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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
  • Program
    English PhD

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  1. Thank you both @Warelin and @positivitize! I suppose I'll just keep my fingers crossed that one of the two waitlist schools will call me out of the blue between now and tomorrow night *checks phone for the 5783785945734857438 time today*
  2. Hi all! So what happens when one of the schools you're waitlisted at tells you that they won't have a final decision for you until the 17th but you need to either accept or decline your other offers by the 15th...? I would prefer an offer from one of the schools that I am currently waitlisted at, but I would definitely prefer one of the offers I already have to nothing (i.e. the chance that I decline my current offers in the hopes of getting accepting from a waitlist and then getting rejected from both waitlists). Any advice? Should I ask for an extension (just until Monday, the 17th) from the school I'm currently considering? Thanks in advance!
  3. Anybody else around here still hopeful for some movement?
  4. Thanks for keeping us anxious waiters posted!! I also saw on the results board that someone got accepted to Riverside off the wait list--hoping it was one of you guys @cj cregg @eatthatbee or soon will be!!
  5. Nice!! What programs are you choosing between? And I'd love to know what your area is, if you don't mind
  6. Hi everyone! How are the waitlist situations coming along? I think @KikiDelivery was accepted into the University of Iowa from the waitlist so there's some movement there! If anyone else has had success so far, let us know. I want to live vicariously through you
  7. How accurate do you guys think these statistics are as far as job placement rates go?
  8. Oh I see! Honestly I just scrolled through a few pages and looked for people with the most circles next to their names Are you applying from undergrad then? How has it been for you??
  9. Congrats!! Can I ask what your area is?
  10. Sorry about that!!! But thank you both for responding and thank you @Old Bill for the insight!
  11. I was just looking back through this thread and I have the same worries!! Perhaps one of our more experienced GC peers has some insight? @Old Bill? @orphic_mel528? @Yanaka? (Just throwing out some names I see pop up quite a bit )
  12. Same And thank you @Silabus! We'll def keep you updated.
  13. This guy! *obnoxiusly points to self with both thumbs* I asked about those acceptances on the 2017 acceptance thread but crickets so far. I don't know what to think. A part of me wants to believe those acceptances were faked by a troll, but maybe we're just waiting longer for our rejections letters /: or, on a more positive note, maybe a waitlisting! What do you think?
  14. I'm so sorry :((( I think there are still programs accepting applications, and if not--take the year to buff up your writing sample/statement of purpose and research more programs. This is not the end!! Can I ask how many programs you applied to? Just the one MA and several PhD I'm assuming? (I did the same)
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