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  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    Speech Pathology

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  1. @Waiting is the WorstThat makes me feel better! lol Hopefully we hear back this week
  2. I'm still waiting on Northeastern. I know they sent out a few waves of acceptances so idk what to make of it.. anyone familiar with their process?
  3. I did too, and no info on funding either which I'm bummed about. Does anyone know how much tuition is?
  4. Thanks! I do have that, I guess the merit-based/ GA info will be found under that too when it's ready!
  5. Thank you !
  6. Hello everyone! I was wondering if those who have been accepted to the University of Vermont have been notified that they received a scholarship? Thanks!
  7. @MassSLP2be - First of all, I hope that your interview went well! I am also applying to UNH and I'm a little confused by their process. I know that people have gotten interviews/ acceptances in waves. Do you happen to know if they're done doing interviews now, and since I have not gotten one yet, should I assume that I'm rejected? I'm surprised they decided to do interviews since their website says nothing about them. Thank you!
  8. Does anyone know anything about the UNH admission process ? I've seen people getting accepted/ doing interviews but I did not know that they did interviews! If we didn't get one yet, should we assume that we are rejected?? Thanks!
  9. Woohoo! Same, glad it worked out
  10. Thanks for the info! I actually ended up calling the department and they said we will hear sometime this week/ early next week. Good luck to everyone, and I hope you can find cheap plane tickets @mlr!!
  11. I don't know what it could be! So weird..
  12. Okay, cool! Thanks for the responses It's just so weird that the website has been down for about a day now!
  13. Hi everyone, Is anyone else here applying to BU? I heard that we were suppose to hear about being invited to interview this week, however when I went to double check that this information was correct on their speech pathology webpage, it seems to be nonexistent! Anyone else having this problem/ have heard back from BU yet? Thanks!
  14. I currently work as a paid research assistant, working with participants who have TBI and/or PTSD. It's really been great working in an academic environment, and being able to work directly with study participants who have TBI (a population I'm very interested in). I would strongly recommend looking into research labs!
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