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Everything posted by Joegeo

  1. I know it's probably not a good idea but I feel much more attached to a program that accepted me right away compared to ones that I got off a waitlist. It's not rational but it feels good to a program firsts choice compared to a 9th choice.
  2. I think it's up to you how you want your advisor to be. I would personally not enjoy working with School B since there is a chance the students at the school were soft on the PI by just saying intense. But you know yourself more than anyone else.
  3. Yea I will take it that you are on some alternative waitlist. Better than nothing but I am not sure the chances of making it to the next cut.
  4. I have nothing on mine but they emailed me that I was on the waitlist, but I assume you have not gotten any word? I guess you might be on an alternative waitlist?
  5. It does suck to be in this spot I agree. But from last year I learn that until you see that rejection letter it's not officially over. So all we can do is hold out hope.
  6. So how did the so call "make or break" week go. I guess I did get an acceptance (well I think for Albany) but I had one official rejection from Ohio and pretty sure have been rejected by Rice and Colorado State.
  7. Got my first rejection from Ohio which I expected given I knew they offer admissions early. Oh well at least I have 1 offer I think.
  8. I only asked Ohio University because I applied there last year so I knew they had an early deadline. So I email them basically to confirm I was passed up.
  9. Apparently, I got accepted admissions after all to Albany haha. They told me the admissions was valid and it was just sent out too early. Finally got the first. Good luck to all of you guys/gals!
  10. From last year I got 2? I think mass rejection emails. I am worried about schools like Rice who last year sent out the email request on the 21st and nobody on here has heard anything.
  11. It's odd either a lot of I/O psych programs are taking their time this year or worse they have sent out their interviews/acceptances and those people just don't post here ?
  12. So update to my situation. I got word from the head of the I/O program at Albany and she told me it is the first time this has happened. She told me they never accept people before they get funding but they were impressed by my application so I can consider myself "accepted" but they don't know if they can fund me or who my advisor will even be. What a weird situation all around.
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