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Everything posted by rubberduck

  1. It has been three years since I religiously used this website when I applied to clinical psychology programs and I thought I would revisit it. Here are some lessons I learned after three years into a clinical psychology PhD: The interviews are just to confirm that you're normal. Professors have a ranked list based on stats and essays alone. They invite multiple people to interview so they can weed out which ones are normal and which ones aren't. Don't stress over any mistakes you think you made during Interview Weekend. Most likely, you were fine, you just weren't high on the list to begin with. Students who don't like the program don't go to Interview Weekend. So if you actually talk to a student who doesn't have good things to say about the program, that is a terrible sign. Your advisor is the most important thing, ever. At the program level, programs don't really care about students. The power of professors and administrators will always be higher than the rights or wellbeing of students. However, your advisor can defend and represent you, but if you can't rely on your advisor -- unfortunately, you're f*cked. I would take a friendly, reliable advisor over an advisor that's doing research I personally consider interesting every time. Cohorts are temporary, labs are forever. When you take introductory classes and have bonding/semi-traumatic experiences in those classes, you think that you'll be best friends with your cohort. You will, for a time, but you'll eventually start to drift as you all finish your courseload and that's okay. I don't want to advise people to ignore their cohorts, but prioritize the relationships in your lab first and foremost. Those people will stick with you and you'll end up sharing hotel rooms during conferences, so you might as well like each other. Squatter's rights. Lab space, desk space, furniture, equipment. You get ownership as long as you continue using it. If you get access to a room in a building, don't ever give it up. If an item isn't nailed down and doesn't an item barcode or university number on it, it's fair game as long as you don't get caught. Befriend other faculty members for committee purposes. Once you find a nice person who agrees to be on your master's committee, ply them with compliments and baked goods and whatever it takes so that'll be on your candidacy and dissertation committees. The code to the printer is 1111. I don't why admin keeps using simple codes, but whatever.
  2. My mentor left my institution, three months after I spent a $1000 moving my stuff across the country. I got reassigned a new mentor (who was a faculty member in a different program, but I could remain a student in my current program). She is the most lovely person I have ever met. I couldn't be happier that she's my new mentor. But the process showed me how little my program in general cared about its students. The first suggestion I received from the director of the clinical program was to leave institutions. Faculty members were sorry for me but none of them did anything to actually help. I'm sorry that this happened to you and I am interested to know if you were able to recover from your issue without leaving your current institution.
  3. Hi! Anyone else going to Ohio State for Fall 2020? I'll be joining the psychology program ?
  4. School: The Ohio State University Type of Program: Clinical Acceptance Date: 1/15/2020
  5. Does anyone have advice on what to wear for "business casual"? UMass Amherst's clinical weekend has one day with a business casual dress code and one day with a professional dress code. I'm wondering (for women applicants) if a nice sweater is business casual-y enough or if I should wear a colored blazer and dark jeans.
  6. The longest time I waited for a follow-up after a phone interview was ~25 days (it was over the holiday break so I knew it would be a while), it was really tempting to email them back but I ended up waiting it out -- I would only reach out if you had to (e.g. to resolve interview date conflicts).
  7. My general Skype advice: Make sure that you give them your Skype username or the email that you used to make your Skype account before the interview takes place (esp if you're like me and you have multiple Skype accounts), and make sure that they can find your account easily on Skype if they search by your username/email Give the interviewer your cell phone number as a backup If you wear glasses, turn your screen brightness as low as you're comfortable with; this will reduce glare in your glasses Try to have a neutral/non-reflective background, wear something nice including pants Look into the camera (not at the screen) while speaking Wear headphones to reduce background noise In my experience, you'll be asked questions similarly to a real interview, so most interview advice should be applicable to Skype interviews too! Edit: Also my general interview tips/experience: You will be expected to ask more questions than answer them; make sure to have many questions on a variety of topics (teaching requirements, clinical work, lab workflows, coursework, general living in the area, etc.) If additional faculty interview you that you didn't apply to, they probably won't ask you a lot of detailed questions; they're there to answer your non-PI-specific questions that only a faculty member can answer Don't get drunk at the pre-interview social events I brought ~10 copies of my CV and this was definitely overkill (you should bring a few though)
  8. I think they mean that, as long as you submit your application before the deadline (usually Dec 1), timing doesn't impact your application. An application submitted on September 30th has the same impact as one submitted on November 30th; things may get dicey if materials are submitted after the deadline though.
  9. I got an interview at Temple (assumed rejection from Fordham though, sadly) and I think it came down to fit with the PI; my undergrad and postbacc experience matched up well with the PI's research interests. I also emphasized statistics/data science in my applications: minored in stats in undergrad, worked a lot with data as postbacc, in my SOPs I mentioned specific techniques that PIs used (dyadic data analysis, Bayesian stuff, behaviorally-coded data, etc.); I think this helped PIs overlook my remarkably average GRE quant score.
  10. Miami's Ohio interview days are either Feb 3 or Feb 7; I think most have gone out by now.
  11. Me too! (Also when GSU’s interview weekend will be) Thanks!
  12. For one school I interviewed at, they sent me info on who I would be staying with on Tuesday when they knew I was flying in on Thursday. I would try to wait if you can.
  13. Has anyone heard from Georgia State for clinical interviews?
  14. If you don’t want to wear a pant suit, what about a dress with a blazer?
  15. To the poster on the Results page, unfortunately yes, the invite email for South Florida's clinical program seemed to be a mass email (or individual emails sent en masse); it came from the admissions coordinator.
  16. FYI: Invites for Indiana Bloomington's clinical science program should be all out by the end of next week; their interview weekend will take place Feb 21st.
  17. Congrats to the poster who got a Skype interview at South Florida! Would you mind messaging me your POI? Thanks!
  18. The University of Rhode Island doesn't require the general GRE.
  19. School: Temple University Type: Clinical Psychology PhD Date of Invite: 12/22/19 Type of Invite: Email from chair Interview date(s): 01/13/20 I received the email at 8:30AM on a Sunday ... happy holidays y'all!
  20. Small rant: Thanks for the happy holiday email and the heart attack, Fordham and Georgia State Shoutout to UC Boulder for adding me to their prospective MBA mailing list, even though I never demonstrated any interest in business ever
  21. To the Temple University poster, would you mind DMing me your POI and letting me know if the email was sent by the POI or the director/admin? Thanks!
  22. Is that Columbia or Kansas City? Thanks!
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