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Everything posted by punctilious

  1. Another NYU post so perhaps acceptances are still being released! Good luck!!!
  2. Good luck to all of you waiting on Michigan!!!!
  3. We still have quite a few schools to hear back from, but I have a feeling we will be staying on the Maryland waitlist for a while. It's the only school that would allow me to definitively keep my job and stay in the area where we are now. I adore my job--I get to do what I love (visual communications/graphic design) while supporting my incredible colleagues who are protecting immigrant women and girls through legal and social services and public policy. It's a dream. Plus Maryland is a super strong fit for husband. Sooooo if you don't want to go to Maryland (and are in our research area), feel free to decline the offer.
  4. Looks like last year the acceptances may have come the day after the rejections... It's going to be a long couple days!
  5. Yayyy congratulations!!!
  6. Tufts rejection on the board but we haven't heard anything.
  7. Congratulations!!! That is fantastic!
  8. Same... I noticed a street sign on the way to work that said Quincy, and it has convinced me that good news will come out of the Boston area today for us. (please)
  9. I’m honestly jealous that you guys get to go to the admitted student days. I’ll just be walking around or hanging in hotel rooms...
  10. I am a sucker for pretty campuses, so this is wonderful to hear!
  11. I feel that. Husband and I are Vermonters living in Virginia. I dread the idea of going back north! It has only snowed like four times total over the past two years that I've lived here, and it's going to be 70 degrees on Thursday. Yet my parents back in VT have a snow pile taller than my dad in their front yard right now! I do not miss long winters.
  12. Well then! That answers that question! Thank you so much for letting us know. Hoping we will have to be in the Boston area for a visit anyway (BU... Tufts... Brandeis... Harvard... u there?) so perhaps we can stop by!
  13. Congratulations! I hope you get off the waitlist soon!
  14. So we are waitlisted at Maryland and Boston College. Maryland invited husband to their visit day, but Boston College didn't mention theirs. I wonder if that means the DGS doesn't expect that the BC waitlist will move? Should we ask about a visit day at all?
  15. I'm hoping that you get into one of your favorites! Are you from California?
  16. CONGRATULATIONS!!! YAYYYY!!! We were close to applying there--it looks beautiful!
  17. Lol same. I haven't mentioned @Elise Martorano's info to my husband, lest he get his hopes up. Perhaps he already read it, though--he lurks sometimes...
  18. Congrats, that is great!!
  19. Congratulations!!! That’s so exciting! Are we now together in the one acceptance/two waitlists boat? Haha.
  20. I am really hoping for you and @Fineanddandy!!! We are extremely thankful for our acceptance and waitlists. I think there should be a space for people without acceptances (yet!) to commiserate, because before we had any positive responses, we were also feeling down/lonely. But I do think it is important to have a thread where people are able note their rejections and express their disappointments even if they have other acceptances/waitlists. With that said, I am so sorry you are in this situation, and I truly hope things turn around soon! I know there are a number of people applying this cycle who are here for round 2 or even 3 but have had success this time.
  21. Really?? Eep! Well, there goes any possibility of getting more work done today...
  22. My husband is upset as well. I understand. It's tough to be in limbo expecting rejection. But, I suppose we should all expect that this process is most often not a kind one.
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