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Everything posted by rainydaychai

  1. Ugh, all of you guys getting official interview invites already and almost all of my programs have historically made offers in the first week of January (and no one's heard from the one that makes offers this week). Knowing you have go to through the holidays waiting is almost as bad as getting rejected right off the bat! I just wish I had at least one formal invite in my back pocket. Can anyone commiserate?
  2. Sorry, I didn't see this part of your post until now! I applied to work with Dr. Scalora in the clinical psyc/law concentration. It's my top choice because my dream area of study is targeted violence and threat assessment, so the research fit is perfect. Who did you apply to? Ok everyone saying this is making me feel much more calm. Thank you guys! ?
  3. I was wondering this too! Even more so because I talked to the admissions office this morning on the phone - there was something wrong with my application that I needed changed. I asked the admissions officer if any applications had even been reviewed yet, since I was worried the PIs had seen the incorrect info already, and she reassured me that no clinical applications had even been looked at yet.
  4. Ahh, I'm stressing because I didn't get the email and you're stressing because you did. The joys of application season. Hopefully that's not the case for you! ? Also just very strange as I checked both the results page for UNL last year and their program website and it says the interview invites are sent out early- to mid-January. So it would be super early if they were able to do it now.
  5. That's super weird, I applied to UNL as well (and it's my top choice too!!) but I didn't receive any email like that at all. Just logged in to my account and it still just says it's under review. What the hell does that mean... this stress is literally the worst.
  6. Seconding what everyone has expressed already, the waiting game truly is worse than pre-submission. I really hate refreshing my inbox every 10 minutes and feeling powerless. My main thing (after finishing my my last exam of undergrad yesterday, yay!) since submission has been more necessary than crazy/funny: packing up my whole place in preparation for a move tomorrow! I actually have noticed that I had less opportunity to check my phone obsessively and it took my mind off things. During the process, my mom and my boyfriend's mom have both come to help us pack everything and met for the first time (we've been dating for three years), which was a little stressful! They hit it off really well though. ?
  7. I was one of these people - I just had my phone interview! I've DMed you my PI and as far as I know it was just a prelim phone interview with a graduate student - we chatted about the program, she asked me about my research interests and what I want out of a clinical psych degree, and I asked her lots of questions about the program.
  8. I wouldn't worry! I'm currently finishing up my undergrad at a Canadian university that I'm applying back to for the doctoral program, and when talking with a supervisor she said that they don't even look at applications here until the new year. I think some universities in the states move really fast!
  9. I totally didn’t expect it when I opened my email, I didn’t know anyone sent anything on weekends! ? Phone interview tips or commonly asked questions, anyone?
  10. School: University of Alabama Type: PhD Date of invite: Dec. 8., 2018 Type of invite: Email from current graduate student of PI inviting me to phone interview with them Interview date(s): Sometime this week Can’t believe I have something to add here so early! Equal parts excited/terrified.
  11. I just baked four dozen! They're for my undergraduate PI... gotta say thank you for the reference letter writing somehow ?
  12. I feel this - I debated for a long time whether I even wanted to start an account on here, it felt like a slippery slope! I try to "monitor" myself and if I feel like I am getting anxious, I completely remove myself off the forums for a bit by going for a run or reading a book with my phone far out of reach, etc. However, I am finishing up my last undergrad semester right now so I also feel like that's a good distraction - when I'm done next week, the temptation to lurk on here will be even stronger!
  13. Hey @ResilientDreams, I totally know how you feel as I'm applying directly from undergrad, for clinical psychology doctorate programs, as well. I've seen your posts over on the Clinical Psychology Fall 2019 applications thread! I think the only difference between us is that I completed my Honours thesis last year and am just about to finish up a last "half" year to finish up outstanding course credits. It's sometimes pretty scary being on these forums as everyone seems way more qualified than I do. Hopefully it works out for us!! I'd love to chat more about the process, I'm pretty sure everyone around me tired of hearing about the clinical psych application process about two months ago, haha.
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