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Everything posted by theregalrenegade

  1. Two posts so far for Oxford on the results board - one PhD, one Mst. Could this be the day?!
  2. It's like the bittersweet ending to a long novel - viggosloof off to Chapel Hill, lafayette to Princeton, and LeatherElbows to UW, and so many more I've missed. Congratulations to everyone who has accepted their place at these lucky universities. I know those of you who have made your decisions have other more pressing things to attend to now, but please stick around as long as you can (or at least until April 15) to offer your support and advice. Some of us still need a sympathetic ear!
  3. I study Victorian Britain and space. I'm particularly interested in outdoor spaces and how they inform and reflect meaning. I focus on leisure, heritage, preservation, and empire.
  4. Congrats! Email from your POI or DGS? It's the end of the business day, so I'm assuming no more emails will be forthcoming until Monday.
  5. Ditto. Maybe GuitarSlayer applied to a different program?
  6. You have an app status? After I submitted my online app I never tried to go back in. I did last night and this is what I get: **You submitted this application to University of Oxford Graduate Programmes on 1/16/2013 8:44:00 AM. You can still work on any remaining parts of your application, but the application form itself is no longer available for editing** Where do you see your status?
  7. Congrats! A current PhD colleague of mine went to ASU for her MA, I believe, but she was in Women's Studies. She loved her time there and misses it. I wish I had more info for you regarding the history department.
  8. Finally some news!! Accepted to the University of Sussex!! - They are one of my top three due in part to their awesome overseas scholarship that covers both tuition and living expenses! Keeping my fingers crossed. At least another one down. 3 more to go!
  9. Thank you for your positive thoughts
  10. I'm waiting to hear from Oxford as well. Nothing yet. Not expecting admittance since I could never get a response from the POI I applied to work with... He could be on leave for all I know.
  11. Santa Barbara is the only US school I'm waiting on. Did you get an interview? I would have thought they would be notifying by now since their deadline was Dec. 5.
  12. Still waiting on four universities... I keep telling myself I will write the DGS, but then I notice on the board that some of these schools notified well into March, and even April, and I restrain myself. It should be any day now (this is the chant I have going in my head). I've only just turned in apps for scholarships to St Andrews and Nottingham. Thankfully, those are the only two universities that required a separate app for scholarships. I'm ready for some decisions, please!! P.S. annieca - Your nana would have wanted your inheritance to go to something that would make you happy. Know that because of her you'll be in a better place financially.
  13. Funding decisions - that's what's stopping me, at least. I have no idea what kind of scholarships I may or may not get since those apps were just due last week. And even with those scholarships, those schools to which I've been accepted only cover tuition and not living expenses. The remaining schools on my list all have better scholarship options or funding. Sure, I can make a decision now and I have in my head, but I can't move forward with the necessary to-do-list (like polaromonas I'm international as well), until the money issue is sorted. Thus, I feel like I'm in some sort of grad school admissions purgatory until other schools notify.
  14. I don't think it would be rude at all.
  15. I'm sick today - all sinus pressure and gunk - and it's making me extremely irritable. I want decisions and I want them now! Come on people - how hard is it to say "yes" or "no?" Sorry, I'm ready for this all to be over. My current acceptances are wonderful, but they are only going to happen if I get scholarships and loans. I'd love to hear some good news! (<---"news" said like "dews" because I'm all stuffed up!!)
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