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  • Interests
    Rhetoric and writing, including legal rhetoric, political rhetoric, southern literature as political rhetoric, disability studies, law and lit
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    PhD in rhet/comp/writing

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. On a totally different note, I am almost done writing a paper about the theories of Angela Bizzell. I figured, she is still teaching, so why not email her? She emailed me back and we’ve had an interesting exchange. She is super nice. I have no one around who understands how cool this is. I hope you guys do.
  2. THANK YOU!! Yes, it’s SLU. We live 90 (ish) minutes from StL and hubbys job will have him in the Metro East (Illinois) area that day so he was talking about coming by for part of the day. When he knows his schedule a little bit better, I’ll shoot them an email. If nothing else, he and I can go out for nice dinner in the Central West End after! I’ve already confirmed that I will be attending the open house early next month. Thanks again.
  3. Yes! I will see you there on the sixth!
  4. Do not, repeat do not do it. First of all, you will get so much out of teaching. I feel like teaching and being a student at the same time has almost been like a hazing process—it is hard but but I have learned so much I can’t even begin to explain it. The teaching has enhanced my learning and vice versa. I’ve had those lightbulb moments constantly since I started teaching. A graduate teaching assistantship isn’t just about getting a free ride, it’s about what you learn while you’re doing it. Secondly, an MA from your ideal school does not mean you will get into your ideal PhD program. I have gone to a small regional MA program, had a graduate teaching assistantship, and am happy with my PhD acceptances so far. People like me compete against people from more “exclusive” schools and we do quite well. The name of the school or a vague perception that it is the “right” program is not as important as you may think. My two cents...
  5. I have paged through some of the replies on this thread, and I apologize if this question has been answered and I missed it, but I would like to know about the etiquette of bringing a significant other along to the campus visit: Is this OK? For this particular accepted students’ open house, I’m not asking for travel reimbursement, as we don’t live terribly far away. Hubby asked if he could come along, and I would enjoy his company and input, but my concern is it might seem unprofessional if I ask to bring him. What do you think? Is that too weird?
  6. Congrats! I got in off the waitlist there too and will probably attend! Are you planning to go to campus on April 6? If so, I will see you there!
  7. Found out yesterday I got into St. Louis University off the waiting list. I’m happy about this one! My acceptances so far are SLU, and Southern Illinois University Carbondale. I’m waitlisted at Illinois State and Tennessee, and still have yet to hear from Illinois and Purdue, though Purdue did email me back and said my application was still active. I assume that means they have an unofficial waiting list. As I have mentioned before, I’m older with children. There was no possibility of us picking up and moving thousands of miles away. I applied to the best schools that were close geographically that I knew, logistically, I could actually attend. While I wanted to get in to all of them, I think I have some decent options now.
  8. Found out yesterday that I have been admitted to St. Louis University in rhetoric and composition. I was originally third on the waiting list. I’m pretty happy about this one. Admitted students day is April 6, which I will attend. I think I will most likely enroll, though I won’t make a final decision until I visit the department. For me this makes two admissions, two wait lists still pending, and two schools that I have heard nothing from. I finally emailed Purdue to find out what was up with them, and they replied saying that my application was still active and would remain so until April 15.
  9. My biggest concern with Purdue is their placement rate. From what I have seen from their web page, there are lower ranked schools that have better placement. That said, I’m in R/C which generally has better placement rates than Lit. Every university needs someone to teach writing. For those of us that enjoy teaching writing, that’s a good thing. I am still waiting to hear from Purdue and Illinois (UIUC). The two are only 2 hours apart from each other, but Illinois’ writing studies program has a 100% placement rate. I’d stay on the wait list til the last possible second for a placement rate like that.
  10. Do you still think this?? I have heard diddley squat from them. And Purdue. They are my last two.
  11. I know of Purdue’s rolling admissions-but has anyone in Rhet/Comp rolled in yet??
  12. LOL! I have family in Texas, once I’m done with my PHD I will definitely look for jobs down there. It’s not the water, it’s the Shiner. Definitely the Shiner.
  13. I just want to thank all of you who have responded to my rather lengthy question above. I will go in and talk to them. It’s actually the same school where I got my law agree, so it’s possible we can work something out. Meanwhile, I have received three waitlist notifications so maybe something will happen with one of those schools. You guys have been really terrific. I can’t thank you enough.
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