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Everything posted by CarlieE

  1. It's a great thought! Unfortunately, I was in such a tizzy when I went for the interview weekend that I really didn't take any photos
  2. I got mine via an email, but then I got a follow up email telling me to log into their online system and electronically sign a PDF.
  3. You might want to check out the SOP threads since both an SOP (Statement of Purpose) and Letter of Intent or Statement of Intent are more or less the same.
  4. CarlieE

    Slate Article

    Learning how to deal with "uncertain future" is dealing with adulthood. It's facing up to the fluidity of life. Grad school doesn't postpone "adulthood" at all - it is simply an alternate route into that stage in life. Being mature enough to realize that what you want out of life might involve having a low-income lifestyle and years of dedicated study IS an "adult" decision. And even if people enter grad school NOT knowing this, they quickly learn and then, isn't confronting THAT kind of disappointment equally an indication of maturity and "adulthood"? I think so. IMO I think the reason I'm offended about this article is that it promotes the idea that "adulthood" is defined within specific parameters and isn't an accurate portrayal of reality. "Adulthood" is defined in multiple ways and not everyone takes the same routes in life, so "adulthood" can and IS dealt with in just as many ways. Whoever said that "adulthood" was defined only within specific parameters ie. a high-paying job, a mortgage, marriage and kids etc? it's not WHAT you do that necessarily makes one an "adult" but how you do it. IE. one could be a world-traveler and backpacker all one's life without a fixed income or residence but have incredible maturity having dealt with uncertain situations, physical danger etc or one could hole up in a office cubicle, never leave one's home town, but own a house, SUV, spouse and 4 kids (follow all the "rules" of adulthood) but then behave incredibly immaturely...by say flipping out over losing one's job and going postal. Again, IMO it's how it's done, not always what is done.
  5. Hahaha great thread! My avatar is my cat. My name is my passion and my personality. if I could've had my cat hold a d20 in her mouth I would have a pic of that instead.
  6. Thank you!!! Unfortunately I am in the boonies... finding decent soy sauce around here is already tough work LOL
  7. CarlieE

    Slate Article

    Uhm.... I thought this sentence in the article was pretty "dumb": "It [grad school] makes worries about grown-up responsibilities like money and promotions and rent melt away". Also, the writer didn't focus on the good assurances lots of people, including myself, have gotten from gradcafe. This site (and all other fora) are about catharsis. The article smacked of smugness to me. Huh. Oh well.
  8. Are Cultural heritage studies like Cultural Resource Management? If so, I would agree with staplerinjello that there might be a better fit in the US with smaller programs ie. terminal MAs. The uni I am at now offers a certificate in CRM which is added to the MA degree. It's in the mid-west so the cost of living is quite low (but lifestyle is very different from CA)
  9. It's hard to really gauge those stats and what unis are looking for. My GRE scores were not great but I got accepted with full funding and stipend, and into a T1 school. As you said, fit makes a world of difference too: the interest of the POI (or lack thereof) and whatever rapport you might have built up with them via emails/phone calls...
  10. I have to say... I am actually looking forward to my grad school budget for food. I'm finishing up my UG now, but when I start my PhD in the Fall I will have a stipend that's 3+ times the stipend I get now. My stipend now doesn't even cover rent so I subsist on awful food now. ...Isn't that rather sad that a grad stipend is actually going to be a financial promotion for me? *Sigh* I thought I'd be ruling the world by now...
  11. I think they'll always be a sort of "buyers remorse" or "fork in the road" sort of anxiety.. I applied to only US schools and I wonder how the situation might have been different if I had applied at European or Australian universities. Some of my professors felt really strongly that I should apply overseas while others cited reasons not to ie. they aren't always accredited in the US and so if I look for a job here after my PhD I might run into a problem or be considered less.... credible? I don't know - something like that. To be fair, I think we always get feelings like this after any kind of "big purchase" ie. when I bought a house, I wondered for months afterward about the Other House I didn't make an offer on... Or would I have been happier with the PS3 instead of the Xbox? Seems silly, but I think with grad school the feelings are just amplified because of the massive stress of applying and all that.
  12. This and last year seemed to be very competitive.. more so than before... Several of the schools I looked at only had spots for 3-7 candidates, out of pools of 150-200+. I think I got into a cohort of 5 or 6, of which I am sure 4 of us accepted. I think it's great your gf is starting to look now; she can make her CV impressive with conference presentations, UG research, field schools etc early and be well prepared for applying her senior year. Good luck
  13. Have you checked their website? Perhaps this "summer aid" refers to scholarships or fellowships you can apply for but are not guaranteed ie. they are competitive? If not, you could send an email to graduate coordinator asking nicely to give you information about summer grants etc. Depending on their answers you may or may not proceed then to email the professor who told you about this initially.
  14. Is the boyfriend thing holding you back? Sorry for being blunt, but that's what stuck out to me while reading your OP. My opinion is to try the New Option, but it can be tough to leave behind a relationship that is good and working well. Is he willing to go with you? If the answer is no, then you might want to reconsider the whole relationship. He has to willing at least to consider a compromise - a LDR or moving. If his answer is a Flat No, then he doesn't seem as invested in your relationship as you are. Just my opinion. I told my current boyfriend when we started dating that I am going to apply to a PhD and if I get in (which I did yay!) then he would either have to move with me, or we'd break up. I'm not into LDRs and I wasn't going to give up my dreams for him (or anyone). But we had a frank conversation about our options. I think you might want to have a similar direct conversation with yours. As for the loans, if this is a MA program, then I say No, don't go into debt for it. But have you looked at scholarships/fellowships? TA or RA or GAships? Or private scholarships? If it's a PhD, which seems unlikely from the cost, then go for it, loans and all.
  15. I agree with Fit over Rank. If the fit isn't right, then your research won't be what you want it to be and the end result (your dissertation) won't be your "best" work and it will show. THAT IMO could hurt your career goals in the long run. Also, as others have said above, rank is subjective and it depends on the criteria set by the rankers... I would consider the placement rate of the POIs (not just the school) since its THEIR LORS that will help us get hired later on AND if you have a really good fit with your POI then you are probably likely to get an awesome LOR which will be a huge benefit to you in your job search after the PhD. I mean, think about the options: a great LOR from your POI or a so-so/luke warm LOR from a POI you didn't really connect with?
  16. Hi All, The deadline for GSU was March 15th so perhaps it's still too soon... but has anyone heard yet? The results page has shown admits/rejects for other fields, but not anthro... Thanks everyone!
  17. Perhaps the feelings of regret will fade away once you begin your new program; you'll be reminded of the good reasons why you decided to pick that option - as snes says above.
  18. I'm going to update mine once I finish my last semester at my UG (in 2 weeks!!!)
  19. It seems as though, according to some of the stats I've read from the CHE, that the number of applicants for grad schools are increasing every year, so you might find that if you reapply next year you still may not get into your Top Choice program or your 2nd Choice program, especially if you turn them down THIS year. If that happens, do you have a back up plan? Or will you apply for a 3rd year? I think you then have to really ask yourself what you really want. Is it All or Nothing ie. You only want to go to grad school if you get into your Top Choice? Were you in contact with your Top Choice POI? Did they give you any reason to believe that you will be more competitive to get in to Top Choice program next year? I agree with queller in that your 2nd choice POI may not fit your research exactly, but then again, there might be benefits from this. For instance, the different approach/focus might help you see your research in new perspectives. And yes, your Top Choice POI can serve on your committee.
  20. Post a pic? Love greyhounds! I hear they are quite calm and mellow...
  21. Sambal? Sambal belacan??? Where?? Aiiiiiii!! Where did you find this? I know there is sambal oelek - the Thai variety - but I really miss Malaysian sambal belacan.. And it's hard to find....Sigh.. this thread is making me hungry...
  22. I'm in Southeast Asian studies so I have never met anyone who DIDN'T hear of SOAS! It is an excellent school!!! Congrats on getting in there!!!
  23. Beans. Cans of beans and lots of them. I buy celery/carrots and then make bean dip by using a hand blender, a little olive oil, salt and whatever spices/herbs I want. Very filling. Very healthy - if you use adzuki beans you'll get all the proteins and you'll get a lot of fiber. You can avoid the erm...gas issue... by soaking the beans in cold water for 8 hours the night before. I also eat a lot of eggs as my protein instead of meat. And a lot of bananas which are typically super cheap. Generally I just buy whatever's on sale.
  24. I love ramen too!! 1. Drain water and keep on the burner - turned low 2. Add a dash of nam pla (fish sauce) 3. Add a dash of sweet soy sauce (its like molasses-ed soy) 4. Add dried chives, some minced garlic 5. Top with fried egg and diced raw jalapenos. YUM!
  25. I live in a studio now with my bf and my cat. Bella was here before the bf moved in so she kind of had to make room for him which she was not happy with at first (she slept on the bed with me, and now, of course there isn't room for her anymore), but she has adjusted and now she and bf gang up on me Bella's litter box is tucked away between the couch and a book case and sometimes there is an issue with smell - she has a tendency to poop right after she eats dinner which is incidentally when WE also eat dinner. But this is easily remedied by taking out her litter BEFORE we sit down to eat. It's just a matter of timing. This is her on my bathroom floor. My bathroom is tiny. So tiny that the sink is on the OUTSIDE.
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