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About AnxiousKitty

  • Birthday January 22

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Communication & Technology; Masspersonal Communication; Social Influence
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    Communication Studies

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  1. Woke up to great news this morning (I live on the other side of the planet). Received an email from my POI/temporary advisor (my choice!) informing me of my acceptance to UW-Milwaukee! They are very generous, and has offered me a TA position for four years, with an additional 6K extra award for my first year. Aside from this, I’m just really glad that it worked out and this POI is someone I really want to work with!
  2. Hi, I believe you are in the wrong thread. This is the Communication thread. The program that you applied for is the engineering and management program at NUS, Singapore, I am guessing. Unless I am mistaken, please clarify.
  3. Glad this was helpful! I’m excited to hear back from them. Hope it will be good news for us both!
  4. Congrats @GreenEyedTrombonist @swazibound @twin35 on the acceptances to UW-Madison! I'm joining @E-P @sriracha18 and @surprise_quiche in the rejection pile from them but I did expect this. In other news, I did get an acceptance from SUNY Buffalo with full funding for four years this morning, so I am really excited! My spouse was also accepted here with full funding as well. In other news, Cornell said they will be sending out admission decisions soon. My POI at UW-Milwaukee told me they will be evaluating admissions and initial funding on the 14th of this month! Good luck, everyone!
  5. @sriracha18 I completely understand how you feel. I’ve been in my MA research program in an internationally top ranked university for almost 2 years now, and even when I did everything right (confirming my candidature, going to at least a large scale conference etc.), I still struggle. Everyday. Coincidentally, my spouse and I are also trying for the same schools. Like your partner, he is wanting to do a PoliSci PhD and has gotten 3 spots (only 1 with full funding). I got rejected by the one program we both were dying to attend, so that really sucks. I started imaging all the worst case scenarios! However, the same night I got rejected from our supposed dream school, the Communication department I applied to at the school my spouse received the full funding from offered me an interview to get to know me better and said I am “definitely considered for funding”! My point is, it’s still early into the game, so anything can happen. I wish you all the best and am sending you good and positive vibes!
  6. @E-P Communication Arts (Com Science) for UW and Communication for MSU. I have not heard back from UW and am expecting a rejection. They seem to have gone quiet though. Good luck with UT! Congratulations on Purdue! I am super pleased for you!
  7. I’m in a prestigious communication research master program (internationally ranked top 12th), decent GPA and GRE (155V/155Q/4.0), no pubs, 1 solo-authored ICA paper. My work is in com tech (cmc/interpersonal). Super strong LORs (one of which is my advisor who is an influential com scholar) and imo, a good SOP. I realized after I had a bad fit with UT-Austin- my work was poorly aligned with the POI I wanted to work with in the interpersonal track. You are not the only one who hasn’t heard back from RTF! I believe @Hongtao said there were no news from them yet either! @sriracha18 thank you! I did receive a very nice email from the grad director from SUNY UB last night for an interview conversation next week. It’s my alma matar and safe school so I am super stoked! Said I will “definitely” be considered for funding!
  8. I was rejected by UT-Austin last night (while watching re-runs of Dexter on Netflix LOL). I had a sinking (and constantly nagging) feeling about the potential outcome the pass few days while checking the fit of faculty to my profile and interests. Kinda expected it when I saw my application status: "Denied". Disappointed but still waiting on 8 other schools! Good luck and happy for the people who got into UT-Austin! It is a great school with a great program for sure.
  9. Hi all, hope everyone's doing great. I come bearing some news. My friend who is currently attending UCSB said they are sending out visitation invites next week. But, note that the invitation to visit is not a concrete offer. My friend did not visit last year but was still offered admission. Just a heads up for anyone who's applied to UCSB. I did an interview with WVU last week; I guess it went well but you never know. They are taking in 5 doctoral candidates out of the 22 "good pile" list. They fund all admitted students. Fingers cross. I want to hear from UT Austin soon.
  10. Hi all, I've been lurking for a while now but I've finally decided to start posting and join you guys for a bit. I'm based in Singapore now (my home country) and am currently a Master student who will be graduating by F18. Before, I graduated from UB SUNY in the US. My research interests lie in the convergence of computer-mediated communication and interpersonal communication. In particular, how social and digital media facilitate patterns that are different FtF and online etc. Anyway, just thought I'll introduce myself. It's pretty early into the cycle, but I am already feeling the jitters. (Yesterday, I woke up at 5.30am to scroll through this forum...HAAHA).
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