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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
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    English/Comparative Literature

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  1. There are definitely plenty of great Universities with classical studies post-bac programs. UC Davis comes to mind, it would roughly cost $7200 to do all 24-credit hours and receive the certificate. I am sure other UC's have similar programs that cost around the same. That being said, I am not sure if the post-bac is necessary, and hopefully people with more experience than myself will be able to provide some insight. Independent study of the language would be great, but I think you are correct to assume that this will mean little to nothing to the adcomm. You could perhaps quote a passage from something in Greek or Latin and provide your own translation? If you are looking for some where to begin, with regards to your independent study, check out this https://lrc.la.utexas.edu/eieol/grkol Also if you are familiar with cases and basics of translation and pronunciation, this, http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/ This probably isn't that helpful, but hopefully a bump will catch the attention of someone with greater knowledge!
  2. I've spoken to Heather Hicks, and she said there are in fact such opportunities. If you ask, she or Brook Erdman will send a link with the open assistantships. New opportunities for funding will be open for the Fall of 2018.
  3. That sucks! Thank you for the information, though! At this point, with 2 funded students who are undecided, and 3-4 people ahead of me in the wait list- the odd are rather discouraging. Oh well. I still plan to attend the accepted students day, for those of you who will be there. Perhaps I will take out the loans and hope I get funding spring semester or the next. There's one more assistantship for the Learning Support Center, so unless that has already been decided, there are few options for those of us who are unfunded. Congrats on CU (again)!
  4. Sweet- thank you for the information! Congrats to you and your girlfriend on the acceptances!
  5. @natalielouise I am certainly not hopeless! But if I hear nothing about funding by 15, April, and if at the time I am still number 5, or even 4, I am not sure how comfortable I would be accepting the offer. I am already swimming in student loans! Really, I am just biding my time until the day comes where I am forced to make a decision, and hopefully by then I will have more information. But thank you for the cheerful words! And congrats on both of your acceptances!
  6. What about you? (I suck at forums and remembering to do the whole quote thing)
  7. I am about 99.9% positive that if I do not receive funding, then I will not attend, and I will wait till the next cycle, since I have now been rejected to all other programs to which I've applied. Since I will be in the area during the first two weeks of April, I will attend the event and see where I stand on the wait list; if I've moved up to number 1 on the wait list for funding, I may strike a rather risky wager with myself and pray the potential benefits would outweigh the potential harm. I'm hoping that we will hear about some movement in the wait list before 15, April. What about you?
  8. I will be at the event, since I was already planning on being in Philadelphia that week. Still not sure if I will be accepting the offer, it depends on whether or not I get funding (number 5 on the wait list, last I checked).
  9. That's a tough decision! For you, it seems like you have two wonderful options! How do their courses for this year compare? what undergrad courses will Dr. Foster teach this year? It seems as though the VU grad courses aren't super relevant to your interests, but I've read elsewhere on the boards that you may take undergrad courses for grad credit if you make the case. Illinois does have a lot more scenery than you may think. It's not the most exciting area, but you're 3 hrs by public transit and under two hours by car from Chicago- which is an amazing city! That being said, the mainline area, although expensive, is beautiful, and the more affordable west phily is only about 30 or 45 mins away using septa. Both are good schools, both have good placement rates, barring the past three years at VU. I think your decision has to come down to which university has more coursework suited to your interests, and also it always comes down to the money! i hope that I've helped... let me know your decision, and congrats on the two great offers!
  10. I see, so the wait list for funding includes applicants who are wait listed for the university. Thank you for the clarification!
  11. I would email her- she's quick to respond. I'm not sure if you should make anything of it, however, based on the size of the funding wait list, I imagine she's been busy and just hasn't gotten to sending your email yet- maybe later tonight (I've received several emails from VU near or after midnight). Congrats on the acceptance, and good luck on the funding!
  12. Hm, yeah I got 5th on the wait list; she said I was likely to get funding as well, but it just sucks, I was hoping today I could stop worrying :/
  13. wait- a 24 person list? I didn't think Villanova admitted that many students...
  14. Hah good idea, thank you!
  15. How did you find out where you stand on the wait list for Villanova funding? I received an email about an hour ago, Heather said I was on the waitlist, but did not specify where I was on that list... Help would be great! So much anxiety.
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