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    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from lunalune in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    That is horrible. Thanks for sharing! The funding situation is really disappointing for many public health programs. Hope your UW funding works out as it's a great program (and I'm jealous!).  
    To add some funding info - For NYU GPH the 'fellowship' stipend is ~$32K for 9 months, insurance (except dental) and fees covered for 12 months, guaranteed for 5 yrs, with a 20 hours research 'requirement' but in talking with current students it's not strictly enforced and not count as employment (it's not a RAship). International students could take on additional RA/TA for pay if really needed (mentioning this because we are capped at 20hrs/week on campus employment during academic semesters by law).
    9 month stipend gives student the flexibility over the summer, everyone's summer looks differently. As an international student, my options would be limited so I had a conversation with my assigned advisors and they guaranteed three years summer 15 week full-time (35 hrs/week) RA at $26/hr, with potential to renew, which I heard is a standard rate for doctoral student. 
    Comparing to many other public universities' funding packages, I feel very grateful. 
  2. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from lunalune in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    This is sth to clarify with the POI. 
    Usually the funding would be either a fellowship (which means no work requirement), TA/RAships at a certain % efforts that give you tuition waiver and a survivable stipend, or in more rare scenarios from external sources such as government scholarship. Sometimes the RAship will not be directly tied to your primary mentor, it is just a work exchange type of situation. This is very common for public health programs because many programs hope students to apply for a government training grant by year 3 to be more independent on funding, which international students do not qualify for. In many scenarios, students have to actively search for such RA/TAships and won't secure a position until close to the new semester. I am not sure how many would have to pay out of pocket. For UCLA, I knew someone who got admitted a few years ago with a clear funding mechanism because his POI had the money, he said not everyone was admitted with a funding package attached. It seems that you would need to figure it out with your POI/the department. 
    I am an international student. This is my second season applying. UCSF Epi says they will not admit anyone they could not figure out a clear funding strategy. Then I was waitlisted ? . From past year stats, they would receive about half of applications from international students but enroll maybe one international student. I have a friend (international student) got admitted to UPitts Epi last season and they have to secure their own funding through searching for TA/RAships, he told me that his POI blatantly told him they were asked to prioritize US students so eventually he did not find any funding and deferred the admission. This season he reached out to a few professors at UPitts Epi and no one replied (but he got many interviews at private universities so I think he would be fine).
    Well I learned my lessons and this year I applied to more PhD programs housed at private university medical schools that will have more guaranteed funding.  
  3. Upvote
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from FantasticMrsFox in Fall 2022 PhD in Social Work/Social Welfare   
    Hi I wouldn't take it that way, this year I was rejected by two social work phd programs which I clearly know I am qualified for. Among the four social work programs I applied to, I have the best research match with Berkeley's POI and got rejected, I emailed him post rejection and asked for advices, he said I should keep doing what I have been doing, it's just that they need to prioritize faculty who hasn't taken on students recently. I also knew some admitted students and a current doctoral student there and all the information I gathered matched up with this story. So being rejected does not necessarily mean that they don't think you are incompatible. A lot of times it really is nothing personal. Maybe talking to admissions team or faculty at the program would help. Good luck! 
  4. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to GoingGlobal in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Today I received an email about being granted the Presidential Graduate Research Fellowship from SDSU/UCSD's JDP. This covers out of state tuition for the program. Just waiting on official acceptance letter. Heard from director a few weeks back about them looking for funding for me. I think tomorrow I should get the letter in my email. Also was selected as an Alternate for a Fulbright grant to obtain a doctoral degree abroad. Tough decision but the Fulbright program hasn't given me a definite decision (Yes/No) so it's looking like SDSU/UCSD for me!
  5. Upvote
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to NervousPhDhopeful in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    I GOT IN!!!!!!! I got into George Washington University's Social and behavioral sciences program. I am so so excited it's unbelievable. I was on the waitlist for about a month so I was getting nervous. Prior to learning I was on the waitlist this thread got me through a lot of stressing-- so thanks, all!
  6. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to Public_health_and_cats in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Finally just heard from the last school I was waiting on. University of Toronto Social & Behavioural Health Sciences program just emailed to say that the reason they hadn't communicated with me was that I was on some kind of waitlist but those spots have been confirmed so it's now a rejection. Nice to know now but I wish they had communicated the waitlist notification earlier! 
    Going to be accepting my offer at Hopkins SBS - if anyone else will be joining that cohort feel free to message me! Excited to meet y'all in the fall. 
  7. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from soojung0411 in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    I only got to talk to GPH SBS PhD director and was told each concentration/department has two spots. I think at this point they should have sent out admissions but are waiting for people's decisions. I got accepted on March 9 and I am not sure if I am among the first two that they sent out offers in my department (it could be that someone else turned down the offer so quickly). The department wants me to make decisions asap if I decide not to go so that they can fill up the spot with another applicant, although technically I have until April 15, I do feel a little bit pressured, unlike my other programs.   
    (For example, I contacted an admin at my current university asking if I turned down the offer between now and campus visit, would another applicant get admitted and be able to visit, I for sure do not want to take a spot if someone else is eager to meet his/her future cohort and I know someone on the waitlist. I was told by the admin that they already overshot so me turning down would not make any difference at this point. No one else has declined so they are not quite at the waitlist territory yet. So obviously different programs approach waitlist in different manners, not all programs would be the if someone turned down the offer then a spot would be freed from waitlist approach. It is very clear to me that NYU GPH SBS is doing the we only have two spots free one then another one will fill in approach) 
  8. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to Public_health_and_cats in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Wow, thank you for sharing NYU's funding commitment! This is very helpful to see. I am struggling to make a decision between programs because the funding commitment from some schools is very sad. Like for Hopkins SBS, they offered tuition and health insurance guaranteed for 4 years but no guaranteed stipend amount. They say you can make about $20K working as a RA during the school year (19hrs/week), with a potential to make more over the summer. Many students have also said they often cannot make it to 19hrs/week of work due to the heavy course load in the first year. Not having a guaranteed amount per year makes it very hard to plan your life around and also just feels like they aren't committed to you. I keep thinking "I don't know how they think they can get away with this" but they do, and people still go?
  9. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from BlueberryPi in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    That is horrible. Thanks for sharing! The funding situation is really disappointing for many public health programs. Hope your UW funding works out as it's a great program (and I'm jealous!).  
    To add some funding info - For NYU GPH the 'fellowship' stipend is ~$32K for 9 months, insurance (except dental) and fees covered for 12 months, guaranteed for 5 yrs, with a 20 hours research 'requirement' but in talking with current students it's not strictly enforced and not count as employment (it's not a RAship). International students could take on additional RA/TA for pay if really needed (mentioning this because we are capped at 20hrs/week on campus employment during academic semesters by law).
    9 month stipend gives student the flexibility over the summer, everyone's summer looks differently. As an international student, my options would be limited so I had a conversation with my assigned advisors and they guaranteed three years summer 15 week full-time (35 hrs/week) RA at $26/hr, with potential to renew, which I heard is a standard rate for doctoral student. 
    Comparing to many other public universities' funding packages, I feel very grateful. 
  10. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from phd_2022 in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    That is horrible. Thanks for sharing! The funding situation is really disappointing for many public health programs. Hope your UW funding works out as it's a great program (and I'm jealous!).  
    To add some funding info - For NYU GPH the 'fellowship' stipend is ~$32K for 9 months, insurance (except dental) and fees covered for 12 months, guaranteed for 5 yrs, with a 20 hours research 'requirement' but in talking with current students it's not strictly enforced and not count as employment (it's not a RAship). International students could take on additional RA/TA for pay if really needed (mentioning this because we are capped at 20hrs/week on campus employment during academic semesters by law).
    9 month stipend gives student the flexibility over the summer, everyone's summer looks differently. As an international student, my options would be limited so I had a conversation with my assigned advisors and they guaranteed three years summer 15 week full-time (35 hrs/week) RA at $26/hr, with potential to renew, which I heard is a standard rate for doctoral student. 
    Comparing to many other public universities' funding packages, I feel very grateful. 
  11. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from Public_health_and_cats in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    That is horrible. Thanks for sharing! The funding situation is really disappointing for many public health programs. Hope your UW funding works out as it's a great program (and I'm jealous!).  
    To add some funding info - For NYU GPH the 'fellowship' stipend is ~$32K for 9 months, insurance (except dental) and fees covered for 12 months, guaranteed for 5 yrs, with a 20 hours research 'requirement' but in talking with current students it's not strictly enforced and not count as employment (it's not a RAship). International students could take on additional RA/TA for pay if really needed (mentioning this because we are capped at 20hrs/week on campus employment during academic semesters by law).
    9 month stipend gives student the flexibility over the summer, everyone's summer looks differently. As an international student, my options would be limited so I had a conversation with my assigned advisors and they guaranteed three years summer 15 week full-time (35 hrs/week) RA at $26/hr, with potential to renew, which I heard is a standard rate for doctoral student. 
    Comparing to many other public universities' funding packages, I feel very grateful. 
  12. Upvote
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from PhDphfinal in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Accepted by UNC Health Policy and Management (Organization and Implementation Science minor). Two years of guaranteed funding. Starting third year student seek their own funding, email says~98% are able to secure funding, 61% on fellowship/dissertation award, 30% RA and 7% TA. 
  13. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to AvaGlobal23 in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Just got an email from my PI at the University of Florida Epi PhD program to say that I have been accepted ?. The official letter will follow later this week. I definitely gave up on this one because I interviewed over a month ago. Y’all, please don’t give up hope like I did! ?
    So far, it’s 2 acceptances (U of Arizona and Florida), 2 rejects (U of Washington and Boston University), and 1 pending (U of Minnesota). 
  14. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to aap96 in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    I have received informal news that I have been accepted in Drexel’s Environmental and Occupational Health PhD program. Hoping that official notification comes next week with more details. Good luck to everyone! 
  15. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to disab in Fall 2022 PhD in Social Work/Social Welfare   
    Just got accepted to UIC DHD Disability Studies PhD program! Now I gotta figure out if my interdisciplinary research focus would be better served with a disability emphasis or SW emphasis.
  16. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from NervousPotato in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Accepted by UNC Health Policy and Management (Organization and Implementation Science minor). Two years of guaranteed funding. Starting third year student seek their own funding, email says~98% are able to secure funding, 61% on fellowship/dissertation award, 30% RA and 7% TA. 
  17. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from publichealthPhD in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Accepted by UNC Health Policy and Management (Organization and Implementation Science minor). Two years of guaranteed funding. Starting third year student seek their own funding, email says~98% are able to secure funding, 61% on fellowship/dissertation award, 30% RA and 7% TA. 
  18. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from Public_health_and_cats in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Accepted by UNC Health Policy and Management (Organization and Implementation Science minor). Two years of guaranteed funding. Starting third year student seek their own funding, email says~98% are able to secure funding, 61% on fellowship/dissertation award, 30% RA and 7% TA. 
  19. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from hpm2022 in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Accepted by UNC Health Policy and Management (Organization and Implementation Science minor). Two years of guaranteed funding. Starting third year student seek their own funding, email says~98% are able to secure funding, 61% on fellowship/dissertation award, 30% RA and 7% TA. 
  20. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to publichealthPhD in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    I just received an acceptance to Tulane's PhD in International Health and Sustainable Development! No funding info was included in the letter. I'm going to reach out to ask about that.
  21. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from Purpley in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Got admitted to WashU DBBS Biomedical Informatics and Data Science program. 
    This is probably an unusual data point for most folks here, but they have applied clinical informatics and population health informatics in case anyone is interested. It is a new program based at school of medicine, 2nd incoming cohort, but that also comes with a lot of flexibility in terms of mentor access. I thought my social science/public health background would not fit because I really haven't taken many math/coding classes but my research is very relevant (one of my current project is clinical decision support implementation)
  22. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 got a reaction from Public_health_and_cats in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Got admitted to WashU DBBS Biomedical Informatics and Data Science program. 
    This is probably an unusual data point for most folks here, but they have applied clinical informatics and population health informatics in case anyone is interested. It is a new program based at school of medicine, 2nd incoming cohort, but that also comes with a lot of flexibility in terms of mentor access. I thought my social science/public health background would not fit because I really haven't taken many math/coding classes but my research is very relevant (one of my current project is clinical decision support implementation)
  23. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to Mr. Jameson in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    It looks like all of the Harvard Health Policy decisions have come out (except maybe management track and nobody posted). Very stoked on it!
  24. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to berriesandcream in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    I was notified this morning that I had been accepted off the waitlist for JHU Mental Health. 
  25. Like
    XXXXXXphd2021 reacted to Public_health_and_cats in PhD / DrPh Fall 2022   
    Y'all...this is my third (!!!) round of applications and I finally received my first acceptance from Johns Hopkins Social and Behavioral Sciences PhD! I think I'm still in shock. Hope everyone waiting also heard back!
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