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Everything posted by amanda_rensch

  1. It really is! We are going to write some teacher reviews on our professor so that hopefully the next set of people taking it don't struggle as much as we did. However, taking classes in person are sometimes easier to learn from than classes online. I wouldn't say any SLP class is hard. Clinicals you have to put in work for and yes it takes time, but if you do that, you'll set. Other classes are not hard, again, if you put in the time and effort, you'll be great! You can't expect to do well if you don't study. The professors here are so wonderful, each one brings something special to the program. I truly am happy here and am thinking about staying.
  2. Hey! I was born in Texas and actually moved to Mankato, Minnesota when I was 7 years old. My family lived in Mankato (specifically Madison Lake which is right outside Mankato) for 6 years until we decided to move back to San Antonio. I have VERY STRONG opinions about specifically Mankato. And the reason we moved back, was because of our experiences there. Mankato is a small town. This can be both a blessing and a curse. My father graduated from Notre Dame, went on to medical school, and served his time in the military. When we moved to Mankato, other doctors did not respect him because he was new and didn't like that he had different experiences than they did. And this is what hurt my family there. People did not open up to outsiders. They are very closed off. People outcasted not only me, but my parents for not living there from the start, having more money, etc. It was hurtful and a super judgmental environment. After about 2 years of working in Mankato, my father hated it so much at the hospital, that he moved to the Twin Cities to work. Obviously middle school is not a good time for anyone, but I experienced this closed off-ness and rudeness there. I was severely bullied by the kids at the catholic school in the area. I missed so many days of school because I was scared to go inside. I was actually stabbed with a pen and had a wound on my leg. And the sad part is...no one cared. My family and I went to teachers and the principal, but no one did anything because they were so "loyal" to the people that had been there from the start. This is part of the reason we moved. So even in the schools, people watched out for others, despite they're wrongdoings. My biggest bully happened to know the right people, and I was pushed to the side. Teachers watched erasers being thrown at me and heard the mean words come from people's mouths, and did nothing because of their "loyalty". This was loyalty at the expense of others. I personally, would never go back because of my experiences. I would never want to work in an environment where new people are not allowed in. That's the opposite of what the health care profession is about. Everyone should be included to provide the best optimal care for the patient. Everyone should be treated equally and no one should feel outcasted like my family and I did. Don't get me wrong, I met some good people and the university may be TOTALLY different. Universities usually are great environments and I know Mankato has a good speech program. However, I do know how the people in the schools and the hospitals acted towards my family and myself. I don't mean to scare you from going there, but I just wanted to share my experiences of living in the town if you are planning to live and work there! I had a cousin who went to Mankato and liked it. Your list of schools is very extensive like mine! It's perfect, you put out a wide net, which is exactly what I did too!
  3. I am currently taking Aural Rehab right now and can honestly say, it is one of the hardest classes I have ever taken. I have taken Molecular biology, cellular biology, neuropsychology, physiology, neuroscience, etc. and this is the class that is giving me a hard time. It is actually ridiculous. There is just SO MUCH INFORMATION. I currently go to Saint Mary's College, our aural rehab professor is super hard. We are all struggling a lot. We often complain about how much information there is. It definitely takes up a lot of our time. I don't get low scores, and this class, I have experienced some of the lowest scores I have ever received. Honestly, just trying to get out with a B. I do not know how this class is at other schools, but for me, it has been difficult. I have taken summer classes before and if you want to have a job during the summer, you'll be totally fine. I worked part time and was training for figure skating everyday while I was taking summer classes, and it was fine!
  4. I'm struggling with this as well. My dad always says, "you know what they call people who get C's in medical school"...."Doctor". Same thing, wherever you go, you're going to get a degree. What I know is that schools do differ. There are hard and easy schools, and everyone knows this. A degree from Harvard was definitely harder to get than a degree from an easier school. Maybe it's just an undergrad thing, but I've definitely seen people have such an easier time in school and study way less, and get the same grades. That's why I am carrying it over to grad school, but I am trying to view it as, no matter where I go and where you go, we will get a degree and will be able to practice.
  5. I have not heard back yet! Patiently waiting... I'm so surprised I haven't heard back from 9 schools yet!!
  6. I'm worried this is going to happen to me too!! I hope that by April 15, I'll have my decision made up, but if I get into a better/more preferable school after that date, I think I'll take the L on the deposit. I think if you don't go where you really want to go, you may regret it later. It's not uncommon for this to happen. There are no consequences to doing this, other than losing your deposit money.
  7. I really wanted to apply to Auburn, Alabama, and TCU, however, I am a figure skater and a figure skating coach and there's no ice rinks within an hour of the campus. I'm super sad about it
  8. Currently waiting to hear back from Tennessee, UT-Austin, Vanderbilt, and Arkansas. Anybody know about when decisions are sent out?
  9. I applied to 16 schools. Now, most of the schools I applied to are very large and not the easiest to get into, so I made sure to apply to a lot. If I were to do it again, I would narrow my list down a bit, maybe to like 10-12. I wanted to have choices for myself and not be limited in where I could go. Someone on my team applied to only a few grad schools (not for SLP) last year that were too hard and didn't get in anywhere. She spent an extra year in undergrad, just taking random classes. Downsides to this, was that I probably spent over $1500 in application fees, sending GRE scores, sending transcripts, traveling for interviews, etc. In addition to this, I can't even tell you how many hours I spent doing applications and personal statements. My whole christmas break consisted of this, even Christmas day I was writing. I applied to about 2 safety schools where I knew I would get in and about 4 reach schools, where I think I may not get in. The rest, were just regular options. I would suggest at least 2-3 safety schools, and like 3-4 reach schools!
  10. One of my professors in Biology that I took classes from and was a TA for her in Anatomy & Physiology for Nursing students, reached out to me to join her research. Sometimes it just comes from a connection to a professor! Don't also hesitate to ask professors if they have anything available!
  11. I got accepted to BU, and will most likely not accept and attend, so hopefully my spot can be reserved for you! Wishing you the best of luck!
  12. I am currently not in an out of state grad program, however, I went out of state for undergrad. And not just to the next state over, I went 19-20 hours away. I am from San Antonio, TX and went to South Bend, IN (which is in the northern part of Indiana like 10 minutes away from MI). I believe that going out of state for school as allowed me to meet so many people with different backgrounds/beliefs/opinions, and has allowed me to grow more independent. I am a big promoter of going to college not in a city where you grew up, to allow you to expand your mind and connections. I am looking at most likely going out of state for grad school as well. I would love to explore different parts of the US and see where I would like to live. While I love Texas, I know I could live there, what I don't know, is if I like somewhere else better! Grad school is only two years, and I think it's a great opportunity to explore somewhere new. However, there is another side of the coin. Going to grad school in-state is cheaper and if you know you already would like to live there, it seems like the smart move.
  13. I interviewed at BU this past weekend. I flew in from South Bend, IN. Boston is beautiful and I love the big city. What scares me about going to BU is the commute/travel of getting around in Boston and the cost of living. Does anybody live in Boston that can expand on this? I really liked the program, however, I felt that they introduced their clinic and talked to us like we didn't know how clinicals work. My impression is that many students have never done clinical in undergrad and I have already had a patient, written POC's every week, gotten feedback from a supervisor watching my videos, and written SOAP notes for my patient. While it is great to be ahead and go in knowing what I'm doing, it made me worry that I might be bored. I don't know, just got me thinking about if this is the best program for me. Other than that, the research opportunities are wonderful. I have done research in neuroscience and have published work, so the amount of research I can be involved in excites me!
  14. I highly suggest doing research. I don't think the subject/topic of the research matters as much as doing it! I have done research and have a published article in the field of Neuroscience. Doing research is communication disorders is obviously great, but doing research in anything, I feel is just as valuable. It's good to be well rounded
  15. Hello everyone! I applied to UT San Antonio, because SA is home for me. I LOVE San Antonio, it is quite a wonderful and fun city. Depending on how nice of a place you want to live, it is not super cheap, but not super expensive either. I would love to go back home for my graduate degree, however, I have some concerns about this program. I talked with a student who is currently a SLP student there. My concerns are.. 1. All labs are simulated. 2. No on campus clinic, so all clinical are done elsewhere (can be a pro and a con) - SA traffic is not fun to be in 3. Newness - the school is very new. They don't have a lot of experience behind them. I have some more information about the school, so feel free to ask me any questions!!!
  16. I am currently on the waitlist for South Carolina as well!
  17. I can only fly out of South Bend on Friday afternoon (I have a Neuroscience exam in the morning), so I stated I can only interview on Saturday! Hopefully they can accommodate me.
  18. That's so wonderful to hear! I am a figure skater and hope to skate on BU's figure skating teams. Any recommendations for places to see or things to do would be wonderful!! Thank you!
  19. If anybody applied to University of Arkansas, they just sent me an email that my application will be reviewed in the next few days (don't know what this means for getting official application updates, but maybe it means they'll go out soon?!)
  20. I am doing a WebEx interview this Friday (2/14) for Sacred Heart University and next week, I leave on Friday (2/21) to fly to Boston for an interview that will hopefully take place on Saturday (2/22)!!
  21. I am doing a WebEx interview this Friday (2/14) for Sacred Heart University and next week, I leave on Friday (2/21) to fly to Boston for an interview that will hopefully take place on Saturday (2/22)!!
  22. I applied to UT-Austin and UTHSCSA as well! Good luck!
  23. I applied to 16 schools and I have only heard back from 3. I am hoping that in the next few weeks they will start sending updates. It's so stressful waiting! Does anybody know if there is a "deadline" for acceptances/rejections? Like is there kind of a date where most schools send out updates by?
  24. I decided to fly out to Boston just so my chances wouldn't be hurt and so I can actually get a feel fro the campus and the city! I'm really excited to go!
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