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  • Gender
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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    Communication MA/PhD

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  1. Happy news, though! I got into the rhetoric and political culture PhD at the University of Maryland last week! Fully funded for 5 years. I'm pretty sure that's where I'm going ❤️ The only place I haven't heard back from is the MA program at UGA.
  2. Joining the NU rejection club, lol. Also not a surprise. I had all but forgotten the application was still active ?
  3. Hey y'all! I'm so happy to see so much good news from everyone. I had an interview with for a PhD the other day and think it went really well. I hope to hear from the school soon because it's a great program and not too far from my family compared to my other current options. (I'm not mentioning the program just bc I'm a lil paranoid they'll find me here lol but feel free to message if you're curious). I thought all hope was lost because I wasn't contacted sooner but I was called a "promising fit" so we'll see, I suppose! Automatic funding, too, if I'm admitted. How is everyone coming to this point in the process? Who are you still waiting on and how are you making your final decisions about where to attend?
  4. So sorry to hear that @deshypothequiez. do you think you will leave or reapply? (or move everyone with you lol) @black hippie soul & @Isocrates2.o congratulations on nc state! I'm an NC native if y'all have any questions. I love the triangle & have many friends who attend state for undergrad or, randomly, their vet school. & @pato if you like the program you should totally consider raleigh! the triangle (raleigh-chapel hill- durham) is really neat and NC has much more to offer than our reputation and political mess leads on (but i know there may be other factors in your decisions lol). going to visit IUB tomorrow! I'll be sure to ask questions but they've given both my partner and I very generous financial packages for our respective programs so I can't help but look at them through rose-colored glasses rn. still waiting on decisions from NU (expecting a no), UMD, and UGA. hoping for positives for everyone at this point in the cycle. <3
  5. @Shay825 thank you about Indiana! I'll let you know if I hear anything about Maryland. Also on the Indiana front: The program has recommended me as a fully funded candidate and now I am just waiting upon the overall grad school to hopefully confirm me!!!
  6. Does anyone have any particular insight into UMD College Park decisions? I still haven't heard anything from them and I see in the results that they have conducted some interviews and sent out acceptances.
  7. @whitmanifesto wow. Thanks for letting me know that -- I haven't heard anything. I'll definitely ask when I'm there & lmk if you have any other insight. They're not my only option. @ProudCatMom Are you visiting next weekend?
  8. Maryland - College Park seems to be trickling decisions out little by little. If I haven't heard anything, should I assume it's a no? My partner is really excited about getting into their poli sci PhD program and I'm worried my news will not be so positive. On a more positive note -- I've been invited to visit Bloomington! I'm so excited. It's where one of my advisors went and I think it'd be a great fit. The waiting is getting hard!
  9. Y'all! I just got into WFU. Funding to come in a few days. Still, it's my first "yes" and not a waitlist. Congrats to the good news everyone has received and positive vibes to those who are still waiting on good news.
  10. Thank you @surprise_quiche @Ishouldbewriting for your condolences. I'm waitlisted for a PhD at Minnesota & the other programs I'm looking at are UMD, UGA (MA), IUB (MA), & WFU (MA).
  11. Got the no from Madison today (on the ride from the church to the graveyard at my grandpa's funeral ?). It was a kind email from the POI I interviewed with who said they were impressed with my app but went with applicants with more compatible research (so I guess they were not that impressed lol). Hope the first day of February was nicer to y'all. I really want to remain positive, though! I'm trying to remind myself it's early in the process & that I'm only an undergrad & PhD programs are wild.
  12. OMG @GreenEyedTrombonist & @swazibound congratulations on the Madison acceptances!!! Also thanks @ProudCatMom for the graphs. Good luck to everyone today! Oh, also to the Madison folks: did your status change on the official application portal? TiA
  13. @AnxiousKitty OMG! What a coincidence. I'm an undergrad at a mid tier liberal arts school but I'm in a consortium with an internationally ranked top school as well so I've taken several classes there through cross-enrollment. Even though I've always done well, and frequently better than my peers at the "better" institution, the disparity in our schools' ranks always shakes my confidence a little and makes me feel like I don't deserve to be there/ am not smart enough. The main difference between the students at my home school and the fancy school I attend part-time as well as the one I went to this weekend, however, seems to be class and opportunity. As far as the partnered application process, I'm trying to keep in mind that it's in the early stages and that most comm departments I'm applying to haven't sent out decisions yet. The waiting sucks, though.
  14. I spent the weekend at a super prestigious school (that doesn't have a comm program) but it still really riled up my imposter syndrome. My friend who went to said school for a PhD in another discipline said I wouldn't be getting interviews/ waitlisted by top programs if I wasn't super qualified, but a "yes" would be great. Also, I'm applying with my partner who is going for a poli sci PhD & so far our bites have come from different schools & she's already got a spot at 2 of them, but was rejected by the school who has interviewed me. I want to be prepared but jumping to the worst case scenario probably isn't helping. I just can't seem to relax.
  15. @anxiouskitty I'm so sorry to hear about this! I hope some good news comes soon. Also watching Dexter reruns on Netflix is a mooood.
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