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Everything posted by Warelin

  1. Won a Graduate College Distinguished Fellowship from Illinois. I don't know what to do.
  2. To All: My apologies for anyone trying to make edits in the past 12 hours. It seems someone adjusted the settings to make it a "view only" document and locked it up. I've made the document public and have prevented any editors from changing the access. This should cause the issue to never happen again.
  3. E-mail notification with the acceptance attached as a PDF file.
  4. Are you applying for an English degree or an Environmental Science degree? If an ES degree, than I'm afraid that we might not be the best people to answer that question. I think the board below would be able to provide you with much stronger answers though! https://forum.thegradcafe.com/forum/86-earth-sciences/
  5. Sorry about that; it seems like someone changed the publicity settings. I've restored them to their correct settings.
  6. It is! Any information that anyone contributes is extremely helpful and I'm sure future applicants would be grateful. I know some schools change their funding frequently to adjust for COL whereas others haven't had an change in years or don't announce their changes.
  7. I think you're spot on that. A school I was waitlisted at said that their list is not ranked ordered but they consider an "individual's research interests" and the "emerging composition of the incoming class."
  8. Decisions like this are hard to make. Family support is important but choices aren't always obvious and you should never feel pressured in one way or another. At the end of the day, I'm sure they'll support you no matter what decision you make. Is there someone you're most excited to work with? Is the stipend provided enough? Are the placements in your concentration similar to where you hope to be? Does the city excite you? What about the weather? Conferences?
  9. @WabbajackI read your British typo and read it as meaning kind of/ sort of British.
  10. I think they normally reject via e-mail and try to accept via phone when possible. Maybe you've won a special fellowship?
  11. Congrats! Looks like you'll have decisions to make.
  12. At the very least, I'd take it as a sign that there's a good chance they're considering your interests in relations to the current interests of the incoming cohort. An early rejection might mean that the fit was still strong but there were a lot of people with similar interests. It could also mean that they may or not have been accepting applicants in that subfield during this cycle due to over-enrolling in that subfield during last cycle.
  13. I think Tufts traditionally has sent rejections first; acceptances second; waitlists last.
  14. I think this board has worked out well in previous years and thought there might be some benefit in creating a space where (1) people can post if they are declining an offer, and (2) where people can post where they are wait-listed. Sure, there is no guarantee the wait-listed person will get the spot, but it's still nice to know, right? In the end, we can only take up one offer but it's possible that you were accepted at another person's dream school and waitlisted at your own and vice versa.
  15. Yay congrats! I know you were looking forward to that program earlier.
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