Hi all I am not sure if this has been covered before but I would like some perspectives on this topic.
Some background:
My learning disability is an ongoing thing I have to work with and adapt my learning to, sometimes I struggle but I always find a way to get where I need to. However, it is also the reason for the somewhat problematic undergraduate GPA (3.3). I am getting my Master's now and have a 4.3 (24 credits in, all core classes complete in 2 semesters), doing great, etc...
I am applying to PhD programs in Neuroscience, Psychology, and Education
A HUGE reason why I got into this area has to do with the process I went through as an adult coming to terms with and learning about how learning disabilities work. My interest areas are in how brains learn and interface with educational processes.
All of the programs I am applying to are obscenely competitive, however I am only applying to places with a very close research match.
I seen a few resources that say not to mention any problems that may be ongoing... that is, only mention the problem if it is over and done with and will not cause problems in the future. Otherwise, this may be perceived as a liability in your ability to be successful as a graduate student.
Frankly, sometimes my LD does present problems, not ones that I can't overcome, but I do stumble a few times before I get my feet under me. I don't doubt my ability to be an amazing researcher... but I don't want to do or say something that might present a reason for the applications committee to doubt it.
On the other hand, I personally feel like these struggles have demonstrated my ability to handle adversity and set-backs, to adapt to many sorts of situations and challenges. Much of science and writing is fundamentally about perseverance, adaptability, and flexibility... scientists who don't have these skills burn-out... I have them and this is one way I can talk about them...
*shrug* BUT I am still worried that people will see "learning disability" and think that I am less intelligent or less able to succeed... especially since I want to study neuroscience... there is a feel in the neuro community that only the most intelligent are successful, and having reason to doubt that is enough to get you passed over...