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    _Nomad_ reacted to skd05 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    Hey all I believe the hour requirements are the exact same for the online program! We were told from the get go wed have to reduce our full time work hours during placement time to balance the two. Hope this helps!!
  2. Upvote
    _Nomad_ reacted to KJE88 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    No problem. I've been reading everything on the Laurier website (which is actually where I found that link) tonight and did look at the online stuff briefly... you would have a lot of field placement with that program according to the schedule but it doesn't give you an actual number of hours. 
  3. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to KJE88 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    Not sure if I am understanding your question correctly. Do you mean how many hours of field practice do you have to complete during your MSW to be able to register with the college of social workers following graduation? I would assume that every program with accredidation would require you to complete at least the minimum number of hours but this document might help answer your question. Scroll to page 13 of the document where it talks about field education. 

  4. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to SWMommy in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    I did an in-depth search! Nothing yet on FB. Also thank you for that link! Very informative.  I am now down the rabbit hole looking at all the course descriptions haha. 
  5. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to skd05 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    Omg omg omg I just got accepted !!! Laurier online!!!
  6. Like
    _Nomad_ got a reaction from Scully29 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    That's great! Having work that you like makes things psychologically easier I guess. And still - being in the waiting list is huge deal this year
  7. Upvote
    _Nomad_ got a reaction from Erin32796 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    I was shy to express same idea
  8. Like
    _Nomad_ got a reaction from MSWApplicant17 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    I was shy to express same idea
  9. Like
    _Nomad_ got a reaction from MSWapplicant2021 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    I was shy to express same idea
  10. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to KJE88 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    I was just accepted at Laurier!!! Definitely burst out crying at work after opening the email ahahaha (I’ve been trying since 2015!!!)
    Looking forward to getting to know all my future classmates!
  11. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to Erin32796 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    To be honest, I find it quite annoying and really ridiculous to only accept so few students. U of T can handle taking on more students for this program, and it is very clear by this forum that so many of us are qualified and missed out by the slightest little thing. My only theory is that U of T wants to maintain their status of exclusivity and opulence.
  12. Like
    _Nomad_ got a reaction from Erin32796 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    Social Work is definitely my dream job and it would be great to get my degree in UofT. I gust first I have to figure out what they want from me hehe My last year application was pretty weak - simple "essays" and minimum of work/volunteer experience; but I got waitlisted! This year I put so much effort and gaind enough experience... and got rejected. Mystery
    Thanks for your kind words tho!
  13. Upvote
    _Nomad_ reacted to Scully29 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    I agree it is a mystery! I also got waitlisted at U of T, and can't figure out how to further improve my application, or what they are looking for! It is a very disheartening experience.
  14. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to Erin32796 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    Thank you! And if you decide to apply again I hope you make it in too.
  15. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to 2 Year MSW in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    Right? There are other schools that at least say how many people are on the waitlist or where they are. Based on past forums, it looks like Windsor's and Western's waitlist does move, at least more than other schools such as UofT. 
  16. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to KJE88 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    @_Nomad_ I am still waiting to hear from Laurier but in the meantime I have also been looking into the online program because I have been going through this process for a few years now and I am desperate to keep moving forward! I have been emailing one of the enrolment advisors so here is some of the information I got. The program is still valuable in terms of being able to use your degree. You have the same designation as those who were in class at the end of the day its just a different process and it may even be better for you depending on your learning style. She said "the course work will be focused on readings, assignment, case studies and discussion forms"  She also said the online program does not have exams, you are graded on the course work. It also includes a placement portion so you would still be gaining valuable work experience. In terms of the placement she said: There is a placement factor in the program, if you work full time you would have to work part time up until the placement is done, or if you decide to do your placement within your employer within a different department and under a different management then you may not have to go part time depending on the flexibilities with your employer.
    My main issue with the program is that you cannot elect the thesis option. This aspect is really important to my goals and my learning and it is the main reason I am not entirely sure if the online option is best for my future. But the other half of me says; just apply so you can get the MSW done so that you can start doing the work you want to do and get involved in research later. 
    FYI - she also told me that applications for the Fall 2018 start date will be due in May, so that gives you some time to put some thought into it  
  17. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to ciders_only in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    OMG I JUST GOT AN E-MAIL FROM LAURIER! I GOT INTO THE 2-YEAR MSW PROGRAM!   I also appear to have gotten a 10k entrance scholarship too
  18. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to PokePsych in Love, Academia and Success   
    It's not about he didnt support them or me - coz he absolutely did. But it's also about us supporting each other - and that also means I can't ask him to sacrifice everything for me and my career goals. I still had a good thesis project - just not as great or cool as it could have been and I certainly missed out on opportunities to connect, network, and get some name value on my resume. 
    I also didnt apply to some schools because of him - job opportunities, the area etc. Sacrifice is an essential part of every relationship I think. But I would make the same choices again.
  19. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to Casper13 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    I'm sorry that sucks . I know the feeling. I applied four years ago to U of T (a year after my undergrad) and didn't get in. When I applied the first time I also had very little experience in the field (worked occasionally as a respite worker, and volunteered at a residential program for at-risk youth). I did my undergrad at UBC in psychology. And had an 80% average in my last year.
    Since getting rejected I have worked 2 years at a youth detox as a youth worker. I am currently working as a youth outreach worker (fulltime) and at a safe house for Aboriginal youth (casually). I also took a year off to travel. At the time of my application I had about 5500 hours of social services experience. 
    I have heard that in order to be accepted into an MSW program at U of T (and probably most MSW programs)  they want you to have considerable experience doing similar work to social work already...or else they recommend you to do your BSW first. This is why very few people get in right after their undergrad.  
    If you are having trouble finding paid work experience in the field I have heard volunteering at a crisis line looks very good on an application. After gaining crisis line experience you should be able to find paid relevant work as well. Also, most MSW programs in Canada value work experience working with marginalized groups. 
    Additionally, I took a social work class at UBC after my undergrad to show my interest and demonstrate I could achieve a good grade in a university level social work class. You can also take workshops or obtain certificates such as ASIST suicide training or Trauma Informed training to boost your resume and experience. Not sure how or if this impacted me getting accepted this time but it can't hurt.
    Best of luck to you
  20. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to whatdidigetinto in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    I will give you the advice my husband gave me ...
    I wasn't going to apply.  I didn't think I would be accepted, so when I brought the subject up to him I said maybe I should go back for my BSW online.  Work in the area again for a while to get up-to-date experience, maybe better references.  (I've been in a different area so I could work from home/be with the kids.)  Try to apply in a few years when I'd have more confidence in doing so.
    He told me if I apply now, I'm giving myself all the reasons why I won't get accepted but there's still a chance provided I actually go through the application process.  If I don't apply at all, then it's 100% guaranteed I won't get in. 
  21. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to skd05 in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    I understand how this can be frustrating and remember feeling this when i finished my undergrad. I wasnt ready at the time to go to grad school(i was going to apply for clinical psych but it was another 5 year phd program). I ended up doing a one year post grad in concurrent disorders and it had a placement.  I got a job at CMHA and have worked there for the last four years (hired from my placement) and with that experience have got hired in a hospital addictions facility as well.
    Although i cant speak to this strengthening your application or notbecause i have only applied to one school and I am not even sure I have been accepted yet. but, i did also volunteer at a private treatment centre as well while I was doing my undergrad. I would say volunteer where you can, and maybe completing the BSW could open some doors for you as well
  22. Upvote
    _Nomad_ reacted to Sooyeah in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    Yea I got rejected from U windsor and York and my acorn does not say invited for Uoft soo... yea
  23. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to nicoleMSW in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    I don’t think you missed any years at all! It only took you six years to get to a point in your life where you can comfortably apply for a Master’s program (not easy) that leads to a career in helping other people (also not easy) after such a major upheaval in your own life (definitely not easy)... I think that’s huge! 
    Be proud of your accomplishments and keep persevering
  24. Like
    _Nomad_ reacted to spers in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    I haven't heard back from U of T but they may not be updating ACORN since they have mailed all the letters yesterday! Don't give up hope yet. 
    Renison-University College offers a BSW post graduate degree for 10 months, as long as you meet the prerequisites. 
  25. Upvote
    _Nomad_ reacted to Sooyeah in Canadian MSW Applicants 2018   
    Umm so just checked York, my file is updated... didn't get in. "Reviewed-unsuccessful"
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