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    Clinical Psych PhD

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  1. I agree with the above, but I would add that you should think about building relationships with multiple professors so that you can get strong letters (and good mentorship!).
  2. It's probably easier to skip Interfolio exactly for the reasons you mentioned. If they have to go to the school form already, it's additional work to use Interfolio.
  3. I would only send it if you have something to make up for like a low GPA. Otherwise I don't think it would hurt you, but you never know - the percentile seems low to me.
  4. If you truly just want to know if they are taking students, I would say going to the program head is fine, as long as you don't throw your potential mentor under the bus (i.e. don't say that you asked them already and they didn't respond). I would also double check on the website before you do this that they haven't posted this information anywhere already. When I was sending out those emails, I framed it as introducing myself and drawing a connection between my current work and theirs.
  5. I would wait and reapply. In the long run, it's not worth it to settle when you have a better idea now of what you really want, and could potentially get it in a year.
  6. practice tests helped me the most!
  7. Verbal - 170 Quant - 164 AW - 5.5 My scores are the exact same as the last time I applied - 2 years ago I applied to I think 8 schools in the NE, got on the waitlist for one doc program that I didn't want to go to and got accepted to a PsyD that I didn't want to go to. This time around I applied to 11 schools, got 9 interviews. Currently have 3 acceptances, 2+ waitlist. Seems like the scores just get you off the first pile, and it's the rest that actually determines the likelihood you'll interview/get an offer. Here's what I did better this round: completed most of a research oriented masters, and during my time there got on 3 posters and 3 pubs in prep, a relevant thesis project underway, 2 stellar letters of recommendation, better writing skills and a better personal statement with editing from my advisor, and, maybe most importantly because it helped inform "fit", a research focus. I also didn't limit my school search geographically, valued student outcomes over prestige, and only applied to schools that were a good fit on paper - i.e. I could write about my interests in a personal statement without lying. People will sometimes tell you that getting a masters looks bad, and while that may be remotely true, it wasn't true in my experience. PM me if you have any questions - I've gotten some great advising and I'd be happy to pass it on.
  8. Did you hear directly from the program/PI that you are waitlisted or did you inquire? I've been trying to figure out when would be a reasonable time to inquire... Once March hits all the interviews are over so they should have an answer, right?
  9. any more details about the rochester post?
  10. Does anyone know if the DePaul invites are all out? I saw one on the results page for early last week, but nothing else. Results from last year seem to be later in Jan (this week-ish).
  11. Nope, not yet. Fingers crossed!
  12. I am trying to figure out if it's worth it for me to apply, and I hope you can help me decide. I am currently beginning a General/Experimental Psychology MS, with the intention of continuing on to Clinical Psych PhD with a focus on children and adolescents. Beyond that my research interests vary, so it's possible I could construct a relatively basic science proposal, but I am really interested in balanced research/practice programs. Fundamental questions: 1. Should I apply in the first year of a "terminal" masters or wait until the second year? (Meaning that next year I will apply to PhD programs, hopefully beginning immediately after my masters) 2. If I'm intending to go into a balanced Clinical Psych program, am I even eligible for this fellowship? 3. If i don't have specifically science outreach experience, am I eligible? 4. Are there other similar grants that are more applicable to my situation/interests? I've done some searching but feel pretty in the dark. Thanks!
  13. Related question - I've been paying my loans for two years and can't wait to defer for grad school... when can I? I've registered for the fall term. Do I have to wait until classes start or can I defer before then?
  14. Nice to meet you as well! I'm getting major senioritis about my job right about now.
  15. Hi! I'm going to be starting in the M.S. in Psychology program in the fall. I kept checking back to see if anyone had made a Villanova thread, but just now realized that I might as well make one myself. Anyone out there?
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