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Everything posted by SocialKonstruct

  1. Definitely apply to Rutgers. If you want to be a contemporary artist in a more experimental slant this is your best choice without being in NY. I heard Bard was not in a good state for their MFA program.
  2. NYAA is mostly into traditional academic art styles which is hardly my area of interest as a cutting-edge contemporary artist. If you want do an atelier style of education then go for it!
  3. Hey folks! I am a 1st year MFA student here at ArtCenter and definitely I can walk any of you through the whole process :D. This is an example of my 1st show for crit I did last month- https://www.artcentermfa.net/exhibitions/exhibition/albert-wang Feel free to ask away (doing my 2nd solo and 1st group shows as we speak)... peace
  4. I am moving to Pasadena tomorrow to head off for ArtCenter's MFA program (studio art). Very excited!
  5. Checking to see if anyone else here is heading to ArtCenter?
  6. I selected ArtCenter. Anyone else going there this fall?
  7. So quiet this past week here...
  8. I never include detail shots. The committee I don't think have time to look at the works in that amount of detail usually.
  9. Okay correction: it was a half-tuition scholarship but still better than that of SAIC. Word.
  10. Heard back from the ArtCenter financial aid office and it's a done deal. Got I think a pretty much full ride tuition and then some. Will take out 21k/year loans for food, housing, and misc. expenses. The journey is over and hope to see other ArtCenter folks this fall! Cheerios. MFA PROGRAM Fall 2023 CONCENTRATION STATUS Yale University Sculpture Rejected Yale University Painting and Printmaking Rejected UCLA New Genres Rejected Columbia University Printmaking Rejected School of the Art Institute of Chicago Painting/Drawing Rejected School of the Art Institute of Chicago Photography Accepted School of the Art Institute of Chicago Sculpture Rejected Calarts (California Institute of the Arts) Art (Integrated Media) Rejected Calarts (California Institute of the Arts) Art + Technology (Integrated Media) Rejected Calarts (California Institute of the Arts) Photography and Media (Integrated Media) Rejected ArtCenter College of Design Art Accepted and will commit
  11. This week hoping to hear back from ArtCenter financial aid office. And more snow in Utah...
  12. ArtCenter is looking to be more likely at this point
  13. Got my final rejection... from Calarts. Here is the final tally. MFA PROGRAM Fall 2023 CONCENTRATION STATUS Yale University Sculpture Rejected Yale University Painting and Printmaking Rejected UCLA New Genres Rejected Columbia University Printmaking Rejected School of the Art Institute of Chicago Painting/Drawing Rejected School of the Art Institute of Chicago Photography Accepted School of the Art Institute of Chicago Sculpture Rejected Calarts (California Institute of the Arts) Art (Integrated Media) Rejected Calarts (California Institute of the Arts) Art + Technology (Integrated Media) Rejected Calarts (California Institute of the Arts) Photography and Media (Integrated Media) Rejected ArtCenter College of Design Art Accepted
  14. Still awaiting financial aid results from ArtCenter and hopefully I can hear back soon. Calarts probably next week? No decision yet.
  15. I don't quite agree as I have lived here in the Frankfort Market area and commuted to work at Market Street for years. The crime and homicides were pretty bad when I was there from 1997 until 2004 and had gotten worse by the time I left to Salt Lake City. My older friend got accosted and nearly assaulted on SEPTA one afternoon. Even City Center was pretty desolate and bad. If one attends Temple I would recommend avoiding Kensington and North Philly. I think Northern Liberties was all right but walking around downtown was not particularly good to me by myself late nights. Even South Street has gotten a lot worse. I do like ICA on U Penn campus and the Museum but the only safe area I felt was probably around the Rittenhouse Sqaure area.
  16. Okay... still awaiting CalArts decision.
  17. My strategy is simple. For talking about scholarships (merit usually) I would try to speak with the department. For grants and loans, financial aid office for that round.
  18. I usually would argue based on the FAFSA but if you can, the department could help out. For example, with SAIC, I was unable to obtain more funding so I gave up. I even submitted an online appeal and it does not work for me. So will see how the other two schools fall out.
  19. Philly is pretty dangerous to live in. Almost got shot once and stabbed once there. Tyler is dope for fiber. I think Erin M. Riley went there and wow yes! Amy Lincoln went there too. So a very good school.
  20. Calarts it looks like it's going to be early April this year for that. I am in the same boat.
  21. Officially rejected from Columbia this morning.
  22. Updated for today: MFA PROGRAM Fall 2023 CONCENTRATION STATUS Yale University Sculpture Rejected Yale University Painting and Printmaking Rejected UCLA New Genres Rejected Columbia University Printmaking Rejected? (Assumed) School of the Art Institute of Chicago Painting/Drawing Rejected School of the Art Institute of Chicago Photography Accepted School of the Art Institute of Chicago Sculpture Rejected Calarts (California Institute of the Arts) Art (Integrated Media) Rejected Calarts (California Institute of the Arts) Art + Technology (Integrated Media) Interviewed Calarts (California Institute of the Arts) Photography and Media (Integrated Media) Rejected ArtCenter College of Design Art Accepted
  23. We should be able to find out within a week or so when we can log into the ArtCenter portal.
  24. Just got into ArtCenter MFA program!
  25. Still awaiting two more decisions and finalizing at some point. Hope to finish this ordeal by next week. Or so.
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