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Everything posted by punctilious

  1. I'm in communications for a national non-profit, specifically visual communications/graphic design, although my educational background is in political science and Russian/East European studies. So pretty unrelated. I've just been super involved throughout his whole application process, and love hanging out with all of you lit folk on here! That's an awesome list of schools! We also applied to Chicago, Brown, and Colorado! Chicago was a bust but we have hope for the other two! Good luck to you.
  2. Oh hey fellow post-45 Americanist! By fellow I mean fellow to my husband, I know nothing. I’m curious to know which schools you applied to!
  3. Agreed! Plus it's just kind of sketchy that they have to do so much convincing for the program. I'm sorry but we just are not willing to pay for it, so there's no reason to forward us on!
  4. Anyone else get the extensive email trying to convince people of how great Chicago's MAPH program is? Ugh.
  5. THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS!!! Loving all of this good news!
  6. Any current Boston University students wanna give an update...? Lol. I'm dying to know when we'll hear back!
  7. YAYYYYY that is so awesome, congratulations!!!
  8. We're a bit concerned about this too. Already UDel and UMD have visits in the same week, so we are nervous about the possibility of other schools falling on that week. Thus far we haven't had to commit to any visits yet, though, which is good.
  9. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so awesome.
  10. I can't upvote, but CONGRATULATIONS to @Elle Coronaria and @Yanaka!!! SO AMAZING
  11. I did notice that! Really weird.
  12. Congrats to the person accepted to Vanderbilt!
  13. Yeah it's really frustrating. I don't understand the point. That would be the second Harvard English troll this cycle, as far as I'm aware.
  14. YES! Be careful, though, as it can backfire. The magic 8 ball also told me I had to be the one to do the dishes tonight...
  15. The online magic 8 ball has told us that Brown won't be notifying this week, but perhaps on Monday--and that husband will most likely be accepted. I appreciate the insight, even if it's coming from an online magic 8 ball. It's strangely comforting.
  16. Ahhhh! I was thinking they would notify this Friday. We’ll see if that happens!
  17. Congratulations!!! That's awesome! I'd bet that waitlist will see movement in the coming weeks/months!
  18. Thank you! We also have many schools to hear back from but we really like this program, especially because of their material culture track.
  19. CONGRATS! I was slightly amazed at the funding package. I feel like it’s way better than what we expected from them.
  20. Same here! And forwarded onto “Master of Arts Program in the Humanities (MAPH).”
  21. That is awesome! I hope you are able to move off the waitlist and onto the accepted list!!!
  22. I am SO happy for you both! That is such wonderful news!
  23. Oh man! That's a tough one. Well if you decide to visit Delaware, let us know!
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