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    Film Studies

maxfischer's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. As a non-native speaker who came to the US for undergrad and decided to stick around for graduate school, I concur with @Andsowego (great name, btw!). You're not doing your non-native students any favors by expecting less of them - you're just giving them less of an incentive to improve. My English has always been good (better than most non-natives'), but I got the necessary impetus to better my writing from professors who made sure I knew I still needed work... I still remember a comment on one of my early undergrad papers, from one of my favorite and most beloved teachers - "you are too smart to be held back by an inadequate command of English." This was in the context of an analytically solid, grammatically correct essay, incidentally. College is supposed to be a challenge. Real learning is uncomfortable, most of the time. Understanding that and pushing through that discomfort will help your students strive for better work. You just have to be diplomatic about it, and offer them supportive and actionable feedback, while making sure you don't pull your punches.
  2. I can (re)confirm U Chicago (unless they got to me early and didn't email other ppl, which sounds unlikely). No word from Berkeley yet, and I didn't apply to Northwestern.
  3. No word on cohort size... I'm a bit reluctant to discuss my personal background in this public a forum, but I have a BA in Art History and Political Science from a top LAC, and getting a master's in Film and TV studies now from a pretty good school. Interested in visual theory across disciplines (visual studies, film, media, art history, architecture) as well as intl. and independent film (currently working on a thesis on a newly reemerging national cinema), and have also done some work on tv comedy. If you have any pointed questions, PM me, but again, I am pretty concerned with letting go of too much personal info on something completely open...
  4. Email from dept. Chair, followed by email from one of my POIs. No idea what their notification schedule is for waitlists/rejections, but I assume I'm not the only one notified of being accepted... The email said they had over 30 applicants / spot, btw... absolutely insane app year.
  5. Yeah, I also got a rejection from UCLA a few days ago, and I have a friend who got in about two weeks ago, so UCLA should have notified most people by now (for the PhD, at least). Also got an unofficial admission notice from U Chicago, so ppl should hear about that soon as well...
  6. @nix and @nyfilmfest - I also received some great news from USC recently... I guess they are moving faster than anyone else. Still waiting to hear from all other places.
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