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  1. Upvote
    commcomm got a reaction from anthroapplicant in Center for Engaged Scholarship Dissertation Fellowship   
    I did not get this fellowship - but for anyone who stumbles upon this thread in the future, they chose four winners out of ~350 applications. 
  2. Upvote
    commcomm reacted to AnthroGradMAM in Center for Engaged Scholarship Dissertation Fellowship   
    I did! What field are you in? The website says we will hear by April 18th, so probably still a couple more weeks. From what I understand reading the website closely, I think there will be more than one award. At least that is what I am hoping for. 
  3. Upvote
    commcomm got a reaction from Haunted in Center for Engaged Scholarship Dissertation Fellowship   
    Anyone else apply for the Center for Engaged Scholarship dissertation fellowship? This award is not listed on the Wiki. It's new this year - $25,000 for social science dissertations that are relevant to "progressive values." 
    I applied and haven't heard anything. Just wondering if anyone else had.
  4. Upvote
    commcomm reacted to whitmanifesto in Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Fall 2015--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...   
    You're completely right. They also have the most funding opportunities, that are stable for graduate students Hard work or original ideas doesn't always equal success, because it's all about being seen and the perceived usefulness of youre research.
    My advisor, that had the same trouble as me getting into a program out of undergraduate (she got her masters from the same place she's sending me too before she got into University of Iowa for PhD) said that if you aren't sure you'll get into a top school or at least the second tier, make sure you orientate yourself to be a great asset to a teaching school. if you can secure a diverse teaching role, it's easier to push into a tenure track, even if at a satellite campus.
  5. Upvote
    commcomm reacted to The Pedanticist in Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Fall 2015--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...   
    I disagree.  Ranking should play a significant role in your decision making process in those cases where you are choosing between schools that are ranked significantly different.  For example, I wouldn't recommend going to a school that is traditionally ranked in the last couple of schools ( i.e. you should not go to south central louisiana tech) if you have an acceptance from another school that is ranked higher.  The exception might be if the school is "known" for a certain sub-area that you're super interested in (i.e. you know you will be doing that sub-area.)  However, most people change their interests during graduate school, so even in that case it seems problematic.  The reality is that prestige does matter to a lot of potential employers.  In some disciplines more than 50% of the tenure track jobs go to graduate of only 5 schools.  
  6. Upvote
    commcomm reacted to CaitlinMarie in Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Fall 2015--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...   
    Don't worry Lilly2223! This forum was created for those seeking advice on the various aspects of grad school. Just so your questions don't get lost in the mix of this thread (applications for the 2015 cycle), you might want to start a new topic under the Communication forum. That way, you won't get lost in the mix of all of us who are anxiously awaiting admissions and funding decisions! All of us are happy to help and share our wisdom! Best of luck!
  7. Downvote
    commcomm reacted to Duna in Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Fall 2015--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...   
    Not post bomb a random thread in favor of your future apps. 
    Oh, saying "please" might also go a long way... 
    Good luck!
  8. Downvote
    commcomm reacted to The Pedanticist in Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Fall 2015--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...   
    Congrats!  Sorry about not responding to your earlier post.  I was at a conference presenting 4 papers and chairing a roundtable. 
  9. Upvote
    commcomm got a reaction from igetwrecked in Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Fall 2014--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...   
    Just dropping in to wish you all 2014 applicants good luck and calm(ish) nerves during the next few weeks as you hear back from programs. I remember sitting on my couch and twiddling my thumbs until about mid-February - couldn't seem to do much of anything besides wonder where I'd be come August. 
  10. Upvote
    commcomm got a reaction from VioletAyame in Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Fall 2014--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...   
    Just dropping in to wish you all 2014 applicants good luck and calm(ish) nerves during the next few weeks as you hear back from programs. I remember sitting on my couch and twiddling my thumbs until about mid-February - couldn't seem to do much of anything besides wonder where I'd be come August. 
  11. Upvote
    commcomm reacted to trizzleYO in The difference between empirical and critical research   
    Hah, you seem a bit biased against quantitative methodology.  Hearing about your MA work, this isn't that surprising.  But know, many, many, many researchers use quantitative methods for more than market research / advertising.  Personally, I find experimental data to be of great importance - especially non-self report data.  Which is not to say I do not value other data or philosophical approaches, just that I find experiments to be a great way to explore specific phenomenon.
  12. Upvote
    commcomm got a reaction from callista in Should I retake the GRE to raise my Quant score?   
    I second what Scrabble2 said. My scores were similar to yours and I managed to get into some great programs. My advisor at the time told me that when he sits on the admissions committee, GRE scores are just an initial way of sorting through people (and even low scores, when combined with an otherwise stellar application, won't rule you out). Your scores are fine, so I wouldn't worry about it. 
    My personal assessment of the process is that who you want to work with and who is recommending you (via rec letters) are the two factors that matter the most. 
  13. Upvote
    commcomm got a reaction from Sconnie in Columbia, MO   
    Such a twist - I moved to Madison last year from Columbia. If you like Madison, you'll find it easy to fit in in Columbia. You'll also find that the winter doesn't last six months! I can deal with the cold but the crappy weather seems to drag on and on here...
    I prefer the near west side of Madison and I prefer the south side of Columbia, if that helps you get an idea of the vibe. Grad students are more dispersed in Columbia - but I'd say you should only live super close to campus if you don't have a car. I take the bus and bike in Madison but I drove everywhere in Columbia. As a grad student, you can easily get a parking spot in one of the garages on campus. 
    There is no real Madison "near east" equivalence in Columbia. There's East Campus - but that's undergrad territory. Undergrads also love all the Brookside buildings - and other apartment complexes that offer shuttles to downtown and campus. 
    I rented at Katy Place, Walnut Brook and DBC rentals while I was in Columbia. I liked them all. No matter what you choose, you'll get a lot of bang for your buck in CoMo.
    And while the microbrews aren't quite up to par with what Wisconsin has to offer, do try the beers at Flat Branch. 
  14. Downvote
    commcomm reacted to Ontopoftheworld in Hard Choice: Cuse, USC, or NYU   
    I am currently an undergrad student at Syracuse U. and I am having a tough time deciding on which program to join. Cuse is obviously the number 1 program for Broadcast Journalism. But, I think it will look better if I branch out and go to a school in a major city where I can get great internships. But, Cuse has the best sports anchors and sportscasters. The list goes on and on. Please someone help me!!!
  15. Downvote
    commcomm reacted to Nyorbust in Stanford vs Columbia vs CUNY   
    Having a difficult time mulling over which program to attend.

    I've been accepted to both, but I wasn't offered financial aid from Stanford and Columbia frustratingly won't make their decision till early April.

    Currently leaning towards Stanford due to their reputation for social media innovation and their digital media entrepreneurship course. There's also the small size (15 people) and the matter of Stanford being about $10,000 cheaper. It isn't NY but I feel confident I could get a job there with a Stanford degree.

    Of course a scholarship from Columbia (unlikely, but still holding out hope) would change things considerably, given the school's journalistic reputation and connections. And just to further complicate things CUNY offered me a scholarship.

    Anyone in a similar predicament? And if you're not, what school would you hypothetically choose?
  16. Upvote
    commcomm got a reaction from drapeblind in How did you guys started looking for PhD schools (except best ranking)?   
    I agree with the above posts -- I'll add that I applied for doctoral programs when I still had a semester of Master's classes left (plus a thesis to write). I applied to programs based on recommendations from faculty at my current universities.

    Don't count yourself out for any program, no matter the ranking. It's all about research fit.
  17. Downvote
    commcomm reacted to Sigaba in Advice for a first year PhD student   

    My conclusion is based upon using the search function for less than a minute and finding several threads that answer the questions asked in the OP. That is, in less time than it took the OP to type up the questions, the member could have found previously offered guidance.

    I understand that many newer members of this BB would like to think that the challenges they face are new, that their questions are unique, and that their insights are novel. This attitude undermines the effectiveness of the BB because it encourages newer members to start new threads rather than to build upon existing ones.

    In regards to your characterization of my "hijacking" the thread, you have again demonstrated an inability to read carefully. The OP specifically asked for "age related' advice which my reply offered.
  18. Downvote
    commcomm reacted to Sigaba in Advice for a first year PhD student   
    Do what you can to minimize the temptation to reinvent the wheel.
    Do your level best to learn from those who have gone before you and have asked similar questions.
    Consider the utility of incorporating your questions into ongoing discussions.
    When assessing the guidance you've received, consider the background, the expertise and the experience of the person who offered it.

    If I sound snarky it is because this BB is going through a phase in which newer members are repeating questions that have been addressed many, many times. While this trend provides opportunities to get great guidance from experienced graduate students such as jullietmercredi, it also provides opportunities to miss equally sound guidance from experienced graduate students such as jullietmercredi.

    IMO, this trend represents a "lost opportunity" for many of you to start the transition from being undergraduates to being graduate students. As graduate students, you will often encounter an implicit expectation that you are doing the leg work to find the answers to your own questions, and from there generating additional questions and answers. (In some quarters, this leg work is called "research".)

    Additionally, some of you who are in your twenties may be walking into a buzzsaw as new graduate students. Your cohort is developing a reputation for having attitudes of entitlement and self-absorption. (Consider how members of the generation of 1965 talk about the OWS and Tea Party movements) Regardless of the accuracy of this perception (Christopher Lasch had the same complaints back in 1978), perception is reality.

    While it is your choice as to what questions you want to ask and how you want to ask them, do not be surprised if those who are most capable of helping you decide to tune you out. If you think this can't happen to you, ask yourself why you're asking strangers on the internet for guidance rather than going into a professor's office and getting mentored?

    My $0.02.
  19. Downvote
    commcomm reacted to Early in Coming Out Gay   
    For real. While sociology might be a safe spot to come out, sometimes it doesn't seem like a safe spot to joke around sometimes. The extreme liberal ideology makes it hard to make joke (although at times they will be tasteless), because all of the ''bleeding hearts" take everything you say so seriously. I didn't view the original comment as overly offensive, in fact--i thought it was a joke. Judging by the last reply, I guess it wasn't. However, I really feel like in sociology you're allowed to speak your mind, so long as your mind aligns with a liberal ideology. Makes it hard for people who like "shock value" comedy.

    To the OP--i can almost promise you that it will not be a problem to come out to your new department, and good luck.
  20. Upvote
    commcomm reacted to toothless in Coming Out Gay   
    You're an asshole
  21. Downvote
    commcomm reacted to 2bphd in Coming Out Gay   
  22. Upvote
    commcomm reacted to Sigaba in What to do when politics rear their ugly head your way?   
    More and more, I have an issue with graduate students who describe themselves as "character" driven and report their own actions as a reflection of their "honesty," and then chalk up their self-inflicted misfortune to the "politics" of the Ivory Tower, or the ethical and moral failings of their professors.

    What does it say about your principles and ethics that you had such strong negative views about a professor but that you were only willing to share your views anonymously and in a way that could cause her profound difficulties? Does your matrix of principles, values, and ethics give you the personal courage to go to a professor during his or her office hours, closing the door, sitting down, and saying "I've got an issue with the way you do X, Y, and Z?" If so, then why did you not take this course of action? In your journey of religious exploration, did you ever happen upon Matthew 7:12?

    Or are these questions too political?
  23. Downvote
    commcomm reacted to Zyzz in Unfairness and dishonesty among faculty and administration. What do I do here?   
    Thank you for clarifying semantics. I now see the err of my ways. Your ability to focus on the big picture of a topic and not miss the point is unrivaled. You have definitely contributed to this conversation. Unfortunately, I fear that your vast intellect is intimidating other posters, deterring them from contributing as well. Therefore, I kindly request that you refrain from further posting in this thread. It is important that others feel encouraged to participate, even those without your superior abilities.
  24. Upvote
    commcomm reacted to Sigaba in Unfairness and dishonesty among faculty and administration. What do I do here?   
    Bluntly, I think that you need to take a look at your attitude and how it may impact the outcome of this process.

    You are going to be discussing a very complicated and controversial issue with people who have power over you. I think it is in your best interest to take your emotions out of the equation. Among the emotions to control are your feelings of victimization, self-righteousness, and anger. It does not matter if you and your cohort are in the right and they are in the wrong. If you communicate with the tone you display in the OP you will not prevail.

    If you decide to continue with this process,
    Identify the issues you want to address.
    Figure out the outcomes you'd prefer.
    Figure out the outcomes that are possible.
    And then figure out what you can do to close the gap between what you want and what you can get.
    That is, manage your expectations. You may want heads on a platter but what may happen is that students will get nothing more than an opportunity to retake the class.

    Do not say anything about the individuals you're dealing with either on line or to anyone else that you're not willing to say it directly to those people. If you need to vent, and I suggest you don't, do it with pen and pencil or in an encrypted file. Right now, your emotions are getting the better of you. If you have a talk with people higher up in the food chain with the tone you used in the OP, you are going to undermine your chances for a sustainable resolution to your issue. Do not, under any circumstances, make anything that sounds like a threat, especially if you do not have the power to carry out that threat. If you're set on tearing the temple down, then do it. But do not talk about it. (Make no mistake, I think that this would be an incredibly self destructive act on your part.)

    Concurrently, please do take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror. Bluntly, some of what you say you did does not track with who you say you are. You need to figure out these inconsistences before you go into a meeting and say/do something that undermines your credibility and forfeits the high ground. For example, somewhere along the line, you made some pragmatic decisions. But now you're talking about principle. What prompted the transition?

    And there are other questions you might consider. Why are you fighting this fight? (It is unclear if you got a poor mark in the second class.) Who are you trying to help? Did they ask you? Are you helping them the way they've asked you? Or are you imposing your solutions on their problems and thereby complicating an already difficult situation? Whose interests and what priorities are driving you right now? Do you want a sustainable solution or do you want revenge? What are you going to do if you can't get either?)

    I understand that some of my comments may not be what you expected. You strike me as someone who has what I call a "crusader's mentality." IMO, that isn't such a bad trait to have. However, I urge you to understand the differences between giants and windmills before you grab a lance and charge down the hill. And also understand that being angry can get in the way of being effective. (FWIW, as a hot head, I often say to myself: [sigaba], do you want to be mad or do you want to get the problem solved--because you cannot do both? When I decide to get the problem solved, things tend to turn out a lot better for me.)

  25. Upvote
    commcomm reacted to far_to_go in Updating Education on Facebook   
    I updated my school after I started my program. I did post my plans to attend my current institution sometime in March/April, around the time I accepted the offer.

    In general, I tried to keep the details of my app season off Facebook. I didn't want to announce every little thing to the world. In fact, I think that March/April status update was the first official mention of PhD applications that I made on FB.
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