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Sad Politics

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  1. Upvote
    Sad Politics got a reaction from mypolisciguy in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Martin Devaux's app is the best reference for that (https://martindevaux.com/2020/11/political-science-phd-admission-decisions/). While there may be some variation this year because of the pandemic, it seems that several programs are following their usual schedule. 
  2. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to funfetti in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    My advisors just informed me that their department did experience the widely-discussed huge increase in applications.
    They waived the GRE and saw a considerable number of applications from people who appear to have applied just because they could. In other words, a decent portion of this year's marginal applicants were unprepared for graduate study and seemed to lack an understanding of what it means to be a doctoral student and to conduct political science research.
    This is just one university, but it made me feel a little better. It affirms what someone on this thread previously noted: just because applications doubled does not mean that the competitiveness of admissions doubled. 
    ETA: this info was given to me by people I trust but it was given in a general and vague sense... I don't have a super specific insider knowledge. I hope this info is encouraging to others as it was to me, but take my word with a grain of salt. 
  3. Like
    Sad Politics got a reaction from brickinthewall in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    There is one post of a Georgetown interview, but so far nothing else has been posted. I do not know if Georgetown will interview several candidates this year or if it is an isolated case.  
  4. Like
    Sad Politics reacted to brickinthewall in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Duke is a program that comes to mind as one that appears to be interviewing for the first time in a while. Are there other programs that you are referencing here as not historically interviewing candidates (but seem to be doing so this cycle)? 
  5. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to brickinthewall in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    For what it's worth, I also find the following app useful. (I found it either on a thread here or on reddit, I think). It includes some GRE/GPA ranges as well as results for other disciplines, so will provide results for the History programs you mentioned as well @scarletwitch! 
    (Yes, I recognize how obsessive this makes me triangulating previous cycles across multiple applications lol?)
  6. Like
    Sad Politics got a reaction from Maguire in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Martin Devaux's app is the best reference for that (https://martindevaux.com/2020/11/political-science-phd-admission-decisions/). While there may be some variation this year because of the pandemic, it seems that several programs are following their usual schedule. 
  7. Like
    Sad Politics reacted to icemanyeo in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Sending positive energies to everyone as we go through this final stretch of the cycle! ?
    Thank you to all those who have shared their experience with interviews, past cycles, admissions, and more!
  8. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to Barry B. Benson in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    I know emotions run high when important stuff is on the line, but I would advise everyone to take it down a notch with the mutual accusations.
    I (and I bet many others) would really appreciate a space to just wait it out and comment things as they happen, rather than to read through unpleasant comments (I do not wish to name anyone in particular).
  9. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to gingerantelope in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Also claiming a OSU acceptance! I was refreshing my portal for the last 15 minutes and it just updated. Congratulations to all of the other admits!
  10. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to ovejal in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Claiming an Ohio State admit as well. Same as above - just checked portal, no email yet. No interview request. 
  11. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to Richelieu in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Claiming one of the Ohio State (OSU) acceptances. 
    Comparative politics subfield. 
  12. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to NotaDoctorShh in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    I also just interviewed with Madison. Very similar set of questions with the only difference being that I was asked about my research interests broadly and was not asked to differentiate. I applied as IR/Comparative for Madison. However, no mention of decision timeline. 
    The overall atmosphere was pretty relaxed and very friendly. Only advice would be to make sure you are familiar with your interviewer and your own application material. 
  13. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to NeedaMormon in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Finished up with my interview with UW-Madison, and thought I'd let y'all know the questions they asked me:
    Why would you be a good fit for UW-Madison?
    What made you want to pursue a PhD?
    What are some challenges you expect in graduate studies, and how do you think you would over come them?
    They then asked how I would differentiate my research from other people. (They said they would expect quite a few thesis papers on my research interest in the future. AP if that helps.)
    I mean I certainly feel like I did well on the interview!
    They also mentioned to expect decisions in about 3 weeks.
  14. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to NotaDoctorShh in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    I can claim one of the UIUC acceptances. I'm in the IR subfield if that helps. I got my offer from email, but my portal has not changed so make sure you check all your spam filters and whatnot. 
  15. Like
    Sad Politics reacted to nivy25 in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Waiting to hear back from schools is probably the most brutal and stressful experience ever. Look at all of us here (including me obviously), constantly checking the forums/results and then overthinking the tiniest details and wondering what is in store for us ? 
  16. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to mypolisciguy in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    I'm claiming one of those Northwestern admits. Got an email early this morning.
  17. Like
    Sad Politics reacted to Tyedyedturtle91 in Grad school rejections drain the life out of me. I think I’d rather be dead   
    I empathize so much with you. Please don't give up on yourself. Please don't even consider the thought of hurting yourself or worse. You deserve life! You deserve happiness. You can and will find your path. But I know that sounds so much easier than it is actually done. But please, listen to me:
    I have been where you are. A few years ago, I applied to graduate school and got rejected at 6/8 programs. This crushed me. None of my top schools seemed even remotely interested. I was rejected swiftly. One acceptance was to my safety school. One acceptance was to a good program, but no funding. I was living at home. I didn't have a source of income. I was in a very bad relationship, which was ending. I didn't think the amount of loans I would have to take out to go to school and minimally survive was a good choice. I just couldn't bear the thought, and I said no. This devastated me. I felt like such a fuck up. I spent hours and hundreds of dollars to apply to these schools. It felt like such a waste.
    My parents were pressuring me to move on. They didn't exactly see what this meant to me. I dreamed of going into academia. I really wanted to teach. And I felt like it would never happen for me. I felt like a crucial part of my identity was lost. They told me to get a job somewhere and move on. The only job I could find was at K-Mart. Meanwhile, my professors and advisors told me, "There's always next year. This happens. Just try again." Try again? As if this is easy? As if this is affordable? It's neither. This process can be soul-crushingly difficult. It depressed me. I spent months deeply, clinically depressed. Not many people understood what I was going through or had the bandwidth to relate to me and talk to me. I felt so alone.
    But, I chose to just adapt and to go on a totally different path. It was not easy. I changed career tracks. I didn't like it. I still don't. I struggled to find work outside of retail, but eventually did. It was meager, however. Finally, I met my then boyfriend (now husband). I began to learn that life is not linear. Life often does not make sense. The path is arduous and twisted and broken and frightening, but sometimes, there is method to its absolute madness. I would have never met my husband had this all worked out the way I had hoped. I also realized that your career does not have to be the only way you find fulfillment in life. There are ways to engage in your love and research interests outside of academia. Focus on finding those things. Focus on filling your life with people who you connect to and can confide in. You need support during this process. You need friends and love. And sometimes, that is the greatest fulfillment in life.
    Like you, I have a BA in English and philosophy. I felt really unemployable where I was living in the Midwest. But when I moved to a metro area, I suddenly found I was very employable, just not in anything I deeply care about, which has been okay temporarily. I have worked in an off-shoot of my field, and I have spent time building my resume with professional experience. I have saved up money to apply again to graduate school and fund some of my education, should I get in. I spent years preparing to try again. And, in that time, I focused mostly on healing myself--repairing the broken confidence, proving my commitment to myself, and polishing the skills I need. My time away from school and this process has honestly been so well spent, and I have hope it is paying off.
    My advice for your situation is to consider doing those things: take a year or two or three to build your resume;  consider moving to a metropolitan area where there are more jobs, if you can afford it; stay committed to your field through independent study, research, and attempts at publication; research different programs, maybe try a completely different batch of schools; seek out professionals in your field to provide you constructive criticism on your applications; find friends and a support circle; find other hobbies and things that make you feel good; focus on your mental health by seeking medical attention, talking to a therapist or loved one, taking a break from this process, taking a vacation (or stay-cation), taking up a new hobby, trying new exercise, etc.; and finally give yourself a break.
    Listen to all of us in your shoes. We are all struggling. You are NOT alone! You are NOT a failure. You should not blame yourself so much or feel so worthless. It's just NOT fair to yourself. Give yourself some credit for all of the hard work and effort you have put in. Give yourself credit for taking a risk and trying again. Look at how far you've already come. You are GREAT. Please don't forget that! <3
  18. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to kestrel18 in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Based on my experience, it is definitely time for the University of Wisconsin and Ohio State University (OSU). In this respect, it is even strange we have not heard from OSU yet...-  too many applicants?
    Who else might be at this point? - North Carolina, Pittsburgh probably - but these programs do not accept Ph.D. students this year, as far as I know.
    So, it is too early to panic
  19. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to guest789 in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Agreed. I suspect we'll see some results from the 25th onwards.
  20. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to kestrel18 in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Guys, regarding Princeton on the results page:
    It is a habitual "Princeton troll" lurking here for many years. Usually, it awakens somewhere on 7th-8th January, claims an acceptance to Princeton, and then disappears for another year. This year it reemerged almost a week later than usual (why?). - Do not take it seriously, even better - do not pay attention at all.  
    But, seriously, it is way too early for Princeton, do not drive yourself crazy! 
  21. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to guest789 in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    I think this one is slightly better - it captures Politics, Political science, Government and removes the LSE posts: https://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=(politic*|gov)+-london
  22. Like
    Sad Politics got a reaction from verschiedene in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    There is another link if you only want to see Political Science results (https://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=Political+Science). 
  23. Like
    Sad Politics got a reaction from verschiedene in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Here is the link: https://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php
      I also applied to Princeton (Political Econ) and haven't heard back.
  24. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to brickinthewall in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    This happened to me as well- I think you are fine. Some programs even explicitly stated that it could take a few weeks after an application submission for scores to match, so it seems fairly common that test scores match after the deadline. I think it's just a technical/back-end mechanic! 
  25. Upvote
    Sad Politics reacted to gingerantelope in 2020-2021 Application Thread   
    Hi all! I've been lurking on here until I had something to report. I'm also claiming a Wisconsin-Madison interview. Good luck to all of the other interviewees and applicants!
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