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Everything posted by espresso_eyes

  1. Gnite, make good use of the melatonin
  2. Logging into email every 5 minutes sounds relatively healthy, trust me- it could be worse!
  3. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/
  4. This!
  5. Love it- as soothing as
  6. paper recycling
  7. Oseirus, when this wait is over, I am going to send you a thank you note for your amusing posts- def makes this wait less painful
  8. This is March 1st. This is March 15th. After much difficulty, I made it to March 1st...and now...they want me to wait till the 15th.........
  9. Thanks Charlotte...the link is here for those interested: http://wws.princeton.edu/GradAdmissions/dates-deadlines/
  10. Yes!
  11. Haha! Hope so!
  12. For some reason, I thought I was gonna hear from a bunch of schools this week....wishful thinking! And its Friday.....
  13. Haha! To those who want a new distraction to make the wait tolerable : http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~ssanty/cgi-bin/eightball.cgi Found in a post from 2009.. really need to get a life - two more weeks!
  14. love it!
  15. You dont want to be zzz-ing when WWS releases their decisions, which I think will be late next week.....
  16. Good luck, Clay Made...I hope it works out and that the adcom ppl will consider your case..are there any schools listed on your score report when you view your scores online?
  17. love it
  18. Holy crap, that is excellent news! Congrats, Piquant!!!!
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