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  1. Has anyone who accepted their admission recently (within the past week) heard anything back for Wagner yet? I imagine that they are busy (if the deadline to reply is April 15th, though I can't find anything that actually says that), but would like some acknowledgement to say they got my deposit and are looking forward to me coming in the fall before the registration packets are emailed out on May 1st. I see on the website they sent packets to admitted students in the past and was hoping for something similar. I also email student affairs at Wagner to ask a question about course waivers and haven't heard anything back for them either. Hopefully this is not signs of things to come...
  2. I attended as well. I am pretty convinced, but have to wait to see if I can get federal loans. It was what I always wanted to do and meeting with professors and students, I think it should be a fun couple of years.
  3. Do you know if that works with the capstone program? Since the capstone program is a full year, can you do that your second year and then have a second semester after it? I think that would be great if you can do that but I don't know enough about the program to say if that is a viable option.
  4. Yeah, I got $0 as well. I am a little nervous that they aren't releasing financial aid information regarding government loans until mid-April, which will probably by on the day deposits are due or after. Don't want to be in a situation where I give NYU $1000 that I don't have just to hear that I can't get any loans. That said, I was looking at my email and saw that I don't have to fulfill the Public Experience Requirement even though I don't have two years relevant work experience, but only two years work experience. Maybe it is because I will have a law degree by the time I start? Did anyone else have this waived or not and were surprised by it?
  5. I am also in the dark. I haven't gotten the "Next Steps" link either.
  6. I haven't received an email regarding fin aid yet. Just patiently waiting. Somewhat glad that there hasn't been any news of false acceptances as there was a few years ago.
  7. Here is the link to the information about admitted student day: http://wagner.nyu.edu/admissions/accepted/visiting.php. I RSVP'd without a student ID number (which from the form looked like it was needed). I also found this link for non-NYU housing which has a lot of options and very intuitive. http://www.padmapper.com/search/apartments/New-York/. If I can find a job, I may work part time (or work study through the school), but don't think I will be able to swing full time as well.
  8. I haven't seen a change either. Last year the enrollment deposit was $1,000. I am attending the Admitted Students event because I haven't visited NYU before, so making such a financial commitment will be difficult without evening visiting the school. I think the retreat is more of a getting to know your fellow classmates, bonding experience, and informative rules and regs meeting.
  9. I did the Optional Explorer essay for my application as well. I used the one with the kids in a circle to critique a policy I heard that California implemented which determined how many prison beds to build based on standardized test scores in reading for fourth graders. I got accepted, but have no idea how much it helped. I am of the view that the more information you can give the better.
  10. Just got the acceptance email!
  11. My SOP does detail exactly that, but I am going in figuring that I wouldn't get in. I was thinking about applying to SIPA or GPPI as well, but I have a huge workload this year (preparing for a trial) and don't have much more time to devote to applications, so it's pretty much HKS or bust.
  12. Hey all: I know this is probably a crap shoot given how they decide who to accept or not, but I was hoping people would mind giving me their two cents about my chances at HKS. My profile: Undergrad GPA: 3.68 (Top 100 private school) - Studied abroad in Dublin; lived and worked in Mexico during summers/winters Law School GPA: 3.26 (The same Top 100 school) -- I didn't do the dual degree here because I've wanted to go to HKS. Currently working in the school's Civil Rights Clinic, representing a prisoner in solitary confinement (which I'd like to do in the future, and I will be expressing this in my personal statement) GRE Score: Verbal 710-800; Quantitative 680-780, Analytical: Probably 5 or higher Worked for two years for an electrical contractor Also worked on a gubernatioral campaign, managed a state house campaign, and worked as an aide in the state legislature. I am worried about a few things: Applying to HKS straight after law school makes it seem like I'm applying just because of the economy (though I did apply to HKS while in undergrad) Schools I've attended aren't the most prestigious Also, my quant scores aren't as strong as other applicants (thinking about doing the optional essay) Thanks for any input you may have!
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