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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. How's everyone doing? Ready for Monday? Does anyone still have any applications left to do? Anyone get in to/get interviewed at a school that pays for a visit?
  2. Yes and no. I don't really like it there, but I can see that people have questions and I'm not sure what other way they could get answers as easily (though I don't think I'd post like that on the results page...).
  3. Wahoo! The weekend is almost over! We must be the only forum online that applauds the return of the work week.
  4. no worries socialpsych, these topics tend to meander and your response is relevant... hmmm....do students ever move w/their advisors? I was mostly asking about the experience thing since rising_star mentioned the placement record of the person I would be working with. I would just think that would be too malleable over time to mean much unless someone was a very established person in the industry...
  5. At most of the places I'm applying I'd be working with very new professors, so no date on their individual placement rate. Is this a positive or a negative then? Is it better to work with a more or less experienced advisor?
  6. I saw others list acknowledgements, so I figured why not...at this stage in the game especially. I thought it was a good way of informing the reader about the content of my RA experience. When I start having actual publications of my own I will remove them. They are clearly marked "acknowledged in:" so as to avoid any confusion. Hope it is ok!
  7. I can see this too, but the situation that prompted my post was someone who had signed three emails Dr. X, but then started signing later emails w/first name.
  8. Yes, certainly, but is a lateral move common right out of grad school (or only going down one to five places)? or is it more common to drop even further? Considering an average amount of publications in graduate school...
  9. what an interesting topic! My father has a Bachelor's degree (but in phys ed) and my mother an Associate's, and neither really understand the idea of academia. They have one friend who got a Ph.D., but it was at a local, industry-geared institution and my mother keeps saying, "[Friend] got her Ph.D. and can't really do anything with it. Why would you want to get one?" It's hard to explain to them how important the decision of where I go is to my future job prospects (they want me to go wherever is closest so they can see their grandchildren ). When I was in law school, pretty much everyone was parent-funded. My husband and I were the only ones among our friends whose parents weren't rich and/or graduate educated. I thought maybe getting a Ph.D. would be different than law, because law tends to attract the Richie Riches.
  10. Also, what is a good placement for someone right out of school? Should we expect people from a #12 ranked university (in the field) to stay in the top 20? or do most do some time in a lesser institution and then move up?
  11. Have you read any of his articles? I'd at least read a few and then see if you have any questions that naturally arise. You can always ask what he is currently working on? Maybe ask what your role would be if you are going to be assisting him with his research. Ask a question about methodology? and Congratulations!
  12. Sorry to post so much on this new subforum Some department web pages have lists of recent graduates and where they are now, which is *very* useful when trying to make school decisions. Other schools aren't so kind and want us to do our own digging I suppose. Does anyone have suggestions for how to find this information? Is it ok to ask a school (once you are accepted) if they would share placement information with you? Thanks!
  13. I'm sure it would be great to have some of those This is the first time I've ever really encountered this kind of decision. For undergrad, I went locally where I could get out quickly for personal reasons and for law school I made the mistake of aiming too low w/my applications so went to the place that was clearly better ranked. It's nice to hear how others think out the process...
  14. Good list socialpsych. Ivy, I've looked at the rankings, and they only have the first 24, even with the enhanced (paid) service. Almost all my schools are there, but clustered around #12-18. Do six places really make the difference?
  15. ridgey, Your alternative decision plan will be the exact opposite of your big city, etc. decision plan. thanks rising_star, I'll have to search for that thread. I feel that undergrad rankings may be a bit more stable over time though... It's tough also because I only have complete rankings for Colleges of Ed, not for my particular program, and I'm not sure how much difference there is between the two. There are some cases with large disparities between grad Ed. rankings and general undergrad rankings too... ex: Irvine is 77 for grad CofEd and 44 for undergrad compared w/ASU which is 25 for grad CofEd and 121 for undergrad! should the undergrad really make no difference at all?
  16. I'm not in the position to do this yet, but I have a feeling if I get into multiple schools, they are all going to be relatively similar as far as ranking. I was careful about only applying to places that were good research fits, so that isn't much of an issue either. In this kind of situation, how have you all made decisions? Things I guess I will consider: cost of living undergrad University reputation? proximity to family/friends Please add things you consider when deciding between schools and maybe your process for researching and coming to your decision... Thanks in advance!
  17. My G1 is also good for checking thegradcafe when I'm up in the middle of the night
  18. The LOR always stress me out! I had a former employer/mentor write me a letter for something and give to me to look over and distribute. Half the letter was about him and very generic stuff about me I really worry that LOR are going to be a big weak spot of my app. Aside from the fact I have none from a professor in my actual field (they are from law professors and colleagues), I feel like no one is really going to be jumping up and down over me in a letter, kwim?
  19. Is that before or after you were accepted? I'm only going to visit the programs where I am accepted. I have no problem doing it on my dime (of course I'd prefer if they paid!), but I am just not sure if they usually have their own program is all.
  20. So I guess I can write and ask if there is going to be an admitted students weekend or if I should just plan a visit on my own schedule...
  21. yeah. wish I could delete the other one, since it is more useful to know that they send letters w/the big statement on the outside (they come from the grad school, not the department)
  22. yes, sorry, University of Georgia. I feel I should add another results posting about it since their notifications do come in the mail, not email, but I don't want to double post. Should I?
  23. I actually received something in the mail today! I had already received an email that was "regarding your acceptance," so I had assumed, lol, but the official letter came today. It was marked very boldly on the outside "Official Acceptance." My husband joked that the school instituted this policy after losing too many promising candidates to heart attack
  24. My inclination is to err on the side of formality. It's just this particular person went from signing her emails Dr. X to signing the last one w/her first name only. I thought maybe I should wait until she signs a couple that way?
  25. <>> When corresponding w/grad directors, grad coordinators and potential advisors, how do you address them? Once they sign an email to you with their first name, should you then start addressing your emails to them with their first name or continue w/Dr. X or Professor X? Thanks!
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