Hi everyone, it's looking likely that I'll be going to Boston in the fall and need much advice!! I was really looking forward to having my own space, but a few days of scrolling in craigslist and zillow have popped this happy bubble and I'm just very anxious now.
I'm really worried about housing esp since I'm an international, and there's a high chance I'd have to do house-hunting via the internet. Is this a really bad idea? Should I just empty my savings account to pay for the overpriced Harvard housing studio for a year and then search for rooms in my second year?
Or, if it's not a terrible idea, should I try to find fee-free deals on craigslist, or for safety's sake pay the fee and work through a realtor? What are some good, reliable sites with a lot of listings?
Also, I have no idea how much my stipend is worth in Boston, i.e. what price range of houses I should be looking at. How much does cost of living for a single grad student minus rent amount to?
I sound absolutely clueless, yeah.. sorry about that
Any advice is much appreciated!