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Everything posted by punctilious

  1. Someone call them! Maybe they’ll give details (Brown and Tufts did when we called).
  2. Hmm, that is a tough one. That could leave a pretty steep price, especially since it's New York. I think there are some people on this forum who could speak more to whether it's worth it to pay for an MA (@a_sort_of_fractious_angel?).
  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so glad to hear you've gotten some good news!
  4. LOL. That is fantastic. This is always our first though about Delaware:
  5. I think I was looking at this but it appears as though it doesn't go all the way to Newark on Sundays?
  6. We called Boston University and they said they haven't gotten through their first round of applications yet. Apparently they "want to be done by the end of February, but would conservatively estimate decisions coming in March." So, prepare to be in it for the long haul into March!
  7. I've heard great things about Villanova, and they accept applications until March 1. If you can pull together an application in a week, perhaps this would be a good option? I know there are a number of GCers who have attended/are attending. Here's the link: https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/artsci/graduate/graduate-programs/english.html
  8. Philadelphia and Delaware friends: is there a good way to get from Philadelphia to Newark, DE on a Sunday morning? We were going to spend Friday and Saturday night in Philadelphia and then head to Newark on Sunday morning but it looks like SEPTA doesn’t go that far on Sundays and Amtrak is only available in the evening. Any other good methods of getting there? Otherwise it looks like we’d be heading there Saturday evening. Edit: Not driving, we don’t have a car.
  9. That’s probably the best idea. It would suck to not be able to meet her at the visit day, as it’s probably important to assess how well you click with your potential advisor, right?
  10. Hmmm, I’m wondering if he should email the POI directly to see if they’ll be able to have a meeting while he’s there? Or just wait for further details on the visit. She’s one of the main reasons that husband applied. Her research interests are perfect for him (post-45 American lit with a thing theory focus) AND she worked in Europe after her PhD before coming to UD!
  11. No packet for us either, but we also got the email from the students! I’m sad because our fantastic UD POI is on sabbatical this semester. Does that mean there’s no chance to meet her at the visit days? She rocks and I want husband to get the chance to actually talk to her!
  12. Thank you so much @ltr317 and @unicornsarereal! We really appreciate it!
  13. Thank you @clinamen and @M(allthevowels)H! We're hoping for the best with our waitlists!
  14. Rankings probably don't matter much, but I think placement rates do. Have you looked closer into how each school compares in terms of placement rates (especially tenure track post-2011)? I personally think location should be a major factor, too--you should be happy wherever you spend the next 5-6 years of your life.
  15. Waitlisted at Tufts—found out by calling the department administrative assistant. They said they sent out letters today.
  16. Same here! Though with the extended torture I think we deserve to get acceptances from them. Lol.
  17. Waiting on Brown here. Looks like most (if not all) acceptances have gone out, as have most rejections. I’m not sure what they’re doing but apparently we will hear back ‘soon, if not today.’
  18. We called Boston University and they said they haven't gotten through their first round of applications yet. Apparently they "want to be done by the end of February, but would conservatively estimate decisions coming in March." Looks like we won't be hearing back this week!
  19. Unrelated--but I see that you were accepted to Maryland! Congrats! May I ask what you field/era is? I'd also love to know if you have details on funding (we're waitlisted). Feel free to PM if you'd prefer! Edit: Jk I read your profile so I know your field now!
  20. I think you will find that you are not alone if you check out this thread: I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, but I hope that you will hear good things from Columbia!
  21. Yeah, I'm really not sure why else they'd have one huge day of acceptances, one huge day of rejections, and a slow trickling of rejections unless they were still making decisions on acceptances or waitlists. Thank you so much for calling them!!
  22. WARELIN. You are my hero, as usual. Any idea if that means that there could be more acceptances?
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