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Everything posted by CageFree

  1. Here's hoping for the best!
  2. I just got my first "unofficial" acceptance (from my POI) today, WITH funding, at UC Davis! I can't believe it!
  3. Mine goes like this: POI: I spoke to her, she's got a lot of potential. ADCOM: Yes, but look at her overall GPA... POI: She was an engineering major and flunked a math class. Look at her history GPA, and her postbac GPA is high. ADCOM: Yes, but look at her overall GPA... POI: She has solid letters, teaching experience and research experience. Plus she knows the languages for the field. Great GRE scores, too. ADCOM: Yes, but look at her overall GPA. Rejected!
  4. Personally, I don't think it would hurt one bit. History PhD programs in ancient history look for people who are strong in languages, for one thing.
  5. I would be very upset by that. I mean... saying "OMG I got into ____! I can't believe it!" is one thing... If i get into my top choices that's probably what I'll do... because I really won't believe it. But "there must have been a mistake" is definitely false modesty; it sounds pedantic.
  6. My FB friends are all people I know personally and have been rooting for me. I was very hesitant to post the names of the two ivies that I applied to because I didn't want to look like I was bragging, but my future father-in-law asked directly. I definitely plan on posting my acceptances... they all know I was very stressed out and full of self-doubt (I still am lol).
  7. My student teacher got me a generous gift certificate to a wine bar, figuring I needed a few after the application process. I intend to spend all of it.
  8. Should I be worried? I'm a high school teacher, and one of my letters was, in fact, from my principal (I've been out of academia for 12 years). Needless to say, I have a "rate my teachers page." Most of the "reviews" are fine... some great, some OK. But the last one I saw was from some kid who clearly had an issue with me, and wrote some rather nasty things on there - basically said I was horrible and that I cuss. (NOT TRUE) I've been googled 5 times... so I'm sure they came across that. Given that college students also write nasty things on "Rate my Professors," do you think an adcom would weigh something like that heavily and possibly reject me? Yeah, I'm a worrywart.
  9. Just chiming in to say that while stress is understandable, the tone and content of some of the posts here is rather unprofessional. Anonymity does not excuse such behavior.
  10. Just submitted to my dream school. My stomach is in knots now... mostly because this application was as close to perfect as I could make it, and now I'm looking back at my first two and going.. damn it.
  11. What if your reading proficiency comes from knowing other languages? I took Latin in college, and that plus Spanish, the language I grew up with, gave me very good proficiency in French and Portuguese. I can't speak either (and I don't claim to), but I can read them. Latin is the base of those languages. I would have no trouble demonstrating reading proficiency once I'm in.
  12. The one I'm worried about is not the mommy. There are several people to work with at that school so I am ok. It's the other one I'm worried about
  13. I love that phrase too. I've been trying not to stress too much... I have had a lot on my plate this semester, between teaching, coaching and planning a wedding, so I haven't had the TIME to panic LOL.
  14. I emailed both schools and they said not to worry about it. I'm going to try and pick up a few for the rest of the applications. I feel like a bonehead LOL. Thanks for the advice!
  15. If you took a class at a community college WHILE IN HIGH SCHOOL - is that transcript supposed to be part of the application? I got credit at my undergraduate institution for it. I had completely forgotten about that and now I'm panicking because I already submitted two applications.
  16. There are two professors that I emailed back and forth with earlier this year. They both seemed interested in me, asked some questions (basic stuff)... and after I replied, I never heard back. I sent a polite follow-up e-mail to each of them but I got no reply. One of them is on maternity leave so I understand she's really busy - she was apologetic after not getting back to me quickly the first time. The other one... I'm completely puzzled. She contacted me after she was copied on my original email to another POI (who is not taking grad students); she asked some questions, I replied, and she said she wanted to meet with me over coffee (the school is about 2 hours away). I said I'd love to.... and that I'd want to schedule a tour while I'm at it on that day since I have not been on that campus... and that was it. I'm hoping she didn't think that I was asking HER to give me a tour... the school offers tours daily. I already sent GRE scores to this school, which is in my top 3 choices, period. Should I just save myself the app fee and not apply, or would you try anyway?
  17. 3/7 done. My big one is due on Thursday... ack.
  18. Undergrad Institution: Huge public research U, history dept. in top 10 (on paper lol). Senior Thesis: I did, not required. Honors Program: Yes, thesis Major(s): History Minor(s): Almost minored in Classics - I ended up two classes short. GPA in Major: 3.7 Overall GPA: 3.1 (horrendous freshman year as a science major; failed a class twice and gave up on it); Post-baccalaureate work: 3.8 GPA Position in Class: N/A Type of Student: Domestic, fem, Latin American, returning/non-traditional (I'm in my 30's). GRE Scores (revised/old version): Q: 155 (67th) V: 167 (98th) W: 6.0 (99th) Research Experience: Thesis, research assistant (undergrad) Awards/Honors/Recognitions: My thesis adviser wrote my name in the acknowledgments when she wrote her book, since I helped with her research. Honors b/c of thesis. Pertinent Activities or Jobs: HS teacher for a number of years. Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Lived in the country I want to study for over a decade. Been out of school for over a decade, working as a teacher. Applying to Where: 2 Ivies, 5 public research. Focused on finding the right advisors rather than just going for rankings/name though. Research Interests & Areas of Focus: Southern Cone, transitional justice, memory Languages: Spanish (bilingual), read French & Portuguese. Took Latin in college. Letters of Recommendation: 2 professors are big names in their corresponding fields, were my thesis advisers and know me very well - they wrote very supportive letters even though I graduated over a decade ago; my thesis adviser had me come see her, sat me down, and gave me a half-hour lecture on what I was getting myself into LOL. One of them taught at the top Ivy I'm applying to. The other one is my boss. Statement of Purpose: Tailored to each school, ID'd the POI I talked to and explained why I wanted to go there. Quite a bit of bio since my story is unique and very relevant to both my interests and why I'm pursuing a Ph.D. Writing Sample: Using my thesis - except a much stronger, retooled version. It was about 30 pages so it fit most programs' requirements. Communication with POIs: I have corresponded with every POI - spoke to four of them on the phone. These four were awesome, gave me tons of advice - two of them really helped me narrow a field of interest that is more in line with current trends in scholarship - I had long conversations with each. I had a better response from all of the East Coast schools than I did from the West (I'm in CA) - it seems the CA profs are much busier. Doesn't bode well for me... I expect a heavy teaching load if I go to any of them. Lessons Learned from Application Process: Procrastinated too much. I am not done with my apps yet; 3 are due in January, 2 are due this week.
  19. For PhD programs in History, the analytical score could keep you from some of the top programs but it might not matter... some programs don't even look at it. Math is not something to worry about - one of my recommenders flat out said that many prof. regard their poor math ability as a "badge of honor" (tongue-in-cheek, of course) Best is to talk to the grad advisors at the school and find out what emphasis, if any, they put on the analytical.
  20. I finished my first two last night. My next set is due on the 15th... but I'm gonna try and get them out sooner than that.
  21. I called Wisconsin over GRE scores and they said not to worry. Recommenders generally get more leeway so I wouldn't freak out just yet. Don't cry! Just FYI, I've had problems with a couple of apps not sending the emails. Call the school directly and find out what's going on... in one case (Brown), my recommenders DID submit; one was received, one wasn't.
  22. Agreed. I'm not going to say this isn't stressful. I have one more SoP and after a conversation with a professor at a different school, I need to retool the one that WAS done because it turns out what I was going to propose is sort of... overcrowded. But this is the life I'm signing up for. It's par for the course, I'm afraid.
  23. K, I was afraid it was just me. I was given an e-mail address to send the letters if your recommenders can't get the letters uploaded.
  24. Anyone else experiencing glitches with the Brown electronic app? It's not loading the letters of rec... One says completed, the other two say not received. I called the school and one of those two WAS received, the other wasn't, but the recommender DID send it.
  25. I downloaded a program called PrimoPDF, and it helped me reduce the size. It's a PDF printer.
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