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Everything posted by skylarking

  1. This. I can never really take a break without getting ridiculously behind on everything
  2. Thank you, you, too! I really hope this whole process is over and with good results for us all soon. I know my Canadian schools will be later but the rest of my US schools have to be getting back soon, right? Right? D;
  3. I know I will. Just one good offer with funding will ease my mind so much. At least I know I'll be somewhere next year, you know?
  4. Inflight internet is simultaneously the best and worst thing to ever happen to me. On the one hand, I don't have to worry I'll miss an important email. On the other hand, all I'm doing is the same thing I was at home: refreshing grad cafe and all my social media sites, waiting for something to happen :l
  5. Adding to what Canis said, it really is true that they're getting more and more talented applicants. A friend and I applied last year in our last year of MA and struck out across the board; it was a bloodbath for pretty much everyone. But we talked with our advisor who said that, with our qualifications (fluent in two languages, intermediate/advanced in a third, a myriad of research papers, multiple conference presentations, really great letters of rec) we would have had no problems getting in 10 years ago. Now, pretty much everyone has those same qualifications and it makes it even more difficult. You have to be extra extraordinary. It really blows, but that's how it is. And I know how shitty it all is. I realized this is actually my fourth time applying, and each time I've gotten rejected, it's been a chance to do more work on myself and my project. If there's nothing more you really can do, then if you're up to it, all that's left to do is apply next year. Sometimes it's just not your year.
  6. Dude, me neither. We've got a mega book in seminar this week (which, admittedly, I've already read, but it's still a pretty gnarly book) that I've barely opened. Assuming I can even get on my flight tomorrow, I'm planning to use that time to try to read it and write up some kind of coherent response paper.
  7. Nah, screw that, watch some Mystery Science Theater 3000, if you never have. I loved it as a kid, but it's helped me keep my sanity all through grad school and through this nightmare of a process. (Start with "Final Sacrifice")
  8. Thanks for the info! That's one of the schools I'm waiting on. I figured they'd be later this year because of all the snow and stuff.
  9. I wish! It's at a grad student conference. I went last year with my other project (a history/historical anth one) and this year I'm going with my current project. I just had the same thing happen to me at another conference last year: I was giving a talk about my project at a school to which I'd applied with my project and got a text from my friend who was housesitting that I'd gotten a rejection letter from that very school. I've already decided if I don't get in anywhere, I'll just try to work in the industry I'm studying for a while. I just want this long nightmare of waiting to be over D; Edit: I forgot to say thank you! I'm so rude D;
  10. Surely tomorrow. Nothing to be done (I'm sorry, I'll stop). Really hoping things don't come on Friday. I can't be worrying about these or getting rejections right as I'm giving a talk about the project on which I'm staking my future.
  11. People get in without interviews, so it's not a total rejection, and people interviewed and still get rejected. Sometimes interviews are a way to just narrow down the pool, or for them to get a better idea of what your interests are, or just to get to know you the person. I'm not familiar enough with those programs to say, but I wouldn't take it as a rejection until you get that letter. This is all, of course, coming from an eternal optimist who puts too much faith in platitudes: it ain't over until it's over (I also hope I got that Lenny Kravitz song stuck in your head).
  12. Spoke too soon, there's my rejection. I totally knew I wasn't getting in, so I'm not that bummed. Actually more happy to have heard SOMETHING. Congrats, daykid!
  13. That's a huge bummer, dudes, I'm really sorry! No news here yet from UM, either. Trying to remain calm/not check my email every two minutes
  14. I hear you on that. I figured they would have been one of the first to get back to me, but none of the ones with December deadlines have said ANYTHING. I feel like I'm living out "Waiting for Godot." If not today, then surely tomorrow :|
  15. It really is. I grew up in San Diego and it and USD are easily the prettiest campuses in the city (sorry, SDSU. you're great and I loved living by you but the others are prettier). Hoping that my trip back home over Spring Break can include a visit to meet my new faculty :X otherwise I'll avoid La Jolla altogether (just kidding, I'll still go basically live on the Shores)
  16. Same D: Hoping good news is on the way for all of us.
  17. Sucks about the rejections today, y'all. But congrats on the interview, danaofdoom! I hope it went well
  18. skylarking


    That's awesome! Congratulations! if you have questions about the department or Seattle, I'd be happy to answer. I don't know everyone, though. But it's a great environment in a fantastic city.
  19. Ahahaha. Also, Groupon Goods, i already have a perfectly functional Keurig machine. Screw it, I'm going back to trying to keep my sanity with the help of my robot friends.
  20. I know, right?! It's actually gotten to the point (well, it's been at that point for a while) that when I get an email that's not from a PhD program, I get really annoyed at whomever is emailing me. It's even worse when all my mail from my school account comes in every hour. UGH I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE
  21. Asked about my specific schools. The ones I'm worried I won't get I to, it says I will ("signs point to yes" and "yes") and the ones I want to go to, it says I won't ("very doubtful" and "outlook hazy"). Q: "Will I get accepted with funding?" A: "It is certain."
  22. I was actually wondering this same thing. I have a section on my CV for community outreach (I've done talks and helped with a film festival and exhibit for my undergrad advisor) but was recently quoted in a local newspaper regarding my area of focus with my MA advisor. I may put it in there but it doesn't feel as though it really fits there.
  23. Depending on your uni, they may also have an off-campus housing authority. That's how I lucked into the place I live in now. Some people prefer to rent to students (and my landlord loves grad students), so they put them up on a site geared specifically toward students. It may still end up that you have to fly out there to check the place out, assuming you can. You should definitely do as others have said and check out Craigslist or check with current grad students who know of people who are moving and whose lease you could take over.
  24. skylarking


    The others might not kill you, but I will. I know where you live. (hi, friend) (we now return you to your regularly scheduled waiting game) Seriously, though, i have nothing to say except good luck, y'all.
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