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  • Location
    Nanjing, China
  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
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  1. I am with you. I thought it might be an implied rejection...but I haven't received anything from them yet.
  2. I am about to email my POI in Upenn about an discussion on his book... But now, I am afraid that he will tell me initially:I am sorry... I mean...It will be awkward if both of us avoid talking about the results...He is the one encouraged me to apply to Upenn and other top programs, but...look how I get rejected by half of them.
  3. Thank you engphiledu, I don't want to have that kind of financial burden for my family neither. Wish me good luck to get admitted in any funded program!
  4. Thank you for this! I can assume it is a implied rejection... Congratulations to you! I just watched their Open House recording on the Youtube days before.
  5. I think it's just too early to make that phone.
  6. Does anyone know about University of Stirling from UK? I applied by coincidence and got admitted in The Gothic Imagination MPhil, but...it's a MA program without funding, I don't know if it worth the money, or will help me with further Ph.D application, because Gothic Lit is kind of my reading interest, not one of my academic interest.
  7. Me too, restrained myself!
  8. @jungThug It claims to have 20 out of 200 on the website of English Department. Does CUNY offer MA?
  9. Hi,there. I checked my portal too today, no information about the application status, just the materials checklist. I don't know if they have sent out all the acceptances. But there are 4-5 acceptances posted on the page.
  10. Oh, I should let you help me to ask if all the acceptances have gone out. hhha
  11. To make you feel better, compared to you, I am not competitive at all. BA in Economics, MA in Comparative Lit, GPA different from the way you calculated in the USA. YOU WILL BE AN EXCELLENT PHD STUDENT. And I...need to focus on my MA thesis right now, the whole application thing make my life stagnant.
  12. Let's behave well for two more days! And then get some rewards from UMN!
  13. Mine is too, should I sleep now???? I can't fall asleep with the "within one bussiness day" notification! @crugs
  14. @crugs All my college friends admire me for taking a MA postion in the top university in China. So I am not looking forward to finding a job at this time. Because in China, when you start working, parents will ask you to date someone, to marry someone, and then have a baby. So this year is very important for me. If I get any acceptance, I can away from these pressure for at least 5 years!!! I can go to parties, travel to foreign countries...do anything I interested in but never experience before. I feel optimistic when I think about these, but turndown so quickly after checking the result page.
  15. People who are courageous enough, acknowledging that life is rife with pain and conflict, just as it's filled with compassion and joy. But people like me, just take the acceptances as the most indispensable achievements at this point. Fear to lose, or go through a second time.
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