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Everything posted by Kleio_77

  1. I ordered a hand made card off etsy that says "Thank you Dr. XXXX," and I plan to buy him a small package of quality chocolates. I know this professor fairly well, not as well as my honors advisor, but I have made an effort to visit him in his office over the last two years of my undergrad and he has also let me practice a presentation before travelling to another institution for a conference. I work full-time right now and have one class on my lunch break a few days per week, so popping by his office is not an option. He suggested I provide him with some of my documents, such as my cv, transcripts, and SOP, and the last paper I wrote for him, which I have neatly assembled along with a document stating application deadlines, addresses, etc. I am wondering if it is in bad taste to give the card and gift at the same time as my information package, or if I should wait until after my applications are complete?
  2. What area do you want to study?
  3. https://dynamicecology.wordpress.com/2014/05/29/how-selective-are-you-about-prospective-graduate-students/ I was doing a bit of googling and discovered this blog addressing how selective professors are when choosing grad students. This is more specific to science students but the responses are interesting. This blog really shows the different perspectives when choosing grad students. I am a history student, but still found this intriguing.
  4. Although I am a history major, I did an independent study with one of my professors. He offered to do the study with me after becoming a regular visitor to his office. We planned the course in the spring of the previous school year, and I purposely set up my course timetable for the following fall semester to be as light as possible. I began reading during the summer months and met with him once a week to discuss readings before the course officially began. My independent study has been very beneficial, I developed a really strong relationship with my prof, and my writing and research skills improved tenfold.
  5. Not sure. My coworker/friend did his Masters at U of T and had very negative things to say... However, he did say that the PhD. program is really good. Good luck on your applications!
  6. Sure! Are you applying for your PhD.?
  7. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. Best of luck on your applications.
  8. Are there any Canadian applicants out there? I've had many great conversations with some American applicants, but have yet to hear of any Canadian applicants on this site. I am applying to Dalhousie, UVic, and Guelph/Tri-University History Program (Wilfred Laurier/Waterloo/Guelph). My research focuses on modern German history.
  9. I read Dr. Mumby's book: Graduate School: Winning Strategies For Getting In, and found it very encouraging. I have since come across his personal blog and have found his posts very enlightening. His posts address many issues, and I apologize if this advice has been posted before, but here is a link to one of his blog posts: http://mygraduateschool.wordpress.com/2011/06/08/are-you-applying-to-graduate-school-think-beyond-your-grades-way-beyond/
  10. Don't stress. One POI offered to review my application and I emailed him my documents about a week ago and he has yet to reply. One of my undergrad professors also has not replied to an email sent a week ago and he is the nicest prof ever, one of my favourites. Everyone is super busy right now! In Canada, it is final exams, I am assuming it is the same in the U.S. ??
  11. I have had my cv reviewed by members on this forum, as well as my own professors, and professional mentors. I can email you my cv if you want. Just PM me.
  12. I would put education before work experience, and I would also put your "S.H.O.R.E" experience under a different heading such as "Clubs and Social Organizations," or something similar. I would also maybe put a section highlighting research experience. Perhaps start with education, research experience, work experience... and then list your educational honors, and your clubs and social organizations last. Also, you should definitely get that last bullet point to fit on the previous page. The last page is a waste of paper to have only one line, and is not aesthetically pleasing.
  13. @native_coder Let me know the answers you receive! Even though you are American, I am curious to know what they say.
  14. I have a POI who said that he is willing to supervise me, and that he is chair of the admissions committee but he cannot guarantee my acceptance. He said that depending on the admissions committee's decisions, he will let them know that he has already provisionally agreed to be my supervisor. This does not make me feel very "safe" however, and I am not counting on an admission just yet or at all.
  15. I am applying in mid-December, my waiting game right now consists of waiting for POI emails... Some respond much quicker than others and I find myself checking my email every twenty minutes. Once my applications are submitted, I will feel a welcomed calmness until mid-February, and then I will once again be checking my email periodically. For my area of history, I need a reading level of German, so I will really work hard on acquiring a second language to pass the time, not that I am not already working on my German language skills...
  16. I am Metis and live in Canada. I am wondering about this as well. To identify as Metis (for some schools) you must have proof of your genealogy, which my family had a genealogist trace our family tree back at least seven generations. I work with a person who sat on a Canadian university law admissions committee and she said that Aboriginal ancestry can significantly help students. Some programs in Canada, especially medical school programs and law, set aside a small number of admissions (maybe 1-3) for Aboriginal applicants. I also read UBC's Aboriginal admissions process, and the Aboriginal student office will set aside all Aboriginal applications and review them, and if the student's application is overlooked in the overall review process, the Aboriginal office may re-recommend their application to be considered. Not all Canadian schools are the same however, and I do not know if American schools are similar. This is also based on light reading of different university policies within Canada, I am no expert on this matter.
  17. @maelia8 I will have to get my hands on that Hagen book as well! Maybe another book to read over the holidays.
  18. Maelia8 - I read Christopher Clark's Iron Kingdom a year or two ago. As a side interest, I have examined the relationship between the Prussian Poles and Germans both before and after German unification. If interested in this topic as well, I highly recommend Germans, Poles and Jews: The Nationality Conflict in the Prussian East, 1772-1914 by William W. Hagen.
  19. I just bought a used copy of Jonathan Littell's The Kindly Ones. Although I won't begin reading this until Christmas break. I also hope to read A Very Double Life: The Private World of Mackenzie King by C.P. Stacey during the holidays.
  20. I have just contacted two POI's and have only received a response from one. He was very kind and said he was willing to supervise me then asked more about my research interests and whether I wanted to pursue the one or two year route. I was quite surprised with his response as I had not provided any information other than a basic introduction. I was so intimidated by the thought of emailing a POI that I had put it off for quite some time... but my first experience was a positive one.
  21. Hello! I am ready to have my sop and cv reviewed. I am applying for a masters in history and prefer to email or post in a direct message. I am also willing to review other sops or cvs in exchange. Hopefully someone is willing to help!
  22. This is a question I have as well. Hopefully someone can provide some advice!
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