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Everything posted by pinoysoc

  1. You should consider weather and opportunities that are available to you (i.e. Teaching training, graduate minors, etc.)
  2. Anyone care to claim the Penn State acceptance??? I'm losing my mind over here! LOL
  3. Great question! I also am curious as to how improve/find one's writing style. Any recommendations?
  4. I think the way it works is that for sure rejections are often sent immediately. While some rejections are sent out after all acceptances are out and you didn't make it to the "waitilist." Some schools like Penn State & Brandeis do it if they know you didn't make their cut. This is the sense that I get from what I've seen in the past and experienced.
  5. I know what you mean. I think state schools are more prone to getting less funding, but I'm also seeing a trend where even private institutions admit big cohorts in one year, and then admit a smaller ones in the following two to three years. It's kinda frustrating since its a "luck" based process. I'm kinda nervous since my job only last until the end of 2019 : (
  6. Evening everyone! I was wondering if anyone knows more about the MPH/ Ph.D. program at UAB (the University of Alabama at Birmingham). How are their programs? I applied to UAB for a different grad program, but did my research and found that SOPH offers an MPH in Health Behavior and Ph.D. in Sociology. Any thoughts on the school?
  7. Sorry to hear that, @Baffle ! I'm just really getting paranoid since Penn State (along with U Penn & Stanford) were the first three schools I applied to back in October...and I got a rejection from Stanford already. It's really mind-boggling how this is going. Penn State is my DREAM SCHOOL, but I haven't heard a peep at all and it's almost the end of February. I've also been told that the end of March is their visit day... Now, I'm also confused if they interview/talk first before making a decision.
  8. I've been religiously checking! Luckily, the grad director from one program I applied to e-mailed me directly, so that didn't get lost. But someone I spoke to on here said that there were ~200 applications for Penn State... So we'll see.
  9. I've been wanting to e-mail the graduate assistant, but been really nervous!
  10. Did anyone hear from Penn State? I'm itching to contact them, but I'm at the point where I'm hesitating. I just want to know if all have been notified since not everyone is on The Grad Café. How about Upenn? In the same boat and seems VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY QUIET... IDK if "No news is good news" is applicable at the moment. SWEATING LIKE CRAY!
  11. I went the MA prior to the Ph.D. route. All I can say is that the best decision I've made. Although I've been rejected 3 times and have 1 acceptance, it made me realize how passionate I am about health disparities and Public Health as a whole. You shouldn't take it personally at this point. You have a well-planned out future that not many have. I, myself, realized that I was being too close-minded by just focusing on Sociology, and realized that my work/academic/research experience is expansive that I can go into Communications & Public Health if funding doesn't go through this year.
  12. Congrats! How was the Penn State acceptance? Any idea if all the acceptances are done?
  13. pinoysoc

    St. Louis, MO

    It's pretty cheap. Graduated with my MA from SLU in Sociology. I stayed in the dorms because it was 2-year program, but ended up staying to work as I apply to PhD programs. I live in the CWE and found an affordable place under 900 that includes rent and utilities. Midtown is good, but be careful of the developed areas. Tower Grove park is banging! The Grove is as well. Are you going to have a car?
  14. Last time I checked the results, someone was invited for an interview, but not much else. Anyone thinking that UPenn & Penn State have sent out to those admitted already? Their application portals are Q U I E T!
  15. To the Penn State reject on the results board, any idea if all their acceptances have been sent out? There's no new update on my portal or no e-mail... WAHHHH And congrats on all the recent admits! Happy for you guys!
  16. @surprise_quiche I'd go with Sociology! When I walked during undergrad, I was an Anthro/Soc major, but opted to sit/walk with Soc because most of my friends were from Soc & Psych. Anthro was the first one to walk in and Soc was the last for the Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, but never doubted or regretted the decision. Of course it's up to you. My best friend was a Comm/Soc major, but I believed he walked with Comm because it was the first major he declared.
  17. Congrats @qeta! I'm jealous that you got in, but very happy for you! You're going to do great!
  18. I started questioning whether or not it's worth doing this whole shitty process of applying. I'm not getting any younger and this idea of "competition" to get into programs is really stressing the fuck out of me.
  19. I have so much anger and frustrations right now, that the only thing I'm taking out from this application cycle is that I've been promoted from decaf to Mocha because of me trying to be positive/supportive and getting to know all of you who'd be going to wonderful programs in a couple of months. I'm just seriously waiting it out to hear all the rejections, and I'm planning on getting off the forums for good. I'm going to miss you all.
  20. Jumping in here. I also had the same thought years ago as an undergraduate. I always thought that going straight to a PhD program is the way to go, but I learned that's not always the case. Going into a PhD program means you already know what you want to study, why you want to study it, and have or show potential to adcomms that you'll succeed in the program. On the other hand, going through an MA program means you have the luxury of refining what you want to study, why you want to study it, and actually build your CV. There are definitely funded MA programs, however, you must do the legwork of looking for them. Word of caution though, going through the MA program will not make it easier to get into a PhD program. I'm learning that the hard way because I already got rejected from 3 schools and I'm 99% sure I'm not going to get into a program for this fall. There's no shame in doing this in baby steps, but it does take a toll mentally on you.
  21. Or another note, I'm 0/3 as today - got the e-mail from Minnesota. To be honest, I sound like the typical Filipino-American with "crab mentality" but it's so hard to be happy when I can't even figure out why I'm not getting into programs. Trust me, I thought getting a master's will make it easier, but I feel tired of competing with everyone else for a freaking spot. I wasn't good enough after undergrad and it looks like I'm not good enough today. FML.
  22. I'll send you a message as soon as I get home from work. I'm just mentally drained thinking of what else I'm doing wrong. What I'm trying to ask is, how else can I stress the strengths and my experiences through those materials? I'm constantly updating my CV and I made sure that I highlighted the work experience and what I'm lacking through the SOP. FML.
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