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Everything posted by MoJingly

  1. I bought a house before I started my first year. I really disliked living in somebody else's space, and I love having my own place. I found a little 700 square foot house for an affordable price, got a good interest rate, and settled in. If you do buy, I wouldn't suggest doing it WHILE you are juggling classes and research. That was one of the most stressful experiences of my life, and I'm really glad I got it out of the way before I officially started. A house is certainly a lot of work, like others have said. It's like owning a very large pet. I really enjoy taking care of it, but it's certainly not for everybody.
  2. I've been a little MIA from the forums for the past months, but I certainly have been lurking. And I'm still rooting for all of you! So, I did my undergrad in a COMPLETELY different field than my graduate work, and the transition has been a little tough. I got really good grades in undergrad and in a postbacc program that was more related to my grad work. But this year I seem to be flailing like a fish out of water. I'm beating the average on all of the tests in my hardcore biochemistry and molecular biology classes... but this ONE class (which isn't suppose to be hard) has me COMPLETELY buffaloed. After two semesters I have yet to get a better score than a B- on an exam. If I get a C I'm placed on academic probation. Part of the problem is that I've decided this program isn't the best fit for me, and I am transferring to another that seems to be a much better match. But it's really frustrating when that new program asks me why I can't seem to get a hold on this class and I literally don't have a good reason. I keep changing my study habits, looking at old exams, etc... and I've never had this problem before! Just needed to vent, guys, thanks. In GOOD news, my research is going really well. I gave a presentation in seminar to my department recently and got really good feedback. So, I guess I would take my position (good research, not-so-good-grades) over the opposite. But it's still no fun. Anybody else want to scream into the cyberspace void??
  3. Yup! Just ask anytime! I was a nervous wreck to ask. I felt like I was making a marriage proposal. But in my case, things weren't so clear. I wasn't sure if the PI would want me, had funding, etc... it sounds like you are in good shape! Ask away and then celebrate your new academic home.
  4. My "impostor syndrome" has yet to leave... but I've learned to laugh at myself and keep pushing on. I ask stupid questions and then usually find out that people are more than willing to help. If you knew everything already, there would be no reason to be in school! Also, the only way to improve it to surround yourself with people better than you.
  5. Hi guys! I've been MIA but hope things have been going well for you all. For those of you who have already chosen your PI, or even those currently rotating, how did you go about confirming with your rotation adviser that you wanted to join their lab for your thesis? Just wondering. I really like my current rotation, and it's really the only lab that I would like to join. Did you just drop a casual line like, "hey, can you take me?" or did you email? or did you set up a formal meeting? or did you put out feelers first?
  6. Who actually signed the letter suggesting the year of prereqs? My suggestion would be to go to them, but I'm sure you already have. It seems like a frustrating situation. I've been in programs where you feel like what is promised is not what you get. It really bites, there is no way around it.
  7. This is really weird, but I had a dream that I met you in a grocery store. How did I know it was you? No clue. But it was.

    1. newms


      Hahaha! That is really weird!

  8. the library stacks- the only place you can feel underground when you're really not.

  9. YES. I've missed that little penguin popping up on these boards.
  10. I want to make friends with the night janitor. Would it be creepy if I showed up with beer some night and say, "hey, be my friend!" ? Also, Sigaba.... amazing post
  11. I just got another test back. Every time I do, I have to re-examine why I thought grad school was my answer. I have yet to fail but I am consistently getting below the mean and near the bottom of the standard deviation. All I have to do for my program is avoid a C, but I still find myself asking why in the world I would get an undergrad degree in music and then decide to go into science without taking more than introductory science classes. CRAZY. Oh well, I like my research very much, but I just don't have much of a desire to study for classes. It's like going into a classroom where they are speaking a different language. It's hard to pay attention and, when you realize you have so much catching up to do, hard to find the initiative. Suck it up, MoJingly. GET ER DONE.
  12. If I go by my last rotation, I can make a pumpkin model of notch signaling... and the creative wheels begin to turn....
  13. blah. I'm experiencing a pretty big case of impostor syndrome.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MoJingly


      I feel you newms. But you're right, it's just a stage. We are SO capable.

    3. jaxzwolf


      Mo, that pretty much sums up my week.

    4. jaxzwolf


      Mo, that pretty much sums up my week.

  14. My graduate school's comment regarding grades: "Yeah, just don't get a C."
  15. I don't think I am concerned about the difficulty of the material as much as the QUANTITY of it. Sooo... much..... information to digest. So much.
  16. These stories are uplifting! YAY for loving grad school!
  17. I agree. Stay a little longer and think positively. It's still early.
  18. lock up your bikes with U-bar locks on campus!! Mine was stolen today. I had a cable lock and put it in a well-traveled area... boo.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. theregalrenegade
    3. qbtacoma


      Sorry to hear about that! What a hassle.

    4. Langoustine


      Oh that sucks! I have been told the same too :/

  19. This thread is therapeutic You guys rock.
  20. Grad school is busy!

    1. katerific


      yup. oooh baby yes.

    2. Argonaute
    3. eklavya


      it's really quiet on my end. transfer here!

  21. And certainly find a school that's going to view your different educational background as an advantage and something unique to bring to the table. I was a music major, and when applying to science programs, found some that valued the diversity I could bring and others that just worried I would screw up. In other words, you can do anything with any degree as long as you supplement it. I took postbacc science courses, for example. If I were you, I don't think I would go back and get another BA, but you might want to take some classes in whatever you eventually decide to pursue. It will make you feel better about your decision and the adcomm will know you have some experience to back up your enthusiasm. Good luck!
  22. haha http://thoughtballoonhelium.blogspot.com/2011/06/drawing-hands.html
  23. Why don't the people in the second comic have any hands??
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