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  1. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from redikulus in Any Older (30+) applicants out there   
    Yep, I won't bore you with my life's story, but I'm a 32 y/o nontraditional student finishing up a B.A. I've been working full-time since I was 17; I finally got my life settled down enough to go back to school and finish. I'm applying to a small handful of Ph.D. programs in my field. No clue what my chances are, but I figure it's worth the time/money/anguish.
    I can absolutely understand why you find this insulting/sexist/degrading, but I genuinely don't (and I'm a raging feminist who constantly seeks out things to harp on) . These POIs/AdComms have one priority above all others: making sure the people they admit (and typically fund with large sums of money) finish the degree. I worked with a guy who told me a similar story--he was probably late thirties at the time, married, and they asked if he had kids (he did) and how he would handle that commitment. He rationally explained that he understood the time commitments, had a partner to help out with the kids, didn't believe that it would interfere with his teaching/research, and understood their hesitance. He ended up getting fully funded. I'd liken the situation to me stating that I had a 50/hr a week salaried career, and I really loved it, and there's no way I could possibly quit while going to graduate school; I wouldn't expect this to rule me out, or even negatively affect my chances, but I'd find it odd if they didn't ask about my outside commitments (when they had reason to believe those commitments might exist). Raising kids (as I'm sure you know) is more than a full-time job, and many people would argue that completing a Ph.D. program in a timely fashion is also more than a full-time job. Working two full-time jobs is going to really, seriously, severely wear on somebody over 4-6 years with minimal breaks. They're just covering their bases to make sure their prospective candidate understands what they're signing themselves up for.
  2. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from Lesleo in Projected Acceptance Dates for English PHD programs   
    Can also confirm. Both calls I've received have come on Saturdays. One was at 2pm, another at 5pm.
  3. Upvote
    Kilos reacted to Sleam in 2017 Acceptances   
    Thanks, I just looked over there too. Kinda quiet! It's just a waiting game. Congratulations to all who have been accepted! ?
  4. Upvote
    Kilos reacted to Sleam in 2017 Acceptances   
    Afternoon gang! Yep, I'm constantly checking the results survey page. Has anyone heard back from Iowa or Oregon yet? English MFA for me hopefully. I think they don't decide until end of Feb or March, sheesh. Still, I can't help but look at who's heard back. This is crazy making...I look at the websites, all say submitted/ in review. It looks like the 3 colleges I applied to call with good news or email with bad...
  5. Upvote
    Kilos reacted to KTF87 in 2017 Acceptances   
    Accepted for a PhD in Literary and Cultural Studies at CMU! and Comp Lit at PSU!!!!!
    OVER THE MOOON!!!!!!
    Still waiting on NYU, JHU, McGill
    and on a shortlist from NW in Performance Studies.
    keep the faith fellows!!!!! and best of luck!!! <3 3
  6. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from soydominique in 2017 Acceptances   
    Got a phone call from one of my academic/professional heroes Saturday afternoon; she was letting me know that Carnegie Mellon was excited to offer me a spot in their Rhetoric M.A. program. I'd applied for the Ph.D., but she very kindly explained that they only take 2-3 people into their Ph.D. program per year, and that those admitted almost always have graduate degrees (typically from CMU's own M.A. program). I knew this was the case before I applied, but the huge difference is that the Ph.D. program comes with a full tuition waiver. We had a really nice conversation (almost half an hour) and she got me really excited about an amazing program that I know I ultimately can't afford.
    If anybody's curious, I think CMU's tuition is around 42k a year. They offered me a very significant scholarship and an RA-ship, but it would still leave me on the hook for a chunk of money (over 10 grand). Before I'd even started this application process I promised myself that I wouldn't pay for graduate school; if I can get a full-ride I'll take it, but I'm not paying for relocation, housing, tuition, etc. I told her I'd be considering it (which I genuinely will, as it's just about my top choice); she told me that another POI would be calling me this week, and that they'd be in touch with further info and an official offer letter, and that was that!
  7. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from Avalanched in 2017 Acceptances   
    I couldn't agree more. At the risk of sounding sappy or silly, this community has been an unbelievable source of comfort and support over the last few years. I can't believe it took me so long to make an account and start posting. I don't really know any of you, yet I feel a kinship with all of you, because we're all going through (or have gone through) the same trials. I'm still anxious and confused about this whole process (who isn't?) but I can only imagine what it would have been like applying or waiting it out without any insight or perspective. Anyway, yeah, thanks.
  8. Upvote
    Kilos reacted to Warelin in 2017 Acceptances   
    While casting a wide net can be important, it doesn't make sense if you wouldn't be happy at the school. It is a 5-6-7-10 year process for most people depending on the program's requirements. Not being excited would mean that you'd be more likely to drop out and not complete what you came for. In the end, it's better to have 1 really good school that you're excited about rather than 5 schools that you'd rather not attend.
  9. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from claritus in 2017 Acceptances   
    I work as a technical writer and I spent about 20 minutes in Photoshop this morning whipping up an "I STAND WITH BOWLING GREEN" Facebook profile picture. I try not to be too political online, so I ended up not using it, but it kept me giggling for a few hours.
  10. Upvote
    Kilos reacted to JessicaLange in 2017 Acceptances   
    I just want to say that I'm feeling very lucky to have the internet right now. Grad school applications would have been a nightmare without it. I don't think I would have applied to so many schools if I had had to type all of my SOPs and Writing samples on a typewriter. And it's so nice to have gradcafe. It kind of sucks when people get acceptances and you're still waiting, but it's nice to not be left in the dark and to have people to celebrate and commiserate with.
  11. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from Avalanched in 2017 Acceptances   
    ha, yes, I've thought the same thing on several occasions:
    "Surely, good sir/madam, if you feel my credentials do not merit a place in this incoming cohort, it would be well worth your time to employ me to update your tragically outdated admissions portal! This way you can attract far better candidates than yours truly, and I can save all the time and hard work I'd end up spending getting an advanced degree while simultaneously entering into a lucrative career.
    Kindest regards,
    --A smarmy prick who just blew any chance he ever had of joining your fine institution."
  12. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from FeetInTheSky in 2017 Acceptances   
    ha, yes, I've thought the same thing on several occasions:
    "Surely, good sir/madam, if you feel my credentials do not merit a place in this incoming cohort, it would be well worth your time to employ me to update your tragically outdated admissions portal! This way you can attract far better candidates than yours truly, and I can save all the time and hard work I'd end up spending getting an advanced degree while simultaneously entering into a lucrative career.
    Kindest regards,
    --A smarmy prick who just blew any chance he ever had of joining your fine institution."
  13. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from angel_kaye13 in 2017 Acceptances   
    ha, yes, I've thought the same thing on several occasions:
    "Surely, good sir/madam, if you feel my credentials do not merit a place in this incoming cohort, it would be well worth your time to employ me to update your tragically outdated admissions portal! This way you can attract far better candidates than yours truly, and I can save all the time and hard work I'd end up spending getting an advanced degree while simultaneously entering into a lucrative career.
    Kindest regards,
    --A smarmy prick who just blew any chance he ever had of joining your fine institution."
  14. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from kirbs005 in 2017 Acceptances   
    ha, yes, I've thought the same thing on several occasions:
    "Surely, good sir/madam, if you feel my credentials do not merit a place in this incoming cohort, it would be well worth your time to employ me to update your tragically outdated admissions portal! This way you can attract far better candidates than yours truly, and I can save all the time and hard work I'd end up spending getting an advanced degree while simultaneously entering into a lucrative career.
    Kindest regards,
    --A smarmy prick who just blew any chance he ever had of joining your fine institution."
  15. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from Warelin in 2017 Acceptances   
    ha, yes, I've thought the same thing on several occasions:
    "Surely, good sir/madam, if you feel my credentials do not merit a place in this incoming cohort, it would be well worth your time to employ me to update your tragically outdated admissions portal! This way you can attract far better candidates than yours truly, and I can save all the time and hard work I'd end up spending getting an advanced degree while simultaneously entering into a lucrative career.
    Kindest regards,
    --A smarmy prick who just blew any chance he ever had of joining your fine institution."
  16. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from Yanaka in 2017 Acceptances   
    I don't want to yak your ear off, but since you asked I'll try to be detailed:
    When my POI called from Carnegie Mellon we talked for about 30 minutes on a Saturday afternoon. I was excited to talk to her, because I've been following her work for years and years, and I was amazed that she's the one that called me, because I didn't even name-drop in my SoP. Throughout the conversation I was really cautious, because I wanted to make sure I wasn't keeping her on the line (knowing how busy professors get). She was the one that kept the conversation going. She talked the program up for a few minutes, noting its exclusivity, its success rate with Ph.D. placements, its faculty, interdisciplinary resources, writing center, etc. She explained my funding offer and my other avenues for income (RA/TA/Tutoring/etc.) Then she spent about five minutes recommending very specific courses that she thought I should take based on my SoP (even giving me course numbers), and even professors I should try to talk to about their work. Then she spent about five minutes talking about different professors I could RA for, and what the work would look like under each of them. She told me about the upcoming open house and recommended I come, should I be able to swing it. We spent the last 10-15 minutes having a discussion on our shared interests, public policy, and institutional anxiety/metacognition/self-efficacy (which is where my research background lies).
    It was really laid-back, she was an absolute delight to talk to, and it didn't feel very stressful.
    I'm probably just as awkward as you are on the phone, and I didn't feel too out of place. After all, they're the ones calling us. 
    For what it's worth, this call might have been a bit out of the ordinary. I've heard horror stories from friends about insanely awkward calls.
    My advice: Be polite, be humble, thank them for their time and their call (even if you're not super excited for whatever reason), and have a question or two to ask in advance so you sound interested. If they're calling to tell you you've been accepted, you're already over the hump and there's no reason to be nervous. You won--they're calling you to say congratulations.
    Edit: OH, and she said another professor (who I'd already been in touch with) would be calling me sometime in the coming week to confirm some things. She also said the official offer email would follow.
  17. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from loganondorf in 2017 Acceptances   
    I don't want to yak your ear off, but since you asked I'll try to be detailed:
    When my POI called from Carnegie Mellon we talked for about 30 minutes on a Saturday afternoon. I was excited to talk to her, because I've been following her work for years and years, and I was amazed that she's the one that called me, because I didn't even name-drop in my SoP. Throughout the conversation I was really cautious, because I wanted to make sure I wasn't keeping her on the line (knowing how busy professors get). She was the one that kept the conversation going. She talked the program up for a few minutes, noting its exclusivity, its success rate with Ph.D. placements, its faculty, interdisciplinary resources, writing center, etc. She explained my funding offer and my other avenues for income (RA/TA/Tutoring/etc.) Then she spent about five minutes recommending very specific courses that she thought I should take based on my SoP (even giving me course numbers), and even professors I should try to talk to about their work. Then she spent about five minutes talking about different professors I could RA for, and what the work would look like under each of them. She told me about the upcoming open house and recommended I come, should I be able to swing it. We spent the last 10-15 minutes having a discussion on our shared interests, public policy, and institutional anxiety/metacognition/self-efficacy (which is where my research background lies).
    It was really laid-back, she was an absolute delight to talk to, and it didn't feel very stressful.
    I'm probably just as awkward as you are on the phone, and I didn't feel too out of place. After all, they're the ones calling us. 
    For what it's worth, this call might have been a bit out of the ordinary. I've heard horror stories from friends about insanely awkward calls.
    My advice: Be polite, be humble, thank them for their time and their call (even if you're not super excited for whatever reason), and have a question or two to ask in advance so you sound interested. If they're calling to tell you you've been accepted, you're already over the hump and there's no reason to be nervous. You won--they're calling you to say congratulations.
    Edit: OH, and she said another professor (who I'd already been in touch with) would be calling me sometime in the coming week to confirm some things. She also said the official offer email would follow.
  18. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from JessicaLange in 2017 Acceptances   
    Got a phone call from one of my academic/professional heroes Saturday afternoon; she was letting me know that Carnegie Mellon was excited to offer me a spot in their Rhetoric M.A. program. I'd applied for the Ph.D., but she very kindly explained that they only take 2-3 people into their Ph.D. program per year, and that those admitted almost always have graduate degrees (typically from CMU's own M.A. program). I knew this was the case before I applied, but the huge difference is that the Ph.D. program comes with a full tuition waiver. We had a really nice conversation (almost half an hour) and she got me really excited about an amazing program that I know I ultimately can't afford.
    If anybody's curious, I think CMU's tuition is around 42k a year. They offered me a very significant scholarship and an RA-ship, but it would still leave me on the hook for a chunk of money (over 10 grand). Before I'd even started this application process I promised myself that I wouldn't pay for graduate school; if I can get a full-ride I'll take it, but I'm not paying for relocation, housing, tuition, etc. I told her I'd be considering it (which I genuinely will, as it's just about my top choice); she told me that another POI would be calling me this week, and that they'd be in touch with further info and an official offer letter, and that was that!
  19. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from lyonessrampant in 2017 Acceptances   
    Got a phone call from one of my academic/professional heroes Saturday afternoon; she was letting me know that Carnegie Mellon was excited to offer me a spot in their Rhetoric M.A. program. I'd applied for the Ph.D., but she very kindly explained that they only take 2-3 people into their Ph.D. program per year, and that those admitted almost always have graduate degrees (typically from CMU's own M.A. program). I knew this was the case before I applied, but the huge difference is that the Ph.D. program comes with a full tuition waiver. We had a really nice conversation (almost half an hour) and she got me really excited about an amazing program that I know I ultimately can't afford.
    If anybody's curious, I think CMU's tuition is around 42k a year. They offered me a very significant scholarship and an RA-ship, but it would still leave me on the hook for a chunk of money (over 10 grand). Before I'd even started this application process I promised myself that I wouldn't pay for graduate school; if I can get a full-ride I'll take it, but I'm not paying for relocation, housing, tuition, etc. I told her I'd be considering it (which I genuinely will, as it's just about my top choice); she told me that another POI would be calling me this week, and that they'd be in touch with further info and an official offer letter, and that was that!
  20. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from biyutefulphlower in 2017 Acceptances   
    Got a phone call from one of my academic/professional heroes Saturday afternoon; she was letting me know that Carnegie Mellon was excited to offer me a spot in their Rhetoric M.A. program. I'd applied for the Ph.D., but she very kindly explained that they only take 2-3 people into their Ph.D. program per year, and that those admitted almost always have graduate degrees (typically from CMU's own M.A. program). I knew this was the case before I applied, but the huge difference is that the Ph.D. program comes with a full tuition waiver. We had a really nice conversation (almost half an hour) and she got me really excited about an amazing program that I know I ultimately can't afford.
    If anybody's curious, I think CMU's tuition is around 42k a year. They offered me a very significant scholarship and an RA-ship, but it would still leave me on the hook for a chunk of money (over 10 grand). Before I'd even started this application process I promised myself that I wouldn't pay for graduate school; if I can get a full-ride I'll take it, but I'm not paying for relocation, housing, tuition, etc. I told her I'd be considering it (which I genuinely will, as it's just about my top choice); she told me that another POI would be calling me this week, and that they'd be in touch with further info and an official offer letter, and that was that!
  21. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from Abyss21 in 2017 Acceptances   
    Got a phone call from one of my academic/professional heroes Saturday afternoon; she was letting me know that Carnegie Mellon was excited to offer me a spot in their Rhetoric M.A. program. I'd applied for the Ph.D., but she very kindly explained that they only take 2-3 people into their Ph.D. program per year, and that those admitted almost always have graduate degrees (typically from CMU's own M.A. program). I knew this was the case before I applied, but the huge difference is that the Ph.D. program comes with a full tuition waiver. We had a really nice conversation (almost half an hour) and she got me really excited about an amazing program that I know I ultimately can't afford.
    If anybody's curious, I think CMU's tuition is around 42k a year. They offered me a very significant scholarship and an RA-ship, but it would still leave me on the hook for a chunk of money (over 10 grand). Before I'd even started this application process I promised myself that I wouldn't pay for graduate school; if I can get a full-ride I'll take it, but I'm not paying for relocation, housing, tuition, etc. I told her I'd be considering it (which I genuinely will, as it's just about my top choice); she told me that another POI would be calling me this week, and that they'd be in touch with further info and an official offer letter, and that was that!
  22. Upvote
    Kilos reacted to slightlymoreanonymous in 2017 Acceptances   
    Congrats, Kilos! From all I've heard, it's a great program!! Is their MA still a one year program, though? I knew someone who was in it and she said it was pretty intense trying to fit all of the MA stuff in just a year. But then she got into great PhD programs after, so it all worked out!
    And for what it's worth, all of the r/c people I know who applied straight to PhD programs with a bachelors were accepted for the schools' MA programs instead. It sounds like most big rhet/comp programs want people to get their masters and teaching experience first. But that could just be where I applied:) Where else are you applying? 
  23. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from DankOcean in 2017 Acceptances   
    Got a phone call from one of my academic/professional heroes Saturday afternoon; she was letting me know that Carnegie Mellon was excited to offer me a spot in their Rhetoric M.A. program. I'd applied for the Ph.D., but she very kindly explained that they only take 2-3 people into their Ph.D. program per year, and that those admitted almost always have graduate degrees (typically from CMU's own M.A. program). I knew this was the case before I applied, but the huge difference is that the Ph.D. program comes with a full tuition waiver. We had a really nice conversation (almost half an hour) and she got me really excited about an amazing program that I know I ultimately can't afford.
    If anybody's curious, I think CMU's tuition is around 42k a year. They offered me a very significant scholarship and an RA-ship, but it would still leave me on the hook for a chunk of money (over 10 grand). Before I'd even started this application process I promised myself that I wouldn't pay for graduate school; if I can get a full-ride I'll take it, but I'm not paying for relocation, housing, tuition, etc. I told her I'd be considering it (which I genuinely will, as it's just about my top choice); she told me that another POI would be calling me this week, and that they'd be in touch with further info and an official offer letter, and that was that!
  24. Upvote
    Kilos reacted to Dr. Old Bill in 2017 Acceptances   
    Yes, I remember when I first got my M.A. acceptance at UMD a couple of years ago -- there was the "possibility" of funding, but I was very lukewarm about it since a.) I had only applied to Ph.D. programs, and b.) I wasn't prepared to shell out lots of money for a Master's. Fortunately, I was eventually offered a 1/2 TAship, and was then able to find a full GAship...and long story short, in both years I've been at UMD, I've actually made more money than the Ph.D. stipend, while having tuition waived, health insurance covered etc. In other words, you may find that this option works out for you, depending on how CMU is structured.

    And thanks for your kind words about my OSU acceptance! Even though I'm still eager to see whether or not I get in elsewhere, I know I'll be very happy at Ohio State, all factors considered. The low cost of living would be quite a treat. I'm also from the Pacific Northwest, incidentally (Vancouver, Canada), though have lived in Virginia and Maryland for the last seven. I'll miss not having the ocean within driving distance, but I'm pretty sure I can stick it out. Frankly, I'm looking forward to the fresh start!

  25. Upvote
    Kilos got a reaction from slightlymoreanonymous in 2017 Acceptances   
    Got a phone call from one of my academic/professional heroes Saturday afternoon; she was letting me know that Carnegie Mellon was excited to offer me a spot in their Rhetoric M.A. program. I'd applied for the Ph.D., but she very kindly explained that they only take 2-3 people into their Ph.D. program per year, and that those admitted almost always have graduate degrees (typically from CMU's own M.A. program). I knew this was the case before I applied, but the huge difference is that the Ph.D. program comes with a full tuition waiver. We had a really nice conversation (almost half an hour) and she got me really excited about an amazing program that I know I ultimately can't afford.
    If anybody's curious, I think CMU's tuition is around 42k a year. They offered me a very significant scholarship and an RA-ship, but it would still leave me on the hook for a chunk of money (over 10 grand). Before I'd even started this application process I promised myself that I wouldn't pay for graduate school; if I can get a full-ride I'll take it, but I'm not paying for relocation, housing, tuition, etc. I told her I'd be considering it (which I genuinely will, as it's just about my top choice); she told me that another POI would be calling me this week, and that they'd be in touch with further info and an official offer letter, and that was that!
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