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Status Updates posted by Cheshire_Cat

  1. So much reading, the voices in my head have expanded their vocabulary.

  2. Last day of work! It's finally here! Now the real work begins...

  3. Would it be pretentious to include my (highly profile, saught after) professional credentials in my school email signature?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ERR_Alpha


      I've seen people sign emails "NSF GRFP Fellow" or something of the sort if you have a fellowship like that. I think it's appropriate. If I got the GRFP I would be shouting from the roof tops haha.

    3. Academicat


      You worked for those credentials. Absolutely put them in the automatic signature! Model after what the faculty at your university do.

    4. scarvesandcardigans


      Agreed w/ Academicat!

  4. If you had to eat a raw frog today, would you do it in the morning or keep putting it off?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vene


      Can I make frog pepperoni? Pepperoni is technically raw as it's uncooked.

    3. MathCat


      I would reevaluate the decisions that led to me having to eat a raw frog today.

    4. starofdawn


      Define "had to"... is it life-or-death?

  5. Every time I get an email about my program I get so uncontainably excited... then a little voice is my head says "It is going to be a lot of work! Why are you so excited?"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. windrainfireandbooks


      Yes, I keep thinking this too. But then I remember I can be excited & nervous about PhD work! I am definitely both!

    3. FantasticalDevPsych


      Agreed entirely! Both the excitement & nerves are there for me too!

    4. angel_kaye13


      right?! *^^*

  6. Just got my fall schedule. THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!

    1. ahlatsiawa
    2. Threeboysmom


      Yes it is! Full speed ahead.

  7. Real job senioritis? I should just leave now and take the rest of the week. Maybe next week I'll be productive.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. windrainfireandbooks


      I hear you! I have the worst case of real job senioritis right now!

    3. MidwesternAloha


      Story of my life. Maybe I should just quit sooner? But...the money....

    4. Cheshire_Cat


      I know! That is why I'm still working. That and having nothing to do would drive me up the wall.

  8. Finding a searchable database with rankings and publication statistics is not good for my productivity at work.

  9. Such a relief to know I'll spend my remaining time working in industry in a position I'm good at and enjoy instead of the project from hell I've been on for the past six months. I would have hated for it to have been my last experience in industry.

  10. Had my lunch stolen from the office fridge. Have officially completed standard office experiences 101. Can I go back to university now?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cheshire_Cat


      I don't understand either! It was a frozen dinner though, so they knew they wouldn't get sick.

    3. nugget


      I used to have that problem at work. Then one day my boss made a batch of brownies with x-lax inside and left some in her lunch bag. Someone called in sick the next day and lunches never went missing again.

    4. youngcharlie101


      Why would someone do such a thing? :(

  11. Need a distraction from waiting. Telling myself "Do not argue with idiots on the internet... Do not be the idiot people argue with on the internet..." At least if I accidently break that rule here people generally understand their own arguments.

    1. Cheshire_Cat


      And sometimes have better arguments than me. It's good to "lose" an argument to someone who actually knows what they are talking about rather than quit arguing just because the other person has no clue.

  12. I want to go HOME! And by home, I mean back to a university campus. Six months can't go by fast enough for this professor's daughter.

    1. windrainfireandbooks


      Ugh, I know! I just graduated at the end of last year, and already I am absolutely hating not being in a university setting. Just counting down the days until September.

    2. scarvesandcardigans


      I'm so glad to not be alone in this. Months seem to be dragging!

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