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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
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  1. Sure, I got my BSc degree in Kinesiology with honours. sgpa 3.94/4.0, 4.15/4.3 I don't have strong audiology background, but I showed my strong interests with around 30 hrs volunteer experiences with audiologist, but over 1000 hours in sports coaching. Good luck everyone!
  2. International student here, just got acceptance from Dalhousie AUD program! Second year applying, all the efforts paid off!
  3. Well done! A huge congrats to you! May I ask are you from Atlantic Canada?
  4. Congrats! I'm finishing my last semester of BSc at Dal right now, Halifax and this school is definitely amazing, I loved every second I lived here in the past 4 years.
  5. Anyone got accepted to Audiology at Western and planning to decline the offer because better choice is avaliable? I'm currently on the waitlist lol, congrats on your admisssion!
  6. Hi, I'm sorry to hear that too! Thank you for the kind words! Also thank you for opening this thread to let us connect, all the best!
  7. Hi there, is your Western student center says "waitlist accepted" and a blue square?
  8. I guess it means "waitlisted", and I'm suprised nobody mentioned it before lol. Let's email Janet
  9. Hey guys, Mine says "Waitlist Accepted", and a blue square is showing on the status, does that means I already get off the waitlist or I'm on the waitlist?
  10. To anyone who applied UWO, tonight is the night! All the best!
  11. I know exactly how you feel, just thinking about it makes my heart beat faster ?
  12. Hi, I'm new to this forum. I only applied to Western, what is the main thing they look for in the admissions process? I have a lot of volunteer experience, but not any audiology-related volunteer experience at all. Applied to: Western Accepted / Waitlisted / Rejected
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