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columbia09 last won the day on July 24 2020

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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Geology M.S

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Macchiato (8/10)



  1. Is there anyone here who was accepted last year into HKS MC MPA program without the gre ? 2020-2021 application cycle? Can you post your stats and background
  2. Just wanted to get peoples opinions if they think Harvard will keep the GRE optional for the MC MPA program permanently
  3. For those accepted, how many years of work experience did you have and what’s your age? Average years of experience for people accepted was 13 last year. I would imagine someone with 13 years be in their mid 30s and most will have families and kids. How’d you do it with kids going back to school ? Did you have a masters already ? I thought being in your 30s was old for school.
  4. I know it’s a 7 year minimum requirement for work experience but do they only care about the actual year or will they factor in the month as well? For example, the program starts in July, if you started working full time in November of 2015, will they be nitpick and say you don’t have the minimum years to apply?
  5. I’m also an Eagle Scout, is that still worth noting on these applications? When I applied two years ago, my supervisor saw that on my resume, laughed and told me to take it off.
  6. Harvard Kennedy School is offering a temporary suspension of the GRE or GMAT test score policy for all applicants to the Mid-Career MPA program, due to the unique challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. For the 2020-21 and 2021-22 admission cycles, GRE or GMAT score submission will be optional for all applicants to the Mid-Career MPA program. Applicants may, if they choose, submit GRE or GMAT scores for consideration in the application process, but test scores are not required.
  7. Update, GRE made optional for the 2021-2022 application cycle !!! MC MPA program
  8. “The admissions committee has not yet made a final decision on the standardized test score policy for the 2021-22 admission cycle, but we anticipate returning to our normal policy that requires submission of a GRE or GMAT score no more than 5 years old.” this is disappointing, but the first part of it not being 100% finalized is interesting. I don’t think it’s far, despite Covid, one year had the opportunity to not submit GREs but not the others
  9. Just a heads up for prospective applicants that on Thursday, June 3rd, HKS will have a zoom meeting regarding admissions and financial aid information for the MC MPA program.
  10. So what was the deal with the 2020 - 2021 application cycle ? Did they have more people apply then normal and that resulted in a lower admissions rate? Multiple people from my company applied and a lot were rejected. Do you think they’ll make the GRE optional permanently?
  11. Curious because this will be my first masters
  12. Out of curiosity, how many of you already have a masters or other “higher” degree going into this program ?
  13. What would those be ?
  14. What happened there ?
  15. Do you mind sharing your background such as gpa, gres (if submitted), years of work experience, undergrad major, etc ?
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