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  1. I have seen a few folks comment on CGS-D vs SSHRC, so I thought I would comment on my experience in case it helps. Last year I received CGS-D 35K 3 years. I am enrolled in an American PhD program. They ended up switching my CGS-D to a 4 year SSHRC. Best of luck everyone!
  2. I'm currently at the end of my first year in the program, and I just found out the SSHRC funding is for 4 years 2021 through 2025. Hope this helps with your planning/processing.
  3. @asdf1123 really? Wow.. i wonder what that means for the rest of us. What about your scholarship for this past year?
  4. @asdf1123 That's awesome! Thank you for sharing. It will definitely help me sleep tonight. Congratulations!
  5. Thanks for your message @MuchSynergyWowSoIntersec Whoa! That is a long time to wait for a response. When I sent the email, the auto-reply said there would be a 4 business day turnaround. So hopefully that means I'll find out tomorrow, I'll definitely post an update if I hear anything.
  6. @MuchSynergyWowSoIntersec@asdf1123@roxy31512 Have any of you heard back if the CGS-D will be converted to the regular SSHRC fellowship?
  7. That's exciting! Congratulations on heading back to the world of academia. I'm in the US, currently in the first year of my program
  8. @seeveeargh Thank you for your encouraging comment. I sure hope this is correct! Congratulations on your CGS-D award! Will you be studying in Canada or abroad?
  9. @MuchSynergyWowSoIntersec There are a surprising number of us, I hope they convert the awards to SSHRC too. It seems like the CGS-D designation is based on our scores. The auto-reply email said there is a 4 business day turn around time.. I am so excited to tell my Advisor about the award, but I want to wait to find out first. Hopefully one of us will hear back soon.
  10. Hey there @asdf1123 @MuchSynergyWowSoIntersec & @roxy31512 I'm in the same situation, I was awarded CGS-D and I am attending a University in the US. I called SSHRC today and they told me to send an email (which of course I did yesterday) I will let you all know if I hear anything. Congratulations on your awards!
  11. For those who received the SSHRC doctoral fellowship (and are currently in the first year of your PhD program) did you receive 3 or 4 years of funding?
  12. This happened to me too! Studying in the US and received CGS-D award. Hope we're still able to qualify for SSHRC! I'll email them as well and let you all know when I hear back.
  13. Congratulations to those who received good news today! Have you all heard back from CGS and SSHRC? Are they awarded separately?
  14. Thank you for sharing @stuart_d! Finally it is results month! So exciting. Best of luck to all of you :)
  15. @usphd1920 thanks for sharing your insight. I am really hoping we're still able to begin our programs this fall ? Has anyone else heard if COVID-19 is impacting start dates?
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