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    2017 Fall
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  1. Many schools get so many applications that honestly it can be a pure numbers game. Get the highest GRE/GPA you can afford.
  2. I think your GRE scores are simply too low. 148 on the quant is below the 50th percentile which will be a red flag to many schools. Even two points at 150 would make a huge difference. If you did your prereqs online, some schools may think it was not rigorous enough, so you need to prove yourself a little bit with the GRE. Yes, it sucks, but I would hate for you to not get in this coming cycle just because your GRE score was a little too low. I feel you on the math component. I got a score lower than yours. I am retaking and aiming for 150-155 on the quant.
  3. It's really frustrating how different the courses can be!!
  4. University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire may have what you are looking for.
  5. I just earned an MA in TESOL and am thinking about switching careers to Speech and Language Pathology. My undergrad gpa is 3.45 and my graduate gpa is a much higher 3.9. Will admissions committees look at my higher GPA from the masters program or will it be mostly irrelevant? I'm an out of field candidate who plans on taking some post-bacc courses over the summer, as well.
  6. It can take 6 months + to find a job in the US and thanks to visa stuff just as long to find a job abroad. Try to find a school that lets you get teaching experience while you study, as well.
  7. I'm graduating soon with an MA TESOL. The field is very rewarding, but if you don't want to move around or work abroad, working in TESOL is NOT a secure job. It's pretty much the same adjuncting situation or teaching 4 preps for around 30k.
  8. I think you can get into an MA TESOL program fairly easily. But keep in mind TESOL degrees are usually training you to be a teacher rather than a researcher.
  9. I'm about to graduate from UIUC and the linguistics program is solid. The SLATE program is also strong. I highly recommend it.
  10. Hi! I'm about to graduate with an MA in TESOL. Congrats on your admission. My advice is choose whatever program is cheapest once you calculate cost of living and tuition together. Then look to see if there is some sort of practicum training, and coursework in grammar and pronunciation teaching. TESOL is a rewarding career, but finding a full-time job can be challenging. Please don't go into a lot of debt for a TESOL degree. I'm finishing up at UIllinois and thankfully have been able to finish debt free.
  11. Your GPA is quite a bit higher than mine. I'm working on doing all I can to get a high GRE score though. Did you grad school GPA play a role in admissions?
  12. Thanks for everyone's comments. Is my GPA too low to get into many mid level programs? Will programs look at my grad school GPA? I don't care much about prestige, but I do care about location and price.
  13. I have been teaching pronunciation for the last year and I have really fallen in love with it. That's clearly different than the work that SLPs do, but there is still some overlap. I particularly love the problem solving aspect of it and then developing curriculum to meet student needs.
  14. Hello hello! Should I even bother consider bother doing SLP? Here are my background stats: Undergrad GPA: 3.45, majored in Comparative Literature and Japanese Master's in TESOL, 3.85 GPA, wrote honors thesis, but not related to anything SLP. GRE: 160v, 140 q, 4.5 writing (My math score is unacceptable, so I'm going to retake) 5 years+ of teaching experience. Japanese proficiency. Experience teaching in South Korea and Japan. Volunteer experience doing teacher training at a local prison. Will be taking postbacc courses at UWec shortly. I am aiming for a perfect 4.0. I'm from Illinois, so I'm hoping to stay in the midwest. Also, what are everyone's suggestions on getting volunteer experience and/or observation hours? I imagine my knowledge about the profession will remain all too superficial until I get some first hand knowledge.
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