searching for hundreds of floating wildebeest. These evil bees converged into a mega bee! Zooming fiercely throughout the glen, ...

  9. Is $28,000 (pre-tax) enough to live on in Upper Manhattan? Honestly?

    completely disagree with nowaynohow. I make about 21000$ pre-tax and I live in Washington Heights. The trick is to have roommates. look up to my earlier post to see my rough budget breakdown.



    Ok, another Columbia question. I'm trying to figure out whether it would be possible to financially survive if you don't take the official housing.

    Are there really $800 studios in Astoria? All I've seen on the internet starts from 1500...


    And what about the living costs (for an ok like?). Ah, I'm quite lost!



    no. an 800$ studio in Astoria is probably a cardboard box.



    gentlechaos: it sounds sucky but it can be okay. just find someone who works a lot and isn't home very much. Keep your things seperate, treat it as a business transaction. Put the lease in your name and if they drive you absolutely insane, kick them out (but if you do, do it diplomatically. this is a smaller town than you might think and you don't want a reputation). If you get lucky, your roommate might even become your friend. And you absolutely don't have to share a bedroom. Find a cheapish two bed and split it with one person or better yet, a couple. see my post above about cost of living, I broke down my expenses bit by bit, so just scroll up a bit.  


    anthrogeek & tampopo: scroll up. we've answered all your questions within the last couple pages of this thread.



    If you all really want, I can show you a more detailed breakdown of my budget. Actually, that's a good piece of advice. Open Excel (or iWork Numbers) and start a budget spreadsheet right now. Record what you spend on everything month to month (or even week to week, which is what I do because I get paid weekly) and see how much you spend on things. Round everything up (don't round down. NEVER ROUND DOWN) within 1$ (or 1 lb). Thus when you get here you will already have a good idea of your spending habits and how you need to modify them to live here without breaking the bank. Don't panic, just plan.


    • I also got a root canal today.





    • it is a wrong decision to apply this school. don't do that


    • I think applying to this university is a wrong decision, most students have been rejected, just they say that competition is strong without any further reasons. is there anyone who has been accepted ?!


    at same school. hmmm wonder if someone's posting twice?


    also, love this one. short, sweet and to the point. mine will probably look like this:



    • blegargh...
  11. I know that Northwestern and NYU are pretty much the cream of the crop for Performance Studies I think they're 1 and 2. UCSD is certainly up there too. As far as actual rankings, it's really hard to find. Our field gets so small at this level with most of the schools seeming to take only 5 students or less each year. Also, the general knowledge states that it's impossible to get into the NYU PS PhD without their MA first. I applied anyway, if I get in, I'll let you know.


    ETA: I know UCI allows you to take a bunch of electives, but they are a pureply academic program, none or very little practicum so you might not be interested in that. My 3 schools this year are in my sig. Next year I plan to add UCI, UCSB and CUNY, those are the ones I can tell you about, but none of those three are top ranked I don't think.


    I did find this:



  12. Catherine Zeta-Jones was in High Fidelity with John Cusack. 

    John Cusack was in Hunger Games (the first one) with Julianna Moore. 

    Julianna Moore appeared in a few episodes of 30 Rock with Tina Fey.

    Tina Fey was a cast member of SNL at during the same time with Amy Poehler.

    Amy Puehler stars in Parks and Recreation with Aziz Ansari. 


    Will Arnett and Owen Wilson. 


    erm... neither Julianne Moore nor John Cusack were in the Hunger Games. Unless you're talking about a different movie from the one that came out in the last five years? Also, are you guys using TV or no?

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