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Everything posted by LLajax

  1. I did it! I submitted my first app today! There are still 8 more to go, but I'm feeling immensely better having done at least one. Woohoo! I've no longer finished NOTHING. Whew.
  2. LLajax


    @art of describing 690V sounds fine to me- I got 700V and my profs have been acting like that's good (taking all my ques from them). I wouldn't worry about the writing part- I was told they don't care about that score because they have your whole writing sample to determine if you can write or not, so they disregard ETS's opinion of your writing. Plus isn't it out of 6? I doubt your nearly perfect 5.5 will hurt Oh, Northern Renaissance- are you applying to Penn?
  3. LLajax


    @egomex11 I took the GREs this summer before they changed over to the new version. As for 9 programs, I'd rather err on the side of the cautious. Haha its too bad that applying to more doesn't actually mean I'll get in anyplace. Hearing from so many people in their second season of applying is making me more worried.
  4. LLajax


    I'm applying to 9 programs (one MA). I might be on my way to a very sad springtime, but I'm holding out hope at the moment. I'm interested in earlier medieval monastic structures! This is m first time applying, and I'm incredibly nervous. I think I'm going to submit my first app today (maybe I'll do one more edit of my SOP first though...I can't seem to stop).
  5. I open up the word doc in MS Word 2007, then "save as" PDF. That's all.
  6. Upload limits are killing me! I'm trying to submit my writing sample- its for art history, and has four gigantic images. I feel like I can't get rid of the images, but I can't get the thing to a small enough file size to be allowed to upload for my apps. Its about 7000 kb as a word doc, and 2700 kb as a pdf. Should I just abandon the images? (They're such pretty manuscript pages...and its art history, shoudn't it have the art?!) The limit I'm trying to get around right now is 2500 kb. Suggestions?
  7. As for Lolcatz: http://cheezburger.c...ign=transglobal http://cheezburger.c...ign=transglobal Yes? No? It's fun to make these!
  8. LLajax


    Hey everybody! I thought it would be nice to have a thread for everyone applying to Art History programs this year (I may or may not be jealous of the History board's Applicant Chit-Chat thread). So who all out there is applying? How are you doing so far? Feeling good? What are your interests? Where are you thinking about? Any funny application stories so far? Freak outs?
  9. Think I could handle that..."You can haz chezeburger, but you no can haz admishuns." It might just lessen the pain. I deeply, deeply do not want to read the dreaded "we received many strong applications this year, however..." I've been having dreams where I get into my top choice. I can see myself screaming happily and calling my family/friends and telling them. Very cruel, subconscious, very cruel.
  10. The Circle of Life had it right: There is more to do than can ever be done.

    1. bdon19


      bahahaha this is fabulous.

    2. snes


      hahahahaha that song is going on my playlist now.

    3. Safferz
  11. Sooo stressful! Let's swap- PM me! I'm applying to Brown, BU, Columbia, Duke, Harvard, UMich, UVA, Williams, Yale I'm hoping to get my first app done this coming weekend.
  12. Hey me too! Where are you applying/what are your interests? I'd offer to exchange, but I think it'd really stress me out ("oh my god, their is AWESOME, why am I so inferior??? *headdesk*)
  13. I'm with you on this- I really like the structure given to the essay given by a simple, straightforward opening like that. Yes, I know they know I'm applying to their school, and they know I know they know, etc. It isn't the world's most creative thing, but it is nice and succinct. Weirdly, a nice structured (if not terribly creative) beginning fits me and my style. (I too am supremely boring).
  14. Haha, Sigaba- I think I officially drove myself nuts sometime earlier this month I think I'm really just caught up on the fact that letting myself have it be "finished" means that everything else is done- I'm gonna have to suck it up and submit!
  15. Timshel- okay, I admit I feel like that sometimes too.
  16. Organize however you feel is best. I really don't think they expect to see things in a certain order, especially since everything is interrelated anyways.
  17. Because we want to go to grad school- damn the chances! That's why we're doing it. Side note: I find candles to be an excellent way to cheer up (Bath and Body Works has the best fall/wintry scents....sooo relaxing).
  18. You can ask the programs for statistics about job placements for grads, they'll usually make that sort of information available for you. Alternately, you could look at a directory of people in the field(s) you want to go into and do a quick survey to see which school name comes up more. If you're still stuck, you could ask a trusted advisor/professor about it (maybe one who's sat on a hiring/job search committee and knows what they're looking for). Are either programs offering you funding? Do you know how much you can expect to make in your career post-degree? There's been a lot of discussion on this board about "value" of a degree. Also, congrats on getting in!!
  19. I've got the entire rest of my (first) application done, with just the statement of purpose left to upload. I've been working on it for the last month and I've gone through tons of drafts, I've had professors, recently graduated PhDs and other look at it, and I'm not sure where to stop. I know at some point I have to let go- but I'm having a ton of trouble! I know I could keep changing it, but I don't know at this point if it will get any better from further changes. How do I know when my little statement of purpose is ready to fly the nest?
  20. Snowy weather means a day in! How cocoa and the 20th draft of my SoP? I think so.

    1. cokohlik


      Sounds wonderful :) I wish it was snowing here.

  21. If you're affiliated with a university- they might have a copy in their library (also, it is the type of thing you can ask them to order. I bought my copy over the summer.
  22. Some schools ask that in this case, you submit a transcript now, and have the option to submit another as soon as possible with fall grades. I would ask the school what they prefer you do, but definitely make sure you're covered. In my case, I might not have my fall grades until the first week of January, which would be after almost all of my due dates. Some schools ask that you tell them what fall AND spring classes you're taking (which is kind of a pain, since I haven't even registered for spring classes yet).
  23. I asked a professor if it would be a good thing to add and he said it would be fine/helpful. Can't hurt to add it (worse comes to worse, they simply won't read it).
  24. SOPs or midterms? I don't particularly want to work on either :(

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