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    babypoet2k got a reaction from anna23 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    a huge welcome to everyone who just recently posted! i took an involuntary break for a couple days and just caught up on like 4 pages on here. i'm sorry for everyone who did not hear good news. it reflects NOTHING on you as a writer, and there are SOOO many more decisions to come. 
    i'm a first time applicant as well, and a young one at that (also an international student). so my chances are as bleak as they get, but we're here so might as well throw some long-term anxiety in the bowl until i hear back from all 6 places. 
    in any case, just wanted to ask if there are any other international applicants on here (i'm south-asian) and how they are responding to conversations about all these places to live and climate and culture, never actually having experienced these things or knowing all that much about it. i'm afraid that my 23degreecelcius-is-cold ass will not deal well with the fact that all 6 places i've applied to go down to -3degrees on the regular. just some thoughts haha.
    all my love and the best of luck to everyone ❤️
  2. Downvote
    babypoet2k reacted to WolfMan in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Lol so you're gunna try to ban me for saying that I don't think tarot is legitimate? You're either a troll or sensitive to the touch.
  3. Downvote
    babypoet2k reacted to gustav3 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Then how do you explain that this Creative Writing professor at Ashland University offering:
    Literary Life Tarot Readings
    For $55, I’ll pull tarot cards on your literary quandary or crossroads and send you a write up exploring what this moment is really about— what spiritual invitations you’re receiving, what energies exist in the options you’re facing, and how you might think about the path forward. 
    narrative alchemy — katherine e. standefer (katherinestandefer.com) 
  4. Downvote
    babypoet2k reacted to WolfMan in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Tarot is such bullshit. If I offended anyone, I'm not sorry. 
  5. Like
    babypoet2k reacted to Graceful Entropy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Well friends, I did not get the Welches ready quick enough. But in the back of my fridge there has been a single beer, leftover from a six pack given to me four years ago, on the day I quit my good job in insurance with not much more of a plan other than to focus on my life and writing. So upon receiving a FULLY-FUNDED OFFER last night I cracked that bish open and drained the final vestige of that life I once knew.
    And it was very, very good.
  6. Like
    babypoet2k reacted to aheather in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Thanks for the quick reply, and damn, that's right from the horse's mouth. I guess mid-March is the answer!
    logically, I know mid-March isn't actually all that far away, but in my heart, it feels like it won't be here for a million years.
  7. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from Starbuck420 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    oof this HURT
  8. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from Neuro-tic in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    oof this HURT
  9. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from cosmictones in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    so glad to know i'm not the only one with 20+ schools on the list for next year haha. will shorten for sure, i cannot afford these many apps especially after currency rates etc but the world totally seems like it's yours to conquer when you have a list of all these places you could be and things you could do there!
  10. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from cosmictones in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I just created a big boi list of places I want to apply to whenever I do next time. Almost double the number of places I applied to this time around. Just to remind myself that this is not the end. Planning is strangely therapeutic and because i am so terrified of planning for if/when i get in like looking at apartments or visa things, I planned my next app season. No risk, hopeful optimist behaviour. 12/10 recommend.
  11. Like
    babypoet2k reacted to NLake in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I've been accepted to Miami University in Oxford, OH (residential MFA - poetry)! The graduate college updated my applicant status and provided a letter on Thursday, then an email with attached details came through from the department on Friday. I wasn't expecting to hear back from anyone so soon and it took me by surprise. I even sent the letter from the graduate college to one of my recommenders for verification. It was, indeed, a legitimate acceptance. 
    I'm now waiting on word from five other schools. If I somehow end up with options, I've got no clue what I'll do. Until now, I hadn't thought to plan for it! 
  12. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from pattycat in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I just created a big boi list of places I want to apply to whenever I do next time. Almost double the number of places I applied to this time around. Just to remind myself that this is not the end. Planning is strangely therapeutic and because i am so terrified of planning for if/when i get in like looking at apartments or visa things, I planned my next app season. No risk, hopeful optimist behaviour. 12/10 recommend.
  13. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from The_Realeo in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I just created a big boi list of places I want to apply to whenever I do next time. Almost double the number of places I applied to this time around. Just to remind myself that this is not the end. Planning is strangely therapeutic and because i am so terrified of planning for if/when i get in like looking at apartments or visa things, I planned my next app season. No risk, hopeful optimist behaviour. 12/10 recommend.
  14. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from Ophelias pansies in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I just created a big boi list of places I want to apply to whenever I do next time. Almost double the number of places I applied to this time around. Just to remind myself that this is not the end. Planning is strangely therapeutic and because i am so terrified of planning for if/when i get in like looking at apartments or visa things, I planned my next app season. No risk, hopeful optimist behaviour. 12/10 recommend.
  15. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    so glad to know i'm not the only one with 20+ schools on the list for next year haha. will shorten for sure, i cannot afford these many apps especially after currency rates etc but the world totally seems like it's yours to conquer when you have a list of all these places you could be and things you could do there!
  16. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from FairleyAlfy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I just created a big boi list of places I want to apply to whenever I do next time. Almost double the number of places I applied to this time around. Just to remind myself that this is not the end. Planning is strangely therapeutic and because i am so terrified of planning for if/when i get in like looking at apartments or visa things, I planned my next app season. No risk, hopeful optimist behaviour. 12/10 recommend.
  17. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from sylviaplate in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I just created a big boi list of places I want to apply to whenever I do next time. Almost double the number of places I applied to this time around. Just to remind myself that this is not the end. Planning is strangely therapeutic and because i am so terrified of planning for if/when i get in like looking at apartments or visa things, I planned my next app season. No risk, hopeful optimist behaviour. 12/10 recommend.
  18. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from spacedumpster in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I just created a big boi list of places I want to apply to whenever I do next time. Almost double the number of places I applied to this time around. Just to remind myself that this is not the end. Planning is strangely therapeutic and because i am so terrified of planning for if/when i get in like looking at apartments or visa things, I planned my next app season. No risk, hopeful optimist behaviour. 12/10 recommend.
  19. Upvote
    babypoet2k reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I applied to seven schools this year; my list for next year has 21.
  20. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from FairleyAlfy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    ohhhh big time! i've honestly felt like ad comms are just going to laugh at my sample and at how silly i was for applying. but then i find some peace in the fact that this is something that has brought me so much joy, and even if the world is lying to me and i actually really suckand dont stand a chance, it still makes me happy. PLUS we're all allowed to suck at things. thats human
     honestly i've been finding ways to keep my hands occupied. that means basically anything that doesnt need me to sit in one place. its like physically running away from even the thought of this process. it's probably not going to work long term but i just need it to work until i hear back. 
     i could not tell you how you can deal with imposter syndrome except to show your work to strangers. i put it up on instagram and people whose work i really admired also liked mine. its easier to believe that you're good at what you do when strangers who have no agenda and nothing you can give them in return enjoy your work. but also do something tangible that you can see and hold in your hands instead of just writing on a screen. it helps, i promise.
     also i feel like if im about to get all rejections, it would be so much easier to deal if i got them all at once, like RIGHT NOW. why make us wait four months to tell us. but the world is the way it is so we must, must, must remember to breathe. it sucks rn but it'll be over so soon. 4 months may feel like a lifetime but its such a smol time. u got this!
  21. Like
    babypoet2k reacted to JPReinhold in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I just got accepted at Miami of Ohio (poetry)!

    My little ones and I just popped open the bottle of sparkling Welch's that has been sitting in the fridge door. I told them I got into an MFA and my daughter (3) ran to the fridge. I was really worried we weren't going to get to open it this year. 
    SO GLAD to have an acceptance. I only applied to fully-funded programs that I'd be proud to attend, so this is big for me. I wanted to share the good news!
    (And check your email if you applied!)
  22. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from pattycat in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    ohhhh big time! i've honestly felt like ad comms are just going to laugh at my sample and at how silly i was for applying. but then i find some peace in the fact that this is something that has brought me so much joy, and even if the world is lying to me and i actually really suckand dont stand a chance, it still makes me happy. PLUS we're all allowed to suck at things. thats human
     honestly i've been finding ways to keep my hands occupied. that means basically anything that doesnt need me to sit in one place. its like physically running away from even the thought of this process. it's probably not going to work long term but i just need it to work until i hear back. 
     i could not tell you how you can deal with imposter syndrome except to show your work to strangers. i put it up on instagram and people whose work i really admired also liked mine. its easier to believe that you're good at what you do when strangers who have no agenda and nothing you can give them in return enjoy your work. but also do something tangible that you can see and hold in your hands instead of just writing on a screen. it helps, i promise.
     also i feel like if im about to get all rejections, it would be so much easier to deal if i got them all at once, like RIGHT NOW. why make us wait four months to tell us. but the world is the way it is so we must, must, must remember to breathe. it sucks rn but it'll be over so soon. 4 months may feel like a lifetime but its such a smol time. u got this!
  23. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from orangeslice in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    ohhhh big time! i've honestly felt like ad comms are just going to laugh at my sample and at how silly i was for applying. but then i find some peace in the fact that this is something that has brought me so much joy, and even if the world is lying to me and i actually really suckand dont stand a chance, it still makes me happy. PLUS we're all allowed to suck at things. thats human
     honestly i've been finding ways to keep my hands occupied. that means basically anything that doesnt need me to sit in one place. its like physically running away from even the thought of this process. it's probably not going to work long term but i just need it to work until i hear back. 
     i could not tell you how you can deal with imposter syndrome except to show your work to strangers. i put it up on instagram and people whose work i really admired also liked mine. its easier to believe that you're good at what you do when strangers who have no agenda and nothing you can give them in return enjoy your work. but also do something tangible that you can see and hold in your hands instead of just writing on a screen. it helps, i promise.
     also i feel like if im about to get all rejections, it would be so much easier to deal if i got them all at once, like RIGHT NOW. why make us wait four months to tell us. but the world is the way it is so we must, must, must remember to breathe. it sucks rn but it'll be over so soon. 4 months may feel like a lifetime but its such a smol time. u got this!
  24. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from dreamx in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    ohhhh big time! i've honestly felt like ad comms are just going to laugh at my sample and at how silly i was for applying. but then i find some peace in the fact that this is something that has brought me so much joy, and even if the world is lying to me and i actually really suckand dont stand a chance, it still makes me happy. PLUS we're all allowed to suck at things. thats human
     honestly i've been finding ways to keep my hands occupied. that means basically anything that doesnt need me to sit in one place. its like physically running away from even the thought of this process. it's probably not going to work long term but i just need it to work until i hear back. 
     i could not tell you how you can deal with imposter syndrome except to show your work to strangers. i put it up on instagram and people whose work i really admired also liked mine. its easier to believe that you're good at what you do when strangers who have no agenda and nothing you can give them in return enjoy your work. but also do something tangible that you can see and hold in your hands instead of just writing on a screen. it helps, i promise.
     also i feel like if im about to get all rejections, it would be so much easier to deal if i got them all at once, like RIGHT NOW. why make us wait four months to tell us. but the world is the way it is so we must, must, must remember to breathe. it sucks rn but it'll be over so soon. 4 months may feel like a lifetime but its such a smol time. u got this!
  25. Like
    babypoet2k got a reaction from CayceCamus in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    ohhhh big time! i've honestly felt like ad comms are just going to laugh at my sample and at how silly i was for applying. but then i find some peace in the fact that this is something that has brought me so much joy, and even if the world is lying to me and i actually really suckand dont stand a chance, it still makes me happy. PLUS we're all allowed to suck at things. thats human
     honestly i've been finding ways to keep my hands occupied. that means basically anything that doesnt need me to sit in one place. its like physically running away from even the thought of this process. it's probably not going to work long term but i just need it to work until i hear back. 
     i could not tell you how you can deal with imposter syndrome except to show your work to strangers. i put it up on instagram and people whose work i really admired also liked mine. its easier to believe that you're good at what you do when strangers who have no agenda and nothing you can give them in return enjoy your work. but also do something tangible that you can see and hold in your hands instead of just writing on a screen. it helps, i promise.
     also i feel like if im about to get all rejections, it would be so much easier to deal if i got them all at once, like RIGHT NOW. why make us wait four months to tell us. but the world is the way it is so we must, must, must remember to breathe. it sucks rn but it'll be over so soon. 4 months may feel like a lifetime but its such a smol time. u got this!
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