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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
  • Program
    Clinical Psychology

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  1. fordham has a forensic psych track. good luck
  2. I'll be releasing an offer from fordham today.
  3. I know this is from a while ago, but I wanted to ask your opinion on calling vs. emailing when you ask for more funding. I'm asking that my partial tuition waiver be increased to a full tuition waiver at my top choice program. I really prefer not to call, but my mentor suggested it and the forums send mixed messages. I have until April 15 to decide, and should hear back about a fellowship by the 1st, but I'm getting antsy. Please let me know what you think!
  4. Yes, I called the relevant office of grad admissions and asked for an update (got voicemail). They called me back to let me know I'm still being considered/no initial offer has been made from this poi. I did this after emailing the POI last week and not hearing back. It's been a month since the interview.
  5. Yeah that's outrageous. I met with advisors out of my own free will- I requested meetings because I was having a hard time making a decision. If I absolutely knew I wasn't going to attend a program I would decline immediately. It's really frowned upon to hold on to them when you know you aren't going. I don't know the nature of your relationship with this advisor, but it doesn't sound like any mentor/advisor I would want. If any of mine suggested that I couldn't make the decision without their approval, I'd politely thank them for their input and still do what I want. Anywho, congrats on having multiple offers. I hope you have a less controlling advisor in the future.
  6. I agree with most of the commenters. I would also be honest and tell them about your offers, but emphasize you haven't accepted any because they are your top choice.
  7. I'm going to decline Mizzou today. It's a fantastic program, best wishes to the next student!
  8. hola, has anyone heard from pitt's clinical program post-interview? it wasn't long ago but soooo much anticipation!
  9. That was also my plan if this didn't work out. I have a couple of friends who also applied for masters, but if you can get one for "free" if you wait another application cycle, why bother?
  10. Thanks! I didn't get an interview to my first choice. As for the interviews I did have, I didn't have a top choice going into them. They're all strong programs, and even now it's very easy for me to see the pros and cons of each program. I've been fortunate in that the schools that I wasn't crazy about also weren't crazy about me. Since my offers are fantastic fits for me, deciding is going to be awful. And I'm still waiting to hear back from one school Is it your first choice?
  11. Sure, I applied to the clinical program, and my main interest is addictions research, esp alcohol and tobacco. I hope this helps. I was also told that it might take a couple weeks to get a decision, so your POI might just be taking a little while longer. I'd give it another week and then maybe send out an email and ask what your status is.
  12. I got an email from my POI. The DCT is super friendly in person, but she didn't send out the offer.
  13. np i've found it to be pretty disappointing that we aren't more like the other subforums in that regard, but whatcha gonna do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. The clinical psych forum is really interesting in that there is an overwhelming sense of fear/concern in sharing this type of information. I'm not sure why. You'll see "2016 Acceptance" threads (or threads like this) in other subforums that have taken off wildly, but not here. I don't really get it, but it's absolutely fascinating.
  15. A: That's a bummer :/ While there weren't many opportunities for me in my home state, I still was able to apply to multiple programs. Some were in more desirable locations than others, but it's still nice to have the flexibility of choosing where you'll end up. I guess it's better than only have one or two programs. B: Plenty of students are accepted straight out of undergrad (finishing their senior year), so yes, you can be accepted without a masters. I didn't do a masters and have two admissions offers so far. I can't speak for every field, but it's been my experience that you don't need a masters for every program. I have friends that went straight from undergrad. I have friends who are working on their masters, some of them need to boost some inefficiency-maybe a low undergrad GPA. C: Why give you a negative reputation when you're actively trying to engage in conversation? I don't give people negative feedback because I disagree with them. I much rather tell you why I disagree. I appreciate curiosity, I just didn't appreciate the tone [which is almost impossible to get right because it's the internet]. I don't know you, I generally hope people do well, I hope you don't die, certainly not to be found in a ditch. It's not that serious. I just didn't like your phrasing, and like discussions.
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