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  • Location
    lexington, kentucky
  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
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  1. This is great! Thank you! I just figured out the difference between full- and low-res (I'm clearly super new to this process), so I'm glad to have a way to find them all at once. Thank you again!!
  2. I know this probably isn't the best place for this question, but I'm starting to consider applying to MFA programs and I was wondering - does anyone have any ideas on online programs? My undergrad is in Creative Writing (fiction) and my masters is in English Lit, and I can't really imagine completing those online. However, because of just general life stuff, it would definitely be awesome if I could find a good program that I won't have to move my family for. I still want a good program, though, and I know sometimes you can't have both. I'm still doing research, of course, but thought I'd check here as well! Good luck to 2022 applicants!!!
  3. Hi, @labradoodle! Thanks for sharing about Casey Fiesler's YouTube Channel - I just watched, like, 100 videos. I feel like we're living opposite lives - I'm US based and this is my third cycle (ugh) and I'm really considering also applying to some UK schools. It's wild how different everything is (or feels?) and moving away for an extended period of time seems daunting. But, my area is in the medicine/literature in the long eighteenth century. I'm particularly interested in a poet out of Bath, so it seems like it may make more sense to be there rather than here. It's all so difficult to decide, even three years in haha.
  4. That's great to know!! Congratulations!!
  5. I FEEL this on so many levels... My partner keeps telling me to get off GC all together but I just can't not know. It's terrible! I figure in a few weeks it'll all feel decently solidified and then I can go back to normal. Potentially an unhealthy way to view things, but here we are. I'm reading/watching The Hobbit/LOTR right now for some major escapism. I've never really been interested before, and it's giving me all the life I need right now. As far as batches, I'm just not sure. I think they did last year (it's been a while since I've looked that far back into the results page), and the fact that we now have two acceptances makes me think that they're batching it today. Hopefully we hear from WashU (positively) soon!! Best of luck
  6. Yes oh my gosh. I ate mounds of pasta last night just to get off GradCafe and Reddit... This is my second round so I knew more what to expect this year, but for some reason it has been even more grueling. All of my logic and rationale left about a week ago
  7. Oh gosh! That's good to know and definitely eases my mind a bit. Thank you!
  8. You, too! Such a strange process... And to also have to continue life while being completely freaked out. Everything is fiiine ?
  9. Great to know! Thanks and congratulations! I'm hoping this year is just different (which we already know it is) and that perhaps a usual cause for concern is maybe not as reliable. Or maybe I'm still trying to hold onto my small shred of hope stupidly haha
  10. I just saw that and had the same dropping sense of dread... I also still hadn't gotten an email confirming my Olin essay/app was completed, so I'm really starting to think it may be a no go for me.
  11. Lolol I laughed out loud at being in a creative writing course -- a lot of feelings from my undergrad just resurfaced. ? I had no idea there were even such trolls until I saw someone post about it on Reddit. Who knew that was even a thing! I'm going to cautiously assume the best, then! Thanks!!
  12. Has anyone heard anything from Vanderbilt? I saw one acceptance and one waitlist on the results page a few days ago and I'm trying to decide if I should worry or not since I haven't heard from them yet. (And by that I mean, I will continue to worry regardless.)
  13. That's what I'm hoping. Best of luck!!
  14. I've been nervously refreshing my portal and haven't gotten a thing... I'm still holding out hope for tomorrow, but I'm a bit nervous about it.
  15. Thank you!! I was casually catching up on these forums this morning and saw that first post and immediately panicked. ?Now I'm trying to work out if I'm more anxious now that there seems to be movement or relieved we may hear something soon. This is such a bizarre process.
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