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Posts posted by ObamaIsGuiltyOfWarCrimes

  1. On 3/28/2021 at 9:56 AM, bemusedbobcat said:

    They said given my position on the waitlist, it's likely they will offer me not only the position in the program but also a TA-ship + awards. I had previously understood it as saying that the funding would come with the admission. I am not as sure now that you mentioned it. 


    Why do you think it would be better to send an email next Friday only?


    I'm not musicdegree4me, but if you have a better funding offer from a similar program, you may be able to get the offer increased. I spent a couple of weeks reading about how to do this, and ended up with more clear funding for summer (they could not increase my stipend because of union agreements). I've seen reports that people have had their offer increased up to a few thousand and a couple up to ten. Someone on Facebook mentioned their moving costs covered by the department.

  2. 48 minutes ago, SmithM97 said:

    I, along with the rest of the waitlist at UCSD, was invited to a virtual open house for them. Does anyone have experience with this? Will it be awkward to try to make connections as a person on the waitlist? Will there be different expectations for those accepted already versus those waitlisted?  

    I did it with Minnesota. It was not weird at all, but I didn't go out of my way to make further contact or schedule individual meetings.

  3. 2 hours ago, A_bad_philosopher said:

    I'm heartbroken as I've applied to 14 schools so far (for PhD) and I've heard back from 11, all rejections. Three left but I am not counting on them, probably gonna be rejections. I know it's last minute but I am now applying to masters programs. I've already applied to Brandeis, UW Milwaukee, Georgia State, Texas Tech, and Houston for the US ones.

    I am also looking into the UK ones but I am not sure if I should bother applying there for the purpose of doing the masters and coming back to the States to do a PhD in the States. The ones that I'm looking into right now are SASP (St. Andrews and Stirling combined program), Sheffield, Leeds, and Birmingham. I wasn't able to find any kind of placement information for these programs so I am wondering if these programs are worth doing if I want to be able to pursue a PhD in the States afterwards. I am aware that these are all 1-year programs and I am also aware that these are not funded. I have some saved up money + parental funding so money is not that big of an issue for me, so I'd just like to know if anyone has done these programs or know any further information about the MA programs in the UK. Any kind of help would be appreciated.

    Btw, my AOI is in LEMM. 

    Thank you :)

    Aim higher than some of them. You'd be surprised to find the amount of acceptances you'll get when you have international tuition tied to your application - Edinburgh, UCL, and Oxbridge are worth your time. I went from the US to Durham for a master's, only partially funded and very expensive. You can reach out if you have any questions.

  4. 27 minutes ago, fuzzysocks said:

    Waitlisted at UW! Super excited as it's my top choice. 

    Also, I was wondering if anyone had any waitlist etiquette tips? How should I respond to the waitlist email? Also, should I update them on recent developments to my CV?

    According to department policy, they aren't allowed to tell applicants their ranking, so that's out of the question. The email also said to keep them updated on whether I have offers from other programs, but I have only heard back from two others so far... which were both rejections. 

    Congratulations! Since it's your top choice, respond with a thanks and let them know that it is your preferred program. Definitely recommit yourself. Then, mention that you'd like to send an update to your CV and state what you added. If the administrator sent the email, just do this separately to the admissions director. See if you can do the prospective student events. Ask them for an update by mid-march if you're considering another place and that place is nudging you on a decision, letting UW know you'd reject that offer depending on your UW status.

    Don't update on rejections, and I have learned that you probably shouldn't keep them informed of other programs you're considering unless you use it as a nudge. One of my acceptances asked the same thing and then ghosted me after emailing me weekly and pursuing me for two months. I asked several pertinent questions. I think they took offense that I did not take their offer immediately. The secretary keeps sending me the same "sign this document" automated email. The others have been understanding though.

  5. 8 hours ago, CleoOfSicily said:

    I really did not mean to be insensitive/ show off. Is just that, even if I get funding for the programme I got accepted at or get in at a funded programme, my fate is in the hands of a supervisor who does not bother answering and reading emails and drafts. Feeling powerless sucks and just wanted to vent it out.

    Unfortunately, this imbalance is normalised in academia. My MA supervisor stopped responding for about 1.5 months after the third contact hour we had, but with his agreement to supervise the project, the university required six. He got back to me after we had a cigarette break together at a conference. I ended up with a 69 because one of my later sections was rushed... so not a distinction, but very close. We ended up developing a good relationship and he agreed to referee for any and all PhD applications.

    Assuming you get into one of the other funded programmes (if I understand correctly):  if your offer is unconditional, you can leave your masters programme without repercussions except burned bridges with that specific supervisor whose absence is outside of your control depending on your particular agreement. you can probably reach out to their "more important" PhD students to see if this is normal for them. Also, checking in with a secretary is an option. I know someone who was about to go to the market (shortly pre-defence) when their supervisor had an emergency hospitalisation. The uni was able to fund that student a little bit longer as a tutor and RA until the supervisor was back.

    If the programme is UK structured where you definitely need the MA/MPhil to continue, then yeah that would be unfortunate, but if not, then just jump ship and suspend your master's studies. Or, given that this is philosophy and not a science with a PI and lab, you could probably change your supervisor, formally or informally, as long as you end up with a good product..

    There are options, but you have to make it known to that professor first, then question their students or the administrator, then, if need be, the director of your MA, then if need be, the head of the department.

    I hope it works out. ❤️

  6. On 2/17/2021 at 10:28 PM, Outer Heaven said:

    I've cried a fair bit this season. 

    I had my first results cry today when I saw people were accepted at both Notre Dame programs.

  7. On 2/16/2021 at 11:43 AM, HomoLudens said:


    This is awful. This is truly an awful feeling. 


    23 hours ago, OatMilkLatte said:

    0a/2w/3r/12 pending:

    Getting frustrated and just want to know the decisions. I don't even care what they are at this point. Hopefully an accept coming, but got to be realistic too, so not getting my hopes up. I wish I could know where on the waitlists I stand, could give me some sense of relief.


    20 hours ago, unixotic said:

    I've been feeling super down on myself, too. I applied to 7 grad programs, and I've only been officially accepted into one. I have another interview coming up next month, but the only two schools that seem to want me are private schools. I've, so far, been rejected 3/7 and I don't know what I did wrong during my applications. What sucks even more is that the schools won't let me ask what I did wrong or appeal, so I have to sit here and wait out the other ones. I've seriously been questioning the validity of my acceptances to my other schools and I just feel a huge cloud of insecurity and imposter syndrome with it.

    I think as long as you have at least 50% of your applications outstanding, there is still time and opportunity available to you. It is a difficult cycle and I know this won't help mentally, but run a Bayesian analysis on your chances. They are higher than it feels like. I hope you all get into top choices!


    20 hours ago, HomoLudens said:

    I feel like I am in a weird position. I don't actually feel imposter syndrome. Maybe it is because I am doing an MA now and so I already worked through it two years ago? I would be interested in hearing other people who did an MA.


    If it isn't imposter syndrome, then what am I feeling? Maybe it is frustration that I think I have produced good work and it isn't being recognized, and I have the firm conviction that I can keep learning and producing better work in the future. In that case, I must be feeling a kind of narcissisms and resentment (which makes sense considering my personality). 

    I did an MA as well, but feel a mixture of imposter syndrome and like I've put every bit of my life into this. Feeling like you've worked hard and on something novel is ok and not indicative of narcissism. Your frustration is warranted. Adcomms cannot know every applicant so well and might not put their time into seeing the great parts of most dossiers. They burn through them so fast that they might miss out on excellence you and your referees have highlighted.  

  8. 2 hours ago, PhilCoffee said:

    Anyone can claim the Simon Fraser rejection? Seems pretty early for them.

    It seems reasonably placed besides 2020. It seems to be this week +/- one. My old rejection came in on April 13th, 2018.

  9. I wonder how much my referees have to do with where I have gotten in so far. MSU has close relations with two of my four referees and it has been relayed that one of my referees and someone at Calgary are close personal friends. It makes me wonder if I am actually doing this on my own merits. I also wouldn't have applied to so many places if I could better gauge myself in the applicant pool given the pandemic. I think December/January broke me, mentally. Now I check my email four times an hour - check here, the results page, and Facebook about twice a day - and open all of the portals once or twice a day. My partner cannot stand it.

  10. 7 hours ago, Cold Latte said:

    Hi, does anybody know if Fordham has sent out interview invites? 

    Hey, it looks like no word on if Fordham conducts interviews. It looks like notification by phone around March 1st (according to the last two years). The spreadsheet states Feb 24 notification, but this year is an outlier.

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