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Everything posted by EdNeuroGrl

  1. You might want to call the admissions department, or check the program website to see if they have any GRE score postings/average/cutoffs and see how you stack up. If the departments care less about one score over another you should be able to see that in the stats. As I have heard it discussed, the weight of your GRE will depend on the program's philosophy about it first. Second, the weight of the GRE will depend on the student applying. If there is a question of your ability to do graduate level work (ie you haven't ever taken any graduate courses) then the GRE's might be used as a method of assessing your potential to meet that level of study. If you have a lot of course work, or have a very strong background in an area where your GRE is weak, then the coursework will usually be considered over the GRE score.
  2. You can absolutely ask for appointments or go to office hours even if you aren't their student anymore. If you're concerned then lean toward making an appointment. With LOR's it is usually best to pick people who have work experience with you, or research etc... these people will ideally have a working relationship with you so it isn't like you are just asking them out of the blue. Not sure what your situation is, but It is seldom inappropriate to ask to schedule an appointment with someone. In fact, since you are not sure where you are going to be applying to, you can also go to these appointments to ask for their advice and direction, maybe things to look for as you narrow down your field. Hope that helps.
  3. The silver lining of having my back go out? I can catch up on my a bunch of work, while feeling less guilty about not being able to be in class... :-/ Though having to deal with the pain is no fun.


  4. Do you all want to do an email group or we can just post here and provide feedback here?
  5. I've been search of "safety schools" but there aren't any good matches for my career path in schools that are "easier" to get into... Who would take me on anyway if they aren't a good match for interest? *shrug* just my 2 cents...
  6. Your program of choice really will depend on how you want to look at that problem. Do you want to do that research for a career? If so, Ed Psych may be a good option. IF you want to go into higher ed administration then something like Educational Leadership is more likely to be what you want to look into. BTW Same here, I'm doing my comps this spring!
  7. I did my undergraduate degree at the UofA and while I'm not sure precisely about their Audiology program, I can tell you a little about the school as a whole. First, the interdepartmental collaboration is better than average. Also, Tucson has pretty cheap cost-of-living. On the other hand it has 100* weather into October and its public transportation is pretty sad. There is a TON of (sub)urban sprawl... so it is a difficult place to be without a car. The winters are mild though with snow only every 2 or 3 years. Hope that helps some. :-)
  8. I'm working on my Master's in Ed Psy right now (comp'in in the spring). You may also want to try the Education forum too :-) As for your decision that has a LOT to do with what YOU want to do with the degree.
  9. Hi all, I was wondering if there is any interest in the Education group in forming a SOP writing/reviewing group? I am drafting up my SoP and realized that some feedback from other applicants would be super helpful. Instead of the larger group, we could form a smaller one where we could share more specialized knowledge would be really great! Any interest?
  10. TKYU The master's program you apply to is going to vary a LOT in competitiveness. In fact there are few Masters-Terminal programs in psychology period. If you get in, it is to a PhD program. Something to keep an eye out for. I am not sure how to compare how competitive they are US vs Canada. I am not at this time aware of any Psych programs that take on students as master's terminal students, except those programs that do not do PhD's... It's a weird spot right now... Many Psych PhD students who are accepted have master's degrees but not in psychology... I personally got my master's in Ed Psych, but in hindsight I should have tried to get a master's in neuroscience if I could find it... Not sure if that is entirely helpful, but do be sure to look and see what kind of program you are applying to.
  11. I am a US native looking at applying to a Canadian PhD program (Western) are there huge differences or are they largely similar? Would love any advice you'd be willing to offer. :-) Thanks!
  12. Love your avatar ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞ ̑̑ෆ⃛

  13. Not sure where you are comming from here, but I have certainly had similar sentiments about my ex-husband. He set me back, and especially in the last 5 years or so sucked all of my resources (financial, emotional, etc). I think I would be much further along sans that particular relationship. :-/
  14. I almost exclusively use endnote online. That way everything I use is just browser based so the OS doesn't matter. I have some experience with the desktop version, but I really dislike it. It is bulky and doesn't provide much over that which is available for the online version. I tried Mendeley but it also drove me nuts... but that is becasue I needed to import a list of references from Web of Science and the two don't get on well. So my preference for Endnote online is mostly because it is easy to use, doesn't take a TON of resources, and communicates well (format-wise) with all of the databases I use for literature. That doesn't help much with the question directly, but if you want to try something else, this may be helpful.
  15. He could probably take some courses as a non-degree seeking student, but as admissions deadlines are way past... I wouldn't be terribly hopeful.
  16. Because they would rather you switch to Obamacare? You're also quite lucky to get something offered through your university. Unless you are a full-time employee (assistantships are a gray area) UNM sends students straight to get medicaid.
  17. Getting ready to work some advanced probability theory and do some writing! It only took 15 hours of sleep...

  18. Yes this is super common, even for full professors. Usually they either in with other pubs with In Press (i.e. accepted by a publisher, but not published yet) or Under Review or Submitted for Publication or In Manuscript Preparation. This is far more common for new profs and graduate students as they do not have a fully-fledged publication base but they still want to show their work towards pubs. I see this all the time. Pull some CV's from profs you like and I'll bet you will see this in one of two of them.
  19. I am so ready for this. Yes, it is scary, but one way or another I'm going to make this happen.

  20. Yes! I have achieved my goal of putting space-cats on everything! Space Cats!

  21. I've run through 2 rounds of rejections, then took a break from academia (to work a 9 to 5 [actually a 4 to Midnight]), just to see what kind of option that would be for me. Best advice I have is to have a couple back-up plans. After you finish applications start asking around and see if there are any Research Assistant jobs that will keep you doing what you are going to be doing. Keep in mind that often it is hard to get a paid RA job unless you've spent some time interacting with them. Think what options you have that will still move you toward your goal. For me, the hardest part of dealing with the rejections is more of the "now what" situation. The "I've spent all this time and energy on this thing and I didn't get in, I'm screwed." situation. So, having back up plans that will keep me working for what I want make everything a lot easier to handle. It still sucks hard to be rejected, but knowing that this rejection won't be the end of this journey keeps that from becoming a crushing loss. My backup plans stand as: Try to get full time work at my current Per Diem RA positionTeach Statistics (any level)Do research consulting or be a statistical adviser on researchContinue working on my 4 current projects until they are publishedWork as an educational advocate for students with disabilitiesIf I don't get in this year, I'm only going to get better with time. It is frustrating, because I can feel my time slipping away (I don't want to be gunning for tenure at 50), but I also know that I'll get there eventually. People already mistake me for faculty or ask me about their dissertations etc. I figure if I'm in it long enough everyone will just forget that I don't actually have a degree yet ;-)
  22. My sunflowers are blooming! 11891161_10153495838022380_1415898646355

  23. Educational Neuroscience - Which involves a lot of developmental and cognitive neuroscience.
  24. So much writing!

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