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About Chuupa

  • Birthday 11/25/1995

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  • Location
  • Interests
    Asia, nationalism, international affairs, development, environment.
    ( Special mention to scandinavian countries, especially Sweden. )
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program

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  1. @sandradee I would choose Uppsala over anything without even thinking about it. I actually wanted to do their Master in Peace and Conflict studies, I met some people that were doing it and they were really happy about it . I don't even have words to describe my experience there, it was just ... raw happiness ? I decided to do my exchange there because I'm interested in development and environment. The university is among the best in the world in those subjects and is well known in general as well. The professors were really nice and I absolutely loved the courses. They were super interesting. However, in case you don't know, their system is not the same as here. They have one class per month (or one that is over two months) instead of having them all at the same time. I love it, but some people do not. Also, I felt a connection with Sweden that I don't have with Canada. I know I want to live there or in a nordic country after my studies. It felt like home and for the first time, I felt like I belong somewhere (I don't know why I don't like Canada...) I have no clue what I could do there, though. So I understand your dilemma. Doing a program in Ottawa to work for the government is, in my opinion, a very logical move. That's why I am doing it. NPSIA also opens a lot of doors. But as I said, I would go to Uppsala without hesitation if I was provided with funding. Having experience overseas if also very important and it makes you stand out. Uppsala is an amazing city, Swedes are so so nice. I had the chance to live with 6 of them and 4 international students in my dorm. They are like family to me. I can only recommend it.
  2. @alexma63 Hahaha, I recognize you from your présentation on the FB group. As I mentionned, I spent 4 months in Sweden and I was in Uppsala. It was the best time of my life and I honestly never felt this happy. If it wasn't so expensive, I 100% would have apply for a master there. So if you have any question about the University, the city, Sweden or anything, feel to write to me ! And thank you for your input about housing. I'll look on Kijiji. 1000$+ is a bit too much for me haha but its also the price of some dorms in UOttawa :') Pretty sure I'll end up writing to you.
  3. @StrawberryFields67 Oh, wow, thank you ! That's really nice. I am honestly quite stressed because I'll be in the Philippines all summer... I have no clue how to find a place to live and how to do it from another continent hahaha. Hopefully I'll manage ! @Delidas Yeah, you're right ! I'm really excited for all the conferences and events
  4. @Delidas oh yeah ! I'm always in for some beers we should all definitively meet next fall. Aren't GSPIA and NPSIA hosting events together ? I'm sure we'll end up seeing eachother from time to time. I am still debating what to do for housing ...
  5. So ! I created a group for those who got in GSPIA Feel free to join ! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1748453535210917/?source=create_flow
  6. @limbsun You've decided on GSPIA, then ? I went to the open house this weekend and the faculty is absolutely beautiful, I could really picture myself there haha ! Yeah, I think we should make one ? It's a nice way of getting to know everyone ^^
  7. Among those who got into GSPIA, do you know if there's a group ? I cannot find anything on facebook and I think it's pretty weird...
  8. So, I got into both GSPIA and SIDGS ! But I am not too sure which one to pick... I feel like for what I want to do later, GSPIA is exactly what I need. However, I absolutely love development and I'd like to do research on that subject (especially on the environment). The professors at GSPIA are amazing, but it looks like they're more interested in defense/conflicts, etc... I also don't really know what are the careers opportunities with a master in development. I'm lost. I read from last year's topic that the work load for the first year at GSPIA is really intense, which kinda scares me. It's more relaxed at SIDGS, so I thought I could do more extra activities. I also got a TAship from SIDGS, which is nice. I called GSPIA and they told me they give TAship to students with 8,5/10 and I have 8/10 haha. I'd like to work to limit the student loans as well. I hate to make decisions.
  9. @limbsun Thank you !! I initially wanted GSPIA, but when I wrote my letters, I realized that maybe SIDGS would fit me better. So I'll wait for their answer... Not too sure what I would ! Have you heard from other schools ?
  10. Mine is expiring on the 21st of march (still cannot believe it) ! And I don't think there's a thread only for GSPIA ^^
  11. @Corenn Congrats on getting into GSPIA ! Did you apply to NPSIA as well ? And when did you receive your offer ? I am starting to stress so much. I really feel like I won't get in... Hopefully I'll get in SIDGS :'( Edit : AHHHH !!!! I got in as well ! I went to see ... and I saw it. I cried. I am so so happy
  12. I think french is definitively easier than certain languages, but the grammar is awful (I speak as a native french speaker). My neighbour tried multiple times to take the french exam for I'm not too sure what and failed everytime time. She eventually gave up. I don't know which level they expect people to reach, but being bilingual with french is hard, especially for the writing part. I think taking extra courses is a good idea ! I can also help, I did that before
  13. Thank you for the info ! I hope so too, didn't think it would be that stressful... I also regret not trying NPSIA in the end haha
  14. Someone knows if there's different status for UOttawa as well ? :/ It just says under evaluation hahaha
  15. @sandradee That is so nice ! And I agree with Delidas, it probably depends of the professor. I don't think anyone mentionned something similar last year, so it might be unusual ? And yeah, let us know ! I am very curious !
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